
Nite nite.

Don had a long day.
At the fireworks have never seen so much white trash in my life!
Visit Pineville, KY during the Laurel Mountain Festival sometime. I've never witnessed so much garbage NOT in containers in my life. The whole GD place was a total mess. Attended back in 2011. Sickened me. True story.
my brother has tickets
Spoke with today, said the crowd was stunned
It sucks and our fans deserve better. To look so good in the first half and then to look like crap the second half was mind blowing. The staff didn't make any adjustments. Stoops isn't head coaching material. Hate to say that and hope he proves me wrong.
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During the season we usually don't make any plans during game time or that will conflict. Our plans last night were made a couple of months ago and neither of us paid attention. I told her this morning that football has lost it's reservation. We will tape games from now on and only watch live if we absolutely have nothing else to do. UK football isn't worth putting up with commercials in order to view live, let alone missing something fun.
During the season we usually don't make any plans during game time or that will conflict. Our plans last night were made a couple of months ago and neither of us paid attention. I told her this morning that football has lost it's reservation. We will tape games from now on and only watch live if we absolutely have nothing else to do. UK football isn't worth putting up with commercials in order to view live, let alone missing something fun.
I feel the same way. I really fell for the hype. That first half was awesome. Then the second half set me back to reality. I may not even watch the Florida game Saturday
I must admit I went to the game last night. Another year bought into the hype and another year of getting misery instead . Kentucky football a vicious cyle of disappointment.
I know what you mean. It sucks. I thought that gran running the offense would resolve a lot of issues. Bought into Shannon Dawson being the issue last year. Boy was I wrong on that. Towles let everyone know that Dawson was the scapegoat and he was right.
You know, just because we lost that game last night, it doesn't have any effect on us beating Alabama. That will be a totally different ball game. After all, it was the first game of the season and the guys may have had some anxieties with new coaches and what not. Nope that game means nothing. Alabama will absolutely destroy us for many other reasons that have nothing to do with Southern Miss.
Inexcusable to lose the opening game in your 4th season.

I liked the part where Stoops said it was all on him and that he and the other coaches would be meeting to figure out what went wrong.
And there you go. Every time he makes that statement it goes to further prove why he will never be a successful head coach. He lacks the necessary awareness to understand what is going on around him. He lacks the intelligence.

He isn't able to adjust properly or in a timely manner when the situation calls for it. He has revealed his ineptitude on several occasions with his clock management failures.

He will never be a successful head coach because his respect is rooted in his title and not his actions, or results. In his world, him publically taking responsibility for the loss means something more to him than it actually is. The players, the staff, the fans, all of us already know who is ultimately responsible for the loss. He has been caught in a lie and is now admitting to it as if that somehow makes him a respectable liar.