
From the world-famous break-room in Atlanta, Georgia......... homemade hamburger fried in a black iron skillet with onion, tomato and avocado on it with french fries. Just delicious. Prepared by Belle. Key lime pie coming.

Who knows how many concerts I've seen where that was the problem. I get the feeling they think you getting to see them in person is good enough for you. No reason for them to make an effort to sing the song the way you like it.

The Eagles, from their concerts I've seen on DVDs, sang their hits pretty close to the recorded versions.
I can't take it, baby, I looked it up. All I knew was Jerome. I thought someone had it. You have to do another one. I messed that one up for you. Sorry.
ugh, LOL - well I forgive ya, cause, you know.....trains and stuff

ok, here goes:
What is the name of the Neolithic settlement in the Orkney Islands of Northern Scotland that was uncovered by a storm in 1850?
Okey Dokey.

Alright all you gunslingers.

What was the characters name?

That man is known as The Rifleman; Lucas McCain was his name (played by Chuck Connors)

I know this one because I used to watch the reruns all the time when i was a kid - LOVED this show. Had a crush on Johnny Crawford, who played his son Mark - of course, didn't realize at the time how much older he was than me, LOL
That man is known as The Rifleman; Lucas McCain was his name (played by Chuck Connors)

I know this one because I used to watch the reruns all the time when i was a kid - LOVED this show. Had a crush on Johnny Crawford, who played his son Mark - of course, didn't realize at the time how much older he was than me, LOL

Winner...Winner world famous breakroom in Atlanta Ga. dinner. (air fare not included)
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