
Cal telling the team that he hoped Georgia would make a run so he could see what they were made of was gold. He later said that that remark was aimed at number 13 in an attempt to get him fired up because we need him to play that way. He did all that in under 15 seconds and won't have some bimbo sue him over it.
Don't trust the bus enough but UK has the best guards. Not convinced UK has the balance to get it done so I'm not totally comfortable making them the champs in any bracket, but I'll have em in the Final Four.
We'll get what we hope for from Ulis, Murray and Briscoe. Hawkins has contributed some. They bring it every game. We need to get it from Poythress, Lee and Willis. Skal is 5 fouls. That is all.
Our rebounding could indeed be better but darn if I didn't see Willis block out and snatch a rebound with both hands. Number 22 has played a lot tougher the last few games than he has in awhile. Just maybe his injuries are healing at the right time. But what I feel best about is the fact that we took the Dawgs best shot and fought back through it. Number 13 showed some moves I haven't seen from him all year also. I think we will make this an interesting dance.
Our rebounding could indeed be better but darn if I didn't see Willis block out and snatch a rebound with both hands. Number 22 has played a lot tougher the last few games than he has in awhile. Just maybe his injuries are healing at the right time. But what I feel best about is the fact that we took the Dawgs best shot and fought back through it. Number 13 showed some moves I haven't seen from him all year also. I think we will make this an interesting dance.
That little #13 got 7 boards. Willis got 7 also I think. KK is missing the trees that we had the last few years. Me too.