
Tits. Yes, great tits! Go brother, Willy.
There's something so pure and awesome about this post. I keep rereading it. The simple, joyful and exuberant sharing of tit excitement is compelling.

It starts with the opening statement of, "Tits.". Then, an exclaiming a complementing affirmation of tits with, "Yes, great tits!". This sentence is a feeling shared by this entire nohomo members of this thread.

But more than that, it's our creedo. It is the reason we work and earn money. We do it for the off chance of sinking our teeth into a bohumdacious set of luscious ta-tas.

Tits are great, brother Austin. Great indeed. Now go brother Willie and stare at a few sets for us. :americanflag::basketball::basketball::americanflag::bomb::bomb::americanflag::baseball::baseball::americanflag:
Mornin leagures, hope the day is well so far. Interesting day.

1. Chicago will not vote in favor of the Donald
2. Being a fan of Amish mafia, I realized Amish people scare me. While in mcds this morning I saw a small village of them.
3. Never stare an Amish in the eyes it pisses them off and you are shunned immeaditely.
4. The Amish taxi guy seems to of wondered right off of the set of deliverance into a van that in its hay day abducted women and now taxis the Amish
5. There are not enough Amish basketball players
Trump's a big goofball, and he sucks, but he should be allowed to speak just like everyone else.

Should be an A+ day of basketball. Hope the SEC wises up and gets their championship on a Saturday eventually.

Gonna hit up Chickfila in a few minutes. Oldest kid's school is starting up marching band mini-practices already. They don't handle losing very well. I'll miss our in-car conversations, but I can't wait until he can drive himself to these kinds of things early in the morning.

Little Caesar's last night. Big mistake. Paying for it this morning.

Two weeks until spring break. Getting out in the last week of May. The end is near.

Lotta budget hub-bub at school. I think I'm good, but some folks are going to get pink slipped or move schools, fo sho. Sucks, but it's all about $$. Tenure is nice, we'll leave it at that. Just hope some of the young gals who are really good at this teaching gig don't have to leave. I want them to stay for my own kids to have them someday. These little chicks right out of school get a bad rap sometimes because one of them are dumb and young, and some of them are just doing it until hubby gets the promotion, but you can tell pretty quickly the ones who are doing it for the right reasons and are just good at it. I suppose it's like that in other fields too.

L8R, the D.
Mornin leagures, hope the day is well so far. Interesting day.

1. Chicago will not vote in favor of the Donald
2. Being a fan of Amish mafia, I realized Amish people scare me. While in mcds this morning I saw a small village of them.
3. Never stare an Amish in the eyes it pisses them off and you are shunned immeaditely.
4. The Amish taxi guy seems to of wondered right off of the set of deliverance into a van that in its hay day abducted women and now taxis the Amish
5. There are not enough Amish basketball players

Speakin of amish, how bout Hart County showin some love...

Never liked political debates/ conversation, as with religion debates/conversation the best of friends/family can burn bridges in a heartbeat. That being said regardless of opinions I know who I give thanks to everyday of my life and I for sure know who gets my vote this presidential election hands down..

We have a brand new Chic Filet on Dixie Hwy..people camped for days to get that free food for a year promo..Had it last night for that stuff

Cats played the best game of the year last night. Hope they can continue this path, if so we are looking at #9

Looks like that "sympathy for me" card Pitino is playing is hitting it's mark..If you read the link make sure you have plenty of kleenex. It kinda makes you want to name you next child Rick..the guy is a saint!..jus sayin..

Clocks move up tonight....YEA!

Larry Benz explains why Pitino will be cleared
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Lol when Alex shot his mini b&a last night! He looked like a little kid who wasn't sure if he was gonna get in trouble or not, but he was too excited not to shoot his bow and arrow, so he did it on small scale as he flashed a small grin.

His shoes are nice, too. Those are like war boots. I dig it.

Man, Hawkins. Love that kid. Product of the Madison Co. mustard gas. Marquis Estill. 859. Stand up.

Our floaters were on point. That first one Hawkins hit was one hell of a flop shot. It was up there. Ullis got his floppers floppin. The floater is probably the prettiest shot in basketball. It's a delicate an graceful procedure. The higher the arc the prettier the basket.

I like that gym. Wish we could just play there...with different officials. Seems like every crew we've had recently has been horrendous.... you think they would be better if thy had an official watching the live broadcast in a 70" HD with the lightning quick replays and multiple camera views? I mean, some of this stuff is clear as day. Just complete phantom fouls they seem to miss constantly. It's stupid. Maybe these officials should go to class.

Happy Saturday, you guys. Gotta go walk the dog and cut the liriope and stuff.
Lol when Alex shot his mini b&a last night! He looked like a little kid who wasn't sure if he was gonna get in trouble or not, but he was too excited not to shoot his bow and arrow, so he did it on small scale as he flashed a small grin.

His shoes are nice, too. Those are like war boots. I dig it.

Man, Hawkins. Love that kid. Product of the Madison Co. mustard gas. Marquis Estill. 859. Stand up.

Our floaters were on point. That first one Hawkins hit was one hell of a flop shot. It was up there. Ullis got his floppers floppin. The floater is probably the prettiest shot in basketball. It's a delicate an graceful procedure. The higher the arc the prettier the basket.

I like that gym. Wish we could just play there...with different officials. Seems like every crew we've had recently has been horrendous.... you think they would be better if thy had an official watching the live broadcast in a 70" HD with the lightning quick replays and multiple camera views? I mean, some of this stuff is clear as day. Just complete phantom fouls they seem to miss constantly. It's stupid. Maybe these officials should go to class.

Happy Saturday, you guys. Gotta go walk the dog and cut the liriope and stuff.

Have not seen this in a while but Alex played "loose" last night and the results proved that..Smoothest he has looked all year..Very impressed with team, as Calipari says...I like my team!
Yesterday I hit the barber up for a cut...took about 30 minutes, cost 15 bucks..
Today wife goes for a cut/color/style...will be gone for several hours ...cost...guessing 60 bucks...SMMFH!
But the ol lady gets her wig busted like once every 6 months, whereas you sir are an every 6-week kinda clip.
But the ol lady gets her wig busted like once every 6 months, whereas you sir are an every 6-week kinda clip.

Mine does work to about 6 weeks...hers is more often than 6 months..My point is not to complain about cost IDGAF about that and really IDGAF about any of it other than it amazes me about how much time womens (yea I said womens) will spend messin with their hair..
Yesterday I hit the barber up for a cut...took about 30 minutes, cost 15 bucks..
Today wife goes for a cut/color/style...will be gone for several hours ...cost...guessing 60 bucks...SMMFH!
Add $100 to the wife's. My wife only goes 3X/yr, wherS I need to go every 3 weeks.

My barber doesn't ask me how I want it. He just cuts it.
Man, what an effed up week. I resolved 44 tickets over a 22 hour time-frame. A big problem was many incidents aged or the users tired of waiting. Several tickets were 2 months old. Had some "drive-by" tickets where users visit my cube, call or private message me over Lync/Skype and expect results right effing now. Hate that stuff. It is no way to run an IT Infrastructure operations shop.
It's 5:05 am.

I got tipsy last evening drinkng some Bourbon.

Woke up from an all-too-real dream 15 minutes ago that I was shitting myself. Wiggled out of bed to check undies.

Sheewwwweee! Clean as a whistle. Was close folks...cause I plunked an orca within 2 seconds after the boxer briefs hit the ankles.

Just thought I'd share.
Thank you.
Still in bed. Feel awful.

10 cheap watery beers and the BIL came to visit around 11:00 (I think) with his friend, Dank.

Wife went with MIL for a mile walk this morning. Said she's got the pre-labor shits. I asked how does she know if it's pre-labor shits or just regular good ol run of the mill shits?

Baby better not come before Wednesday. I need my 3 days taking off from work to coincide with the weekend.

Spear, walking and shitting can hurry along child birth. I was maybe 10 and staying with an aunt and uncle when she was getting ready to give birth. My uncle went to work hat morning and I took a straw and sucked up my oatmeal through my nose and that caused her to lose her breakfast too.

She calmed down around noon and decided that we would walk up to the dairy queen. She got a chocolate sundae and handed me a milk shake. I made slurping noise all the way back and as soon as we goy t in the door her water broke and off to deliver her daughter she went. I still tell my cousin that I was the reason she was born on that day.

Stick to what you know best funky…showing movies to students under the guise of "teaching" and taking 3 month vacations. You've got that stuff mastered. Making predictions? Not so much.
I thought they might have some fire or pride, but I guess not. FTR, I haven't shown a movie to kids in 9-10 years. Used to do it every Friday early in the career, though.

I assume Ben Simmons drops out of school in the next 15 minutes, hires an agent and gets to work on that broke ass J of his. He's slightly damaged goods right now.
I haven't shown a movie to kids in 9-10 years. Used to do it every Friday early in the career, though.

I know you're a good teacher funky. But not everyone else does. So stop messing with my schtick. (At least) half of my posts rely on the TeamNoSypathy concept. If you take that away from me then all that's left is ragging on mav's inability to hit a curve ball and stories about playing barbies & tea parties with the kaizerettes. Cut a brother some slack.