I’d forgotten all about that, criminal the way CBS lied and reported those hospitals as being in NYC. the politburo/KGB would be proud of the psy-op job that was pulled off.
It was Italy that completely f*cked everything up. Everyone was still trying to be reasonable until COVID hit Italy and it got completely destroyed. No clue if it was because of their aging population or what but after that everyone started freaking out and all the lockdowns started.
Then, one week later, when we needed the “news” the most, CBS EVENING NEWS ran that footage of Italian hospitals being overwhelmed on purpose and claimed it was NYC. That’s when everyone should have known how the “news” was going to handle it, but everyone just forgot about it and moved on. But that should have been the warning of how it was going to be handled by the media.
Get well soon!Diagnosed yesterday with COVID. Probably caught it on the plane. Plaxlovid makes a difference.
Scientists show how cold weather makes you sick
They may finally be able to confirm the widely-held suspicionwww.pbs.org
Speaking of mistakes. Only a decades long attempt at science trying to explain away common sense.
But did it? That was the same time Iran supposedly dug mass graves. All that suspect info was just taken as truth and never investigated even in the slightest.
So I think it's more than fair to wonder if it happened to that extent at all. I have no doubt they suffered because 1) it was there early, 2) they are an elderly population because they're otherwise healthy and 3) their lifestyle isn't exactly conducive to social distancing
In this case I do believe it did.One of our good friend couples the husband immigrated from Northern Italy about 8 years ago and all his family is there and he said it was a nightmare.
Looking back... yep. Italy started putting people on intubators almost immediately. In hindsight that killed more people than the disease.It was Italy that completely f*cked everything up. Everyone was still trying to be reasonable until COVID hit Italy and it got completely destroyed. No clue if it was because of their aging population or what but after that everyone started freaking out and all the lockdowns started.
Then, one week later, when we needed the “news” the most, CBS EVENING NEWS ran that footage of Italian hospitals being overwhelmed on purpose and claimed it was NYC. That’s when everyone should have known how the “news” was going to handle it, but everyone just forgot about it and moved on. But that should have been the warning of how it was going to be handled by the media.
"WithWonder how many in the original thread called covid a hoax and no worse then the flu who are no longer with us because they passed away from covid?
If someone were to sneeze right in your face, would you prefer if they covered their nose and mouth first or do you want the full blow of snot on you?
Many providers were censored, and most had no idea what we were dealt...The duress was the worst part imo. Economic, social, etc etc. they wanted every avenue of your life to be miserable simply because you chose a path they didn't want.
The real question is why were they so hellbent on that path? They knew very early on the efficacy was much lower than stated, the side effects much worse and more prevalent
Was it as simple as money? Because people need to understand this level of dishonesty was not only at the top, but filtered down all the way to grassroots providers; and it still persists yet today
It wasn't but a few months ago a commercial between bowl games from Pfizer encouraged high risk folks to get booster'd: older with pulmonary issues and "YOUNG ATHLETES". -- WTF, our lowest risk people except for the very young.
Mods, please ban.I reported the thread and I guess they decided to delete it.
So many rubes who believed Dr. Trump instead of their own doctor.Wonder how many in the original thread called covid a hoax and no worse then the flu who are no longer with us because they passed away from covid?
Antivaxx morons are determined to keep that moniker alive and well. Maybe they can also enlightening us about their fears regarding the ever fluid doomsday clock. 🤣
We had a set standard for handling pandemics... For some reason the whole agreed to abandon decades of science and just follow China with total lockdowns. Francis Collins is largely seen as the major culprit for shutting down debate. That person should be in front of cameras answering questions.
COVID was absolutely not a hoax and just as stupid extremist nonsense as wearing a mask while alone in your car. My brother is an ICU physician and I can sure as shit tell you he was never dancing in the hospital. Theres plenty of extremely terrible, stupid, and harmful decisions that were made (or “mistakes”) that we need not repeat again, and should do our best to ensure don’t happen again. Calling COVID a hoax does nothing but promote extremist division.
I know it’s hard for folks to process an elected leader actually doing their job given the last two dopes in office, but a few put principals over personal gain.^ That should seal the deal and get Ron the nomin...oh, nevermind.
I don't think DeSantis is the hero you make him out to be. If he was, he'd likely be the nominee. Instead, he choose to defend Donald Trump and his legal woes on a weekly basis. You'd think he'd try to beat him since that's the goal. Brillant fella that guy is. In reality, outside of the Sunshine state he's a public disaster and quite frankly, an ass. Good politicians typically don't use illegals as pawns to ship to random blue states as if they're UPS packages. Ole Ronny is quite the troll. You keep talking him up though. I'm sure one day America will see him as you see him lol. (Nationally, he's ruined, just fyi)I know it’s hard for folks to process an elected leader actually doing their job given the last two dopes in office, but a few put principals over personal gain.
Amazing to me that the majority want no accountability for what our country went through for almost two years. Or learning how a man-made virus was released upon the world killing millions. Probably want to make sure that never happens again and with something deadlier.
You would think that would be a bipartisan effort. The fact isn’t shows culpability/collusion by those in power.