Cooper Flagg’s mom upset by UNCheat fans

Kathy Bates Mama Boucher GIF
A few thoughts:
-- By Momma Flagg saying: "Also a big F-you to the entire Carolina fan base for being classless a-holes. If you are a UNC fan and didn't like it… tough 💩! Better luck next time! -- She proves she's no better than they are.

-- It was easy for her to mouth off when she knows she won't have to go there next season.

-- I'm sure she was right, and that they were a-holes
How clueless can one be? It’s a rivalry game and you’re in the lion’s den. Anytime I’ve been at a UK away game I expect to take some crap. Just take the W and move on.

Your 18 year old son can handle it and will hear much worse in the coming years as a pro.
Any parent of a top tier player - playing in an opponents gym - should automatically expect to be treated as she described. Is it kind? No. Is it common? Absolutely 100%. Go back and find what the OU fans did and said to Oweh.
What did she expect? For the Tarheel fans to be grateful they got to hear her precious son’s sneakers squeak on their home floor? Geez 🙄 get a grip.
To make a huge deal out of it like she did just further proves Duke and everyone associated with that university see themselves as “above” everyone else and they think should be treated like kings and queens. Unfortunately with how ESPN treats them, it just enforces their pompousness.
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How clueless can one be? It’s a rivalry game and you’re in the lion’s den. Anytime I’ve been at a UK away game I expect to take some crap. Just take the W and move on.

Your 18 year old son can handle it and will hear much worse in the coming years as a pro.
He better grow up quick if he’s going to play in the NBA next year. They will elbow him in the mouth, call him a female body part, and then laugh at him .
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What the hell did she expect? Low class……how about her reaction to that dunk? A grown woman. Looks pretty low class to me. Seems like she really earned it. Quit bitching and act like you have some sense lady. Just another reason for me to hate CF with intense passion.
She looks as classless as the UNC fans do.

What a twisted little hypocrite. You can tell her entitled family has never been told their shizz stinks. She doesn't know how to take it.

On a more serious note, she should use some of Coop's millions to hire a private chef and a personal trainer. She looks like she's a few gallons of ice cream away from some serious heart disease.
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A few thoughts:
-- By Momma Flagg saying: "Also a big F-you to the entire Carolina fan base for being classless a-holes. If you are a UNC fan and didn't like it… tough 💩! Better luck next time! -- She proves she's no better than they are.

-- It was easy for her to mouth off when she knows she won't have to go there next season.

-- I'm sure she was right, and that they were a-holes
Yuck. Not very ladylike 🤮
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It's more about the telecast showing the people who don't matter (parents) than what the parents do while watching their son play IMO. It's competition. You don't like them/they don't like you. Want to get bragging rights? Win. Simple as that. If you are dumb enough to think opposing fans won't get on your son and won't be rough, then you are a hayseed. Just wait until he gets to the NBA-then it's going to get really fun for the Flagg family. LOL