Congratulations to CMP and wife, first baby boy

Frustrated Will Ferrell GIF
Starting Center for your 2043 Kentucky Wildcats! :D


Wait...... was I fooled by fake news? :(

I saw it on a group page on Facebook :( After I tried googling, and not finding ANYTHING, it was too late to delete the thread.
You're giving yourself too much credit calling it fake news. Not like someone mocked up a Herald Leader page. You just read a post from first name lots of numbers and started flapping them gums.
You're giving yourself too much credit calling it fake news. Not like someone mocked up a Herald Leader page. You just read a post from first name lots of numbers and started flapping them gums.
What does "first name lots of numbers" mean? Yes, it was a fake post I read somewhere, next time I'll investigate further before talking about it here. Thank you for your kind words. Bless your heart.
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What does "first name lots of numbers" mean? Yes, it was a fake post I read somewhere, next time I'll investigate further before talking about it here. Thank you for your kind words. Bless your heart.

It is getting more difficult to sort out the truth from all the bullshit out there.
As someone else pointed out, it came from a Facebook group and I don't know why I just assumed a group about UK basketball on Facebook would have stuff like that in it, and being allowed by the moderators. And I'm always telling everyone around IRL to double-check everything, to always read reviews, I'm ever the skeptical one.
As someone else pointed out, it came from a Facebook group and I don't know why I just assumed a group about UK basketball on Facebook would have stuff like that in it, and being allowed by the moderators. And I'm always telling everyone around IRL to double-check everything, to always read reviews, I'm ever the skeptical one.
I saw one recently on FB that said Onyenso was returning to UK
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