Congratulations to CMP and wife, first baby boy

Frustrated Will Ferrell GIF
Starting Center for your 2043 Kentucky Wildcats! :D


Wait...... was I fooled by fake news? :(

I saw it on a group page on Facebook :( After I tried googling, and not finding ANYTHING, it was too late to delete the thread.
You're giving yourself too much credit calling it fake news. Not like someone mocked up a Herald Leader page. You just read a post from first name lots of numbers and started flapping them gums.
  • Haha
Reactions: *Bleedingblue*
You're giving yourself too much credit calling it fake news. Not like someone mocked up a Herald Leader page. You just read a post from first name lots of numbers and started flapping them gums.
What does "first name lots of numbers" mean? Yes, it was a fake post I read somewhere, next time I'll investigate further before talking about it here. Thank you for your kind words. Bless your heart.
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What does "first name lots of numbers" mean? Yes, it was a fake post I read somewhere, next time I'll investigate further before talking about it here. Thank you for your kind words. Bless your heart.

Coach and I are the same age, so my first thought when I saw this post was, “I would crap myself if my wife told me we were having a baby at our age.”

My next thought was I would probably be filing divorce papers, since I’m fixed. LOL!