Complaining About Coaching


Jan 12, 2008
Some people want to complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

I understand punting on 4th and 8 for multiple reasons. My biggest question is not running the ball on 3rd down to set up a more manageable 4th down. Hamdan had the 2nd down pass set up, but our OL couldn't hold up. But, at that point, we should be thinking we have two plays to get 8 yards. Imagine the following scenario and most honest posters would agree with what I think would be many fan's response.

Run the ball on 3rd down and gain 5 yards, leaving 4th and 3. Run the ball again on 4th down gaining 2.5 yards, thus missing the 1st down by half a yard. At this point, many, many fans would be screaming that Stoops forced Hamdan to run the ball twice in a row.

Here's my point. The running game was our best offense last Saturday and probably will be the rest of the season. Many fans complained about us passing on 2nd and 3rd down on that last drive. However, the same (most) fans would have also complained if we ran it on both downs and accused Stoops of holding the OC back.

Some fans will complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

Trust me, I do a lot of armchair coaching and second-guess some of their decisions. But, Saturday's gameplan put us in a position to pull off the biggest upset of my lifetime. My biggest wish is that we gained 3-4 yards on 3rd down leaving us a much more manageable 4th down. But, I'm undefeated as an armchair coach!
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Complaining will take place when wrong calls are consistently made which is a stoops staple. Nothing wrong with a pass but why not a rollout RPO. They are seeing the same thing on the sidelines we see as fans that OL is not holding up for drop back pass attempts yet call for not one but two on the most important drive of the game.

Regarding the punt, regardless you have to have a stop or it’s practically game over. Does it matter if the stop comes at their 20 or midfield. Only thing we did there is remove a chance of making a play ourselves on offense. Doubtful it would have worked as the play call would have likely been a shitty one but you have to try, we didn’t and just punted our chance of winning. Would have had to pin them inside the 5 for the punt to be even considered a good call.
Most years Ga gives us best chance for upset. They play a similar style to UK they just have one star better players at every position
They have 4/5 stars we play 3/4 stars
Simple as that - we cannot pass block and have the equivalent of a true Freshman QB
I’m happy with team - everything that could go wrong went wrong against SC
I think we will finish 6-6 with tons of what if’s
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Most years Ga gives us best chance for upset. They play a similar style to UK they just have one star better players at every position
They have 4/5 stars we play 3/4 stars
Simple as that - we cannot pass block and have the equivalent of a true Freshman QB
I’m happy with team - everything that could go wrong went wrong against SC
I think we will finish 6-6 with tons of what if’s
Complaining will take place when wrong calls are consistently made which is a stoops staple.
My point is that many fans who complain about the punt and complain about passing on 2nd and 3rd down, would have also complained about running it on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down if we didn’t convert it.

“Why go away from the running game when it’s working” and “Stoops is too conservative and just wants to run the ball” complaints are made by many of the same fans!
Most years Ga gives us best chance for upset. They play a similar style to UK they just have one star better players at every position
They have 4/5 stars we play 3/4 stars
Simple as that - we cannot pass block and have the equivalent of a true Freshman QB
I’m happy with team - everything that could go wrong went wrong against SC
I think we will finish 6-6 with tons of what if’s
If we finish 6-6 this year then it’s a good year for UK football with this start and schedule.
If we finish 6-6 this year then it’s a good year for UK football with this start and schedule.

I’m a Stoops fan, but 6-6 will be a huge disappointment.

We’ve played and beaten Top 15 teams on NYD with half the number of former elite recruits than we now have.

Stoops has consistently given some head-scratching performances, and then pulled a win or two out of his arse to save face and carry on.

I think that will continue this season!!
Complaining will take place when wrong calls are consistently made which is a stoops staple. Nothing wrong with a pass but why not a rollout RPO. They are seeing the same thing on the sidelines we see as fans that OL is not holding up for drop back pass attempts yet call for not one but two on the most important drive of the game.

Regarding the punt, regardless you have to have a stop or it’s practically game over. Does it matter if the stop comes at their 20 or midfield. Only thing we did there is remove a chance of making a play ourselves on offense. Doubtful it would have worked as the play call would have likely been a shitty one but you have to try, we didn’t and just punted our chance of winning. Would have had to pin them inside the 5 for the punt to be even considered a good call.
It makes a huge difference where the stop occurs. It didn't work out, if we get three and out after the punt, we have good field position and time to get in field goal range to win the game. If the stop happens at midfield we have a much longer field to try and get in range. I would have been fine with going for it on 4th. I think the chances were better that get we get a stop and get ball the ball back with a chance to win, but that didn't happen. The way our line protected, I thought we had very little chance to convert the 4th down play.
Engaged fans who complain and knit pick are why it’s a multibillion dollar business where coaches get paid multimillions to coach and piss off. It’s why athletes are getting paid now too.

Overall I don’t think it’s one game, call, or even season…we’re 13 years in and have seemingly plateaued. We’re seeing Tennessee rise from the ashes, Missouri and Ole Miss look like elite national destination programs. Sc and Vandy are at least competitive with us. Florida is about to make a change and if they keep Lagway he’ll be a problem.

It’s not a 4th down call here or there, it’s the clock ticking. CMS is going to have to do something to boost the program to the next level or pull a Cal.
It’s not a 4th down call here or there, it’s the clock ticking. CMS is going to have to do something to boost the program to the next level or pull a Cal.
My OP was not specifically about the 4th down call. It was just an observation of the many fans who complain about Stoops not opening up the offense are the same fans complaining about passing on 2nd and 3rd down in the last series. The same fans wanting him to run the ball on 2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th and short would have accused him of being conservative if we failed to convert.

Questioning Stoops overall philosophy is certainly open for debate. We both know many fans who complain, regardless of what decision is made.
Most years Ga gives us best chance for upset. They play a similar style to UK they just have one star better players at every position
They have 4/5 stars we play 3/4 stars
Simple as that - we cannot pass block and have the equivalent of a true Freshman QB
I’m happy with team - everything that could go wrong went wrong against SC
I think we will finish 6-6 with tons of what if’s
I’m a Stoops fan, but 6-6 will be a huge disappointment.

We’ve played and beaten Top 15 teams on NYD with half the number of former elite recruits than we now have.

Stoops has consistently given some head-scratching performances, and then pulled a win or two out of his arse to save face and carry on.

I think that will continue this season!!
This, too many, the sky is falling syndrome. We must remember, fans is short for fanaticism, we have as many as any other school other than the dirty birds.
Fans are always going to question decisions, but Stoops could limit that questioning if he didn't make the wrong decisions 8 out of 10 times and also demonstrated that he could be in tough situations without pissing down his leg.
I agree with you that fans are always going to question coaching decisions. That’s part of being a fan. I’m the first to admit to being an armchair coach.

You say Stoops makes the wrong decision 8 out of 10 times. I’m guessing you would make that statement regardless of what decision he makes. Maybe you don’t.

I just pointed out how many fans complained about them not running the ball on 2nd and 3rd down during the last drive are some of the same fans who think we are too conservative. Basically, they’re going to complain with any decision that’s not successful. Their argument will just be the opposite of whatever Stoops does at that time.

I’m on record of wishing we would have put ourselves in a better position by running the ball on 3rd down leaving a more manageable 4th down. However, we both know if Stoops would have ran the ball on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down and still came up a half yard short many fans would be screaming that Stoops handcuffs the OC.

I’m not advocating for no complaints!
$10mil a year should create thick skin and I think Stoops and Co handle fans much better than other thin skinned coaches. However, I do think logical fans should be consistent with what they complain about instead of complaining about everything! There are a few posters on here that cause my ears to go up when they post because they have either good football insight or good insight into the program. However, several posters will complain about every/most decisions. They’re ready to complain before the game begins.
I agree with you that fans are always going to question coaching decisions. That’s part of being a fan. I’m the first to admit to being an armchair coach.

You say Stoops makes the wrong decision 8 out of 10 times. I’m guessing you would make that statement regardless of what decision he makes. Maybe you don’t.

I just pointed out how many fans complained about them not running the ball on 2nd and 3rd down during the last drive are some of the same fans who think we are too conservative. Basically, they’re going to complain with any decision that’s not successful. Their argument will just be the opposite of whatever Stoops does at that time.

I’m on record of wishing we would have put ourselves in a better position by running the ball on 3rd down leaving a more manageable 4th down. However, we both know if Stoops would have ran the ball on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down and still came up a half yard short many fans would be screaming that Stoops handcuffs the OC.

I’m not advocating for no complaints!
$10mil a year should create thick skin and I think Stoops and Co handle fans much better than other thin skinned coaches. However, I do think logical fans should be consistent with what they complain about instead of complaining about everything! There are a few posters on here that cause my ears to go up when they post because they have either good football insight or good insight into the program. However, several posters will complain about every/most decisions. They’re ready to complain before the game begins.
I'm basing my statement off the fact that we lose 8 out of 10 games when it comes down to the wire and smart decisions are crucial. Do you have faith in Stoops to make the right call when it counts? He's never demonstrated to me a high level ability to do so.
I'm basing my statement off the fact that we lose 8 out of 10 games when it comes down to the wire and smart decisions are crucial. Do you have faith in Stoops to make the right call when it counts? He's never demonstrated to me a high level ability to do so.
Past results don’t line up with your statement. You may want to go back and look at the number of close games Stoops has won. Several of the big wins were when we were underdogs according to Vegas.

I’ll answer your questions. Yes, I have confidence in Stoops to make the right decisions.

No, I don’t think he has always done so or has always been great at managing end of half scenarios. His greatest attribute is building culture. I am very impressed with his ability to keep top players in the transfer/NIL culture and the number of 6th year players who want to be part of the program when they have little to no chance of making NFL. Players want to play for him.
My point is that many fans who complain about the punt and complain about passing on 2nd and 3rd down, would have also complained about running it on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down if we didn’t convert it.

“Why go away from the running game when it’s working” and “Stoops is too conservative and just wants to run the ball” complaints are made by many of the same fans!
I haven’t personally went into many threads about this bashing the coach or the program but for me personally, and I’m just one person, you’re wrong. We were moving the chains much better running than passing. If we ran it and didn’t make it then that’s the best we could do against a historically good team. I fully agree with you on the 4th down being different if they had run the ball on 2nd and 3rd but I wouldn’t be upset at the playing calling had the plays been the best they could do. I just don’t feel that’s what happened though. I’m just an average fan and don’t claim to be the most knowledgeable football fan on this board by any means but it seemed obvious to me it wasn’t the best series of coaching I have seen, which does seem to be a trend.
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I was just kidding
I knew you were kidding. That was reason for smiley face.

Most of us fans are armchair coaches full of our own opinions. I don’t mind adding my contrary opinion to the mix.

Since summer, I’ve advocated for a younger pass rusher on the edge. JJ seems to be a great person and is probably a team leader. However, he’s in year 6, and I don’t see the pass rushing abilities changing from where they are now. I saw he and Feabry on the field together but Feabry was lined up inside. I know coaches see practice, but I’m ready to see someone else get some snaps on the edge. Our D can stop the run. A consistent pass rush from edge would take them to another level. (There’s my armchair coaching decision.)
I’m a Stoops fan, but 6-6 will be a huge disappointment.

We’ve played and beaten Top 15 teams on NYD with half the number of former elite recruits than we now have.

Stoops has consistently given some head-scratching performances, and then pulled a win or two out of his arse to save face and carry on.

I think that will continue this season!!
Agree, but that is what we get for that piss poor showing vs South Carolina
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My OP was not specifically about the 4th down call. It was just an observation of the many fans who complain about Stoops not opening up the offense are the same fans complaining about passing on 2nd and 3rd down in the last series. The same fans wanting him to run the ball on 2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th and short would have accused him of being conservative if we failed to convert.

Questioning Stoops overall philosophy is certainly open for debate. We both know many fans who complain, regardless of what decision is made.
The point is that no matter what decision he makes, it seems to fail.
Some people want to complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

I understand punting on 4th and 8 for multiple reasons. My biggest question is not running the ball on 3rd down to set up a more manageable 4th down. Hamdan had the 2nd down pass set up, but our OL couldn't hold up. But, at that point, we should be thinking we have two plays to get 8 yards. Imagine the following scenario and most honest posters would agree with what I think would be many fan's response.

Run the ball on 3rd down and gain 5 yards, leaving 4th and 3. Run the ball again on 4th down gaining 2.5 yards, thus missing the 1st down by half a yard. At this point, many, many fans would be screaming that Stoops forced Hamdan to run the ball twice in a row.

Here's my point. The running game was our best offense last Saturday and probably will be the rest of the season. Many fans complained about us passing on 2nd and 3rd down on that last drive. However, the same (most) fans would have also complained if we ran it on both downs and accused Stoops of holding the OC back.

Some fans will complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

Trust me, I do a lot of armchair coaching and second-guess some of their decisions. But, Saturday's gameplan put us in a position to pull off the biggest upset of my lifetime. My biggest wish is that we gained 3-4 yards on 3rd down leaving us a much more manageable 4th down. But, I'm undefeated as an armchair coach!
What about a coach that went behind our backs and tried to get a job somewhere else
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The point is that no matter what decision he makes, it seems to fail.
Winner winner, chicken dinner for at least admitting every decision coach makes is a bad decision.

I’m guessing you started complaining when the uniform combo colors were announced for the game and have complained ever since.
I’m a Stoops fan, but 6-6 will be a huge disappointment.

We’ve played and beaten Top 15 teams on NYD with half the number of former elite recruits than we now have.

Stoops has consistently given some head-scratching performances, and then pulled a win or two out of his arse to save face and carry on.

I think that will continue this season!!
I hope you’re right, I would love to eat my words and we pull out 8 wins. I’m just afraid the O line won’t hope up and the QB will have a huge target on them more than normal.
I hope you’re right, I would love to eat my words and we pull out 8 wins. I’m just afraid the O line won’t hope up and the QB will have a huge target on them more than normal.
Are we sure its just OL?

I’m not totally disagreeing. Sure OL could be better. However I feel like that’s been a general cliche fall back crux.

“Well the OL…”

Seems to sum up a good chunk of Stoops’ tenure.

Andre Woodson n crew put up a lot of points with nowhere the talent or depth up front…or anywhere else for that matter.

OL under Stoops has been good enough for all time rushing attacks and individuals. I know run blocking and pass blocking are different, but they’re also similar in a basic way of moving someone or at least getting in their way. Run blocking might actually be harder in that you have to get to the next level and block faster more athletic players.

A good passing game goes a long way in hiding some warts in other areas.

If Joker Phillips and Randy Sanders with a fraction of the talent can hang 35-40+ tuds with a no name QB from Radcliff and TE from Danville…there’s no excuse for Stoops.

The game and rules have only moved further to favor offense/passing and handicap defense since then.

Figure it the f*ck out. If teams are coming with heat…it’s called quick hits to the TE or RB…and or let it rip down field to back them the hell off.
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The point is that no matter what decision he makes, it seems to fail.
The amount of disarray shows at the end of the 1st half of the Ohio game. Where we wasted our last timeout & didn't even go for a field goal attempt was about as bad as any coaching I've ever seen. How long will it be before this coaching incompetence costs us a game. A junior high coach could have done better.
If Joker Phillips and Randy Sanders with a fraction of the talent can hang 35-40+ tuds with a no name QB from Radcliff and TE from Danville…there’s no excuse for Stoops.
I agree as to your general thinking: Brooks had maybe, four former 4 Star players on any given team, but . . . .
that "no name" QB from Radcliff was one of the 4 Stars, had done elite camps, and held offers from Penn State and other major powers.
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Some people want to complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

I understand punting on 4th and 8 for multiple reasons. My biggest question is not running the ball on 3rd down to set up a more manageable 4th down. Hamdan had the 2nd down pass set up, but our OL couldn't hold up. But, at that point, we should be thinking we have two plays to get 8 yards. Imagine the following scenario and most honest posters would agree with what I think would be many fan's response.

Run the ball on 3rd down and gain 5 yards, leaving 4th and 3. Run the ball again on 4th down gaining 2.5 yards, thus missing the 1st down by half a yard. At this point, many, many fans would be screaming that Stoops forced Hamdan to run the ball twice in a row.

Here's my point. The running game was our best offense last Saturday and probably will be the rest of the season. Many fans complained about us passing on 2nd and 3rd down on that last drive. However, the same (most) fans would have also complained if we ran it on both downs and accused Stoops of holding the OC back.

Some fans will complain about coaching regardless of the decisions they make.

Trust me, I do a lot of armchair coaching and second-guess some of their decisions. But, Saturday's gameplan put us in a position to pull off the biggest upset of my lifetime. My biggest wish is that we gained 3-4 yards on 3rd down leaving us a much more manageable 4th down. But, I'm undefeated as an armchair coach!
Winning takes care of everything you mentioned. Just win and no one cares how.
Stoops has been repeatedly questioned because he is loosing all his close games.
Five years ago he was winning a few.
Winning takes care of everything you mentioned. Just win and no one cares how.
Stoops has been repeatedly questioned because he is loosing all his close games.
Five years ago he was winning a few.
You may want to take a look back at Stoops' record in close games. However, I've never said fans shouldn't complain. Heck, that's part of being a fan. I'll be the first to say the end of the first half was not good. Sure, fans would've booed kicking a field go with enough time to run another play. But, anyone with eyes could tell the likelihood of us scoring a TD from that distance with one more play was not worth the risk of our leaky OL letting a defender through to wreck the series.

My OP was poking fun of fans who complain about everything. Mainly, I was referring to fans who complained about us throwing the ball in the next-to-last series against Ga also complain about Stoops being too conservative when we run the ball.

I agree with you, winning takes care of most things. (And even then, some in our fanbase will find something to complain about ... or they stay silent when the team wins.)
You may want to take a look back at Stoops' record in close games. However, I've never said fans shouldn't complain. Heck, that's part of being a fan. I'll be the first to say the end of the first half was not good. Sure, fans would've booed kicking a field go with enough time to run another play. But, anyone with eyes could tell the likelihood of us scoring a TD from that distance with one more play was not worth the risk of our leaky OL letting a defender through to wreck the series.

My OP was poking fun of fans who complain about everything. Mainly, I was referring to fans who complained about us throwing the ball in the next-to-last series against Ga also complain about Stoops being too conservative when we run the ball.

I agree with you, winning takes care of most things. (And even then, some in our fanbase will find something to complain about ... or they stay silent when the team wins.)
I want to be positive. I’m NOT a hater.
We do things no other college football team does.
Rush 3 drop 8 continuously on 3rd and long instead of staying aggressive.
Never catch punts.
Give free yards back after a negative play. We will unman 5-7 yards if it’s 2nd and 15.
We play extremely passive on the possession going into half. Like we just wanna get off the field. Usually the other team scores if they get the ball with 1:30 left.

These things I complain about constantly. It’s loosing mentality. Loosing football.
I like Stoops but he plays scared cautious football.
Complaining will take place when wrong calls are consistently made which is a stoops staple. Nothing wrong with a pass but why not a rollout RPO. They are seeing the same thing on the sidelines we see as fans that OL is not holding up for drop back pass attempts yet call for not one but two on the most important drive of the game.

Regarding the punt, regardless you have to have a stop or it’s practically game over. Does it matter if the stop comes at their 20 or midfield. Only thing we did there is remove a chance of making a play ourselves on offense. Doubtful it would have worked as the play call would have likely been a shitty one but you have to try, we didn’t and just punted our chance of winning. Would have had to pin them inside the 5 for the punt to be even considered a good call.
Yep!!! You gotta stop them three and out either way and if the trade off is that I MAY have to go 30 yards on one option vs giving up my final down and chance to convert at midfield when I still have the ball . . .thats an easy one and one that should not have to be made on the fly. It should be something that is already set as a coaching philosophy, like in basketball when you have a philosophy of fouling in the backcourt when up three vs. trying to guard and stop the three pointer.

In this case its easy math though . . .I'll take TWO chances to win over just one anyday.

See what you done, got me all fired up again after I thought I'd let this go:)
All the complaints I believe could come down to 1 problem he(Stoops) has never been able to fix. Since the death of John Schlarman the big blue wall has more holes in it than swiss cheese. This team has always struggled with pass protection. I don’t see any solutions being done by this coaching staff. We have probably the most experienced OL in the league when it comes to players with game experience. Center has 5 years of experience. Guards 3 to 4 years experience, tackles have experience. Experienced players are just not getting it done. Time to bench a bunch and move on.
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All the complaints I believe could come down to 1 problem he(Stoops) has never been able to fix. Since the death of John Schlarman the big blue wall has more holes in it than swiss cheese. This team has always struggled with pass protection. I don’t see any solutions being done by this coaching staff. We have probably the most experienced OL in the league when it comes to players with game experience. Center has 5 years of experience. Guards 3 to 4 years experience, tackles have experience. Experienced players are just not getting it done. Time to bench a bunch and move on.
Experienced players who dont have young players behind them pushing up their butts to create competition!
Are we sure its just OL?

I’m not totally disagreeing. Sure OL could be better. However I feel like that’s been a general cliche fall back crux.

“Well the OL…”

Seems to sum up a good chunk of Stoops’ tenure.

Andre Woodson n crew put up a lot of points with nowhere the talent or depth up front…or anywhere else for that matter.

OL under Stoops has been good enough for all time rushing attacks and individuals. I know run blocking and pass blocking are different, but they’re also similar in a basic way of moving someone or at least getting in their way. Run blocking might actually be harder in that you have to get to the next level and block faster more athletic players.

A good passing game goes a long way in hiding some warts in other areas.

If Joker Phillips and Randy Sanders with a fraction of the talent can hang 35-40+ tuds with a no name QB from Radcliff and TE from Danville…there’s no excuse for Stoops.

The game and rules have only moved further to favor offense/passing and handicap defense since then.

Figure it the f*ck out. If teams are coming with heat…it’s called quick hits to the TE or RB…and or let it rip down field to back them the hell off.
I believe Stoops has tried to open it up some but has a knack for hiring sh#tty OC's. When the OC fails; he goes back to a heavy run offense and leans on the defense.
One of the mods posted that no one is allowed to comment about poor coaching decisions by Stoops.
If you are referring to what I pinned at the top you misread it. What I was addressing was people that come on this board for the sole purpose of trashing a coach or a player. I'm not referring to criticism. Criticism is allowed but it should be based on some sort of logic.