Coen/Woodward deserve tons of heat


Apr 13, 2002
We have one of the best backs in the nation and he gets limited touches so pet wrs get forced targets. Davis was 9 for 75 in just two drives. Offense was clicking and on the verge of a blowout. Then a forced deep shot to brown. Offense immediately spiraled. No excuses for not feeding Davis.

The wrs are putrid, weak, and selfish. Yet no accountability, Instead they (mostly brown) get forced shots and touches

Last year the same wr group was much better. Most of their routes were sticks and overs with the occasional screen. This year everything is deep, not that they can consistently catch anything.

1) feed Davis. Period.

2) brown needs to not start for a game. No more forced shots. He wants a ball - get open.

3) key or Cummings are the only ones that should ever get gos or fades. They that gets a good release and he high points the ball.

4) Leary needs more gun/spread and we need a tweak to shorter routes to help fit his skillset.

5) yes need to be the focal point of the passing game. Wrs are killing us. Cummings needs to be basically moved back to wr by flexing him out all the time.

Two years ago we had a meltdown on the road vs MSU where the offense couldn't do anything. Coen changed the offense to fit personnel and it started clicking. He needs that again. Hopefully he can.
Your wrong on Coen. He has called great offense for the most part. Mizzou was keying in on the run. He had to pass the ball. The WRs are atrocious, especially Steven's. I know He caught a TD, but he had 2 killer drops.

Coen can't live with 4 yards a run. It isn't in his DNA. When you have wrs playing as bad as ours, you take 4 yards a run with the knowledge ray will break one per game. You definitely don't take it out of his hands to throw deep to brown

Can also get brown back to the stick routes they ran well last year.

Or better guys who will run good routes, catch the ball, and block. Stop coddling brown

It's pretty amazing to see the large percentage of this board ready to hold coen harmless for the catastrophe we saw tonight on offense.
Woodward is the MAIN coach responsible for all of the dropped passes!!! He is the WR coach and ALL of our WR's have missed on making catches all year long. The coach is responsible for PREPARING his players to make the plays that need to be made for the teams success and in turn the individual's!!!!!

Key, Brown, Brown-Stephens have ALL dropped CRUCIAL passes this season!!!

Coen is responsible for the routes being so easily defended!! Opposing DC's KNOW we aren't throwing the ball between the Hash Marks, so all they have to do is squeeze the WR's toward the sideline.

Where are the crossing routes?????
Where are the seam routes and Skinny Post routes for the TE's and Slots????
Where are the Pop Passes????

Opposing OC's have made a living off of those routes against us!!!

And another thing that is on Coen and Yenser is the HORRIBLE recognition by our O-Line AND QB as to where the pressure is coming from Pre-Snap!!!! One of the Sacks we gave up tonight came on a 2nd and 5 when we were down 28-21 because the DE came around UNBLOCKED to get Leary!!

So there is PLENTY of blame to go around. It's the coaches AND the players that are causing our Offensive woes!!!
According to the stadium stats shown at halftime, Davis had 88 yards rushing for more than a 7 yard average,

He also caught a touchdown pass in the first half.

I just watched most of the second half to confirm what I thought I saw in the stadium . . . Davis’s second touch in the 3rd quarter came at the 5:40 mark.

His second touch gained over 10 yards and a first down, which combined with his one yard gain on his one run early in the third, pretty much came out to a 7 yard average.

Ray Davis is a special talent: he made 3 and 4 yard gains on poorly blocked runs, and is a constant threat to take it to the house.

We rode Ray like a pack mule against UF and beat them by 19, and they are now 3-1 in conference play, thumping UT by 13 in Gainesville, with road wins at USCe and Vandy.

And Ray Davis had two frickin’ touches in the first 10 minutes of the second half.

I love the joke that asks “who was the only Coach that could hold Michael Jordan under 20 . . . . Dean Smith!!!!”

To date, only Liam Coen has held Ray Davis under 150 yards rushing.
I agree that it's criminal that we went away from Ray but at the same time the passing game has to have at least a little bit of a pulse to help the ground game out. I wonder why it takes half a season to figure out something isn't working though.
Woodward is the MAIN coach responsible for all of the dropped passes!!! He is the WR coach and ALL of our WR's have missed on making catches all year long. The coach is responsible for PREPARING his players to make the plays that need to be made for the teams success and in turn the individual's!!!!!

Key, Brown, Brown-Stephens have ALL dropped CRUCIAL passes this season!!!

Coen is responsible for the routes being so easily defended!! Opposing DC's KNOW we aren't throwing the ball between the Hash Marks, so all they have to do is squeeze the WR's toward the sideline.

Where are the crossing routes?????
Where are the seam routes and Skinny Post routes for the TE's and Slots????
Where are the Pop Passes????

Opposing OC's have made a living off of those routes against us!!!

And another thing that is on Coen and Yenser is the HORRIBLE recognition by our O-Line AND QB as to where the pressure is coming from Pre-Snap!!!! One of the Sacks we gave up tonight came on a 2nd and 5 when we were down 28-21 because the DE came around UNBLOCKED to get Leary!!

So there is PLENTY of blame to go around. It's the coaches AND the players that are causing our Offensive woes!!!
Damn good post !!!
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For some it's too simple of an explanation......Coen is's really Stoops fault when the offense messes up. Simply put that crowd has their built in narrative and so be it.

1. But the OP is dead right. There was no reason to take a deep shot to Brown.....but the narrative is he's a baby and we're trying to force shots to him to appease him (i.e. not transfer end of year) and more solidly.....get the ball to our fastest weapon. UK was up 14-0 at this time and had the ball.....pretty good time to punish Mizzou more and go up 3 scores. For those arguing we cna't just run the ball 100% of the time. I can concede. But why not pass on higher percentage plays. Over the middle, some dig routes, slants, curls, etc... Those sideline go routes are your lowest percentage pass in the playbook....we've not a single one the entire year...yet we try them every single game.

2. But even with that said, UK had all the chances to re-establish the offense and simply put....we scored 7 more points the entire game vs. a bad Mizzou defense. That is on Stoops to a degree for sure....but Coen is the OC and he has to shoulder ton of blame. To be is his unit. This board blasted Scangerello for a pretty crap offense with more the likely less talent. But Coen is like a golden boy on here....heck even see some goofballs arguing let Coen be Head Coach.

3. Woodard is by far the position coach of the worse performing unit on the team....the WR room. Only QB room you could argue is playing worse. Brown fumbles to start the half. Brown gets an personal foul penalty for more of his antics. Anthony Brow-Stephenson drops 2 balls right in his hands/facemask. (His lone TD on a simple 4 yard pass...he damn near fell down in open field....the kid ain't ready for college ball it's obvious). But yet Woodard does his patented chest bump crap in practice/games with his diva group is about it. That group is dropping balls galore, won't block for each other, doesn't run precise routes is how some see it.

4. Three more turnovers for the offense tonight (and a replay reversal from another). 9 turnovers in 7 games on the year.

To repeat, Stoops is the head coach so the buck stops with him. But to argue Coen/Woodard are not to blame and it's all on Stoops is foolish. Their units are worst performing on the entire team by a huge margin.
Anybody hear Cubelic's comments re Leary? He said he talked to NC State coaches he knows and they told him Leary is best in tempo, that he struggles with more of a set system. UK, of course, doesn't run tempo therefore they've put him in a system where he's not comfortable. Don't know if it's Stoops(suspect it is) or Coen but putting a guy in a system where's he's likely to fail is crazy. Still, Leary can't throw it and catch it too.
Anybody hear Cubelic's comments re Leary? He said he talked to NC State coaches he knows and they told him Leary is best in tempo, that he struggles with more of a set system. UK, of course, doesn't run tempo therefore they've put him in a system where he's not comfortable. Don't know if it's Stoops(suspect it is) or Coen but putting a guy in a system where's he's likely to fail is crazy. Still, Leary can't throw it and catch it too.
Maybe so....but Id' expect a 5th year Sr who has played as much as he has to.....

1. DIdn't Leary state he wanted to come to UK to play in a pro style offense to get ready for next level as one of reasons to come here?
2. Be somewhat accurate. HE makes Terry WIlson look like Drew Brees out there with so much of his ball placement?
2. Can the dude feel the blitz and get rid of ball ever? I know all QB will get sacked but a loaded box and he seems to just duck his head and just get destroyed. It's like he's never seen a hot route vs blitz.

Leary is a bigtime bust.
Of any grievance thus far, I'm most baffled by the consistent deep shots. We have a quarterback who couldn't hit an Olympic-sized swimming pool from distance and wide receivers who can't break free from coverage or have any prayer of actually catching a pass if they did. Combine those things, and we must be completing less than a tenth of those shots, right? It's quite literally the same as calling a play to toss the ball out of bounds at this point.
I agree that it's criminal that we went away from Ray but at the same time the passing game has to have at least a little bit of a pulse to help the ground game out. I wonder why it takes half a season to figure out something isn't working though.

Good question. Took half a season his last stint. So far still trying to fit a round leg into a square hole this season.

I get Leary came here to show NFL scouts he can succeed in an NFL offense. But you have to balance that with winning games and going with his skillset.

That said, it's mostly a red herring because the real issue is the attempt to show scouts that brown can be a #1 wr when he definitely isn't there yet. He's a slot skillset so we need to use that and stop trying to showcase skills he definitely doesn't have.

I agree you can't run it every time. But you definitely can't just abandon it altogether when your rb has 9 for 75 in the first few minutes of the game. It's madness.
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You can understand why morale and synergy is so awful on offense when you see abs get that call for basically an automatic TD on a beautiful play call.

You're a wr killing yourself in practice and special teams waiting for your chance. Parents and friends come to or watch all your games. A guy in front of you drops everything all game long, including a beautiful 3rd and long throw that would've been a game changing conversion. His other drops are crucial too.

Instead of you getting a shot, the guy who sh1t the bed all this time gets a beautiful schemed TD run just for him. Why wouldn't the guys behind him be upset? They should be!

I know it's portal era but you can't constantly appease a few guys to no end. You just cant. Not only is it bad management in general, but it's also completely contrary to the UK culture stoops built. Imo it's exactly why we're seeing it come unraveled.
Woodward is the MAIN coach responsible for all of the dropped passes!!! He is the WR coach and ALL of our WR's have missed on making catches all year long. The coach is responsible for PREPARING his players to make the plays that need to be made for the teams success and in turn the individual's!!!!!

Key, Brown, Brown-Stephens have ALL dropped CRUCIAL passes this season!!!

Coen is responsible for the routes being so easily defended!! Opposing DC's KNOW we aren't throwing the ball between the Hash Marks, so all they have to do is squeeze the WR's toward the sideline.

Where are the crossing routes?????
Where are the seam routes and Skinny Post routes for the TE's and Slots????
Where are the Pop Passes????

Opposing OC's have made a living off of those routes against us!!!

And another thing that is on Coen and Yenser is the HORRIBLE recognition by our O-Line AND QB as to where the pressure is coming from Pre-Snap!!!! One of the Sacks we gave up tonight came on a 2nd and 5 when we were down 28-21 because the DE came around UNBLOCKED to get Leary!!

So there is PLENTY of blame to go around. It's the coaches AND the players that are causing our Offensive woes!!!
Spot on post…..
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Your wrong on Coen. He has called great offense for the most part. Mizzou was keying in on the run. He had to pass the ball. The WRs are atrocious, especially Steven's. I know He caught a TD, but he had 2 killer drops.
You stay with what is working until the defense proves it can stop the run. I fail to see what is so great about switching offensive schemes and blowing a 14 point lead in a few minutes.
You stay with what is working until the defense proves it can stop the run. I fail to see what is so great about switching offensive schemes and blowing a 14 point lead in a few minutes.

Exactly. Even when they were keying on Davis he still got 4 yards at least. That's damned good football. Coen just doesn't have the patience to stick with it.

Then it's compounded by the obsession with deep shots off pa. With that many guys at the los/coming, the numbers just don't give you the time. Coen must come off the obsession and at least run layers so the QB has someone hot.
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Anybody hear Cubelic's comments re Leary? He said he talked to NC State coaches he knows and they told him Leary is best in tempo, that he struggles with more of a set system. UK, of course, doesn't run tempo therefore they've put him in a system where he's not comfortable. Don't know if it's Stoops(suspect it is) or Coen but putting a guy in a system where's he's likely to fail is crazy. Still, Leary can't throw it and catch it too.
Stoops said before the season we were going to see more tempo and we snap it slower than anyone in football. He's not going to play fast...
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Don't know if it's Stoops(suspect it is) or Coen but putting a guy in a system where's he's likely to fail is crazy. Still, Leary can't throw it and catch it too.
According to at least a dozen interviews with Leary and/or Coen at or after his signing, both were agreed as to the offense that Leary would be in: frequent snaps from under center, in an NFL-styled offense similar to that run by Coen in the NFL.

Leary might not be able to run it, but his desire to operate out of an offense divorced from Air Raid concepts was supposedly a major reason for his signing with Kentucky.
We have one of the best backs in the nation and he gets limited touches so pet wrs get forced targets. Davis was 9 for 75 in just two drives. Offense was clicking and on the verge of a blowout. Then a forced deep shot to brown. Offense immediately spiraled. No excuses for not feeding Davis.

The wrs are putrid, weak, and selfish. Yet no accountability, Instead they (mostly brown) get forced shots and touches

Last year the same wr group was much better. Most of their routes were sticks and overs with the occasional screen. This year everything is deep, not that they can consistently catch anything.

1) feed Davis. Period.

2) brown needs to not start for a game. No more forced shots. He wants a ball - get open.

3) key or Cummings are the only ones that should ever get gos or fades. They that gets a good release and he high points the ball.

4) Leary needs more gun/spread and we need a tweak to shorter routes to help fit his skillset.

5) yes need to be the focal point of the passing game. Wrs are killing us. Cummings needs to be basically moved back to wr by flexing him out all the time.

Two years ago we had a meltdown on the road vs MSU where the offense couldn't do anything. Coen changed the offense to fit personnel and it started clicking. He needs that again. Hopefully he can.
Coen's problem is our HC unless they have same philosophy, but this is a spot on post. Drink with and his staff took Stoops and his staff to the woodshed last night.
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Coen does get some blame for focusing on recruiting Leary during the preseason over Mertz.
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Coen's problem is our HC unless they have same philosophy, but this is a spot on post. Drink with and his staff took Stoops and his staff to the woodshed last night.

Stoops had to rightfully answer for the offense over the years. This time it isn't on him. Coen is obviously a great mind and play caller. This is more on managing player expectations and holding players accountable.
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Stoops had to rightfully answer for the offense over the years. This time it isn't on him. Coen is obviously a great mind and play caller. This is more on managing player expectations and holding players accountable.
I just don't agree. Go back and watch the last 4:44 of the first half and watch the different philosophies of the HCS. This us all on Stoops.
I just don't agree. Go back and watch the last 4:44 of the first half and watch the different philosophies of the HCS. This us all on Stoops.

We spiraled when we went away from the run, despite being 9 for 75, and started taking shots. Going deep instead of sticking with a very successful ground game is definitely not a stoops type of call
We spiraled when we went away from the run, despite being 9 for 75, and started taking shots. Going deep instead of sticking with a very successful ground game is definitely not a stoops type of call
Why is it that everything we do on deep balls have to be sideline which is probably the lowest % play in fb. We also need to set up some hot routes for Leary on blitzes that involve our TEs.
Why is it that everything we do on deep balls have to be sideline which is probably the lowest % play in fb. We also need to set up some hot routes for Leary on blitzes that involve our TEs.
You would think an SEC QB would eventually hit one of these. You just have to make that throw in this league. We had three or four steps on the defense.
Coen does get some blame for focusing on recruiting Leary during the preseason over Mertz.
There were many on this board (as in a vast majority) who absolutely didn’t want Mertz here. Of course it’s not up to them - but Leary by all accounts was one of the top portal QBs (if not the best) on paper. Can’t blame Coen in hindsight
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There were many on this board (as in a vast majority) who absolutely didn’t want Mertz here. Of course it’s not up to them - but Leary by all accounts was one of the top portal QBs (if not the best) on paper. Can’t blame Coen in hindsight

Coen hand picked Leary. So whatever you think about Leary, even if it's wrong, coen certainly picked him.

Many fans will do anything to avoid blaming coen for anything. It's actually quite bizarre. Especially since sandwiched in the middle was scang who fans blamed for everything, even bring yenser which he didn't even do lol.

2021 oc gets credit for everything but blame for nothing

2022 OC gets credit for nothing but blame for everything

2023 back to OC gets credit for everything but blame for nothing.

Don't look now but this massively underperforming wr group last year looked much better with the same wr coach. Not saying scang is better, because I don't think that, but it's bizarre so many hold coen blameless for everything
OL and WR receivers coaches are obviously not getting it done. Our edge rushers are clearly not what other teams have. This is probably a little bit of why our DB's are struggling covering. I hate the short passing defensive strategy. The punter isn't getting it done. Is there not a backup? A lot of failures all over the place.
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OL and WR receivers coaches are obviously not getting it done. Our edge rushers are clearly not what other teams have. This is probably a little bit of why our DB's are struggling covering. I hate the short passing defensive strategy. The punter isn't getting it done. Is there not a backup? A lot of failures all over the place.
What happen to the "supersterar" kicker from Boyle Co?
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Coen hand picked Leary. So whatever you think about Leary, even if it's wrong, coen certainly picked him.

Many fans will do anything to avoid blaming coen for anything. It's actually quite bizarre. Especially since sandwiched in the middle was scang who fans blamed for everything, even bring yenser which he didn't even do lol.

2021 oc gets credit for everything but blame for nothing

2022 OC gets credit for nothing but blame for everything

2023 back to OC gets credit for everything but blame for nothing.

Don't look now but this massively underperforming wr group last year looked much better with the same wr coach. Not saying scang is better, because I don't think that, but it's bizarre so many hold coen blameless for everything
Everybody shares the blame in the mess we've seen the past 2 weeks. But let's play a game of "What if?" or as Jerry Claiborne would say, the "iffin'" game: What if Leary had made a better throw to T. Robinson vs GA last week? A likely TD. What if ABS made catches on his 2 crucial drops Sat night? Discussion would be much different. While Coen certainly shares the blame for paltry offensive showings, why are certain players being targeted but not others for instance, the calls themselves seemed OK, the execution not so much. The staff brought these guys in, they must've felt they could make plays. When they don't is it on the player or the staff?
Coen hand picked Leary. So whatever you think about Leary, even if it's wrong, coen certainly picked him.

Many fans will do anything to avoid blaming coen for anything. It's actually quite bizarre. Especially since sandwiched in the middle was scang who fans blamed for everything, even bring yenser which he didn't even do lol.

2021 oc gets credit for everything but blame for nothing

2022 OC gets credit for nothing but blame for everything

2023 back to OC gets credit for everything but blame for nothing.

Don't look now but this massively underperforming wr group last year looked much better with the same wr coach. Not saying scang is better, because I don't think that, but it's bizarre so many hold coen blameless for everything
NO QB is going to look good in a "Stoops scantioned" offense.
What happen to the "supersterar" kicker from Boyle Co?
He was said to be the best in the country the best I can remember. Berry definitely cost us last night. How do you get away with punting the ball 35 yards so many times? He will occasionally boom one, but most of the time it is not up to SEC standards.
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Everybody shares the blame in the mess we've seen the past 2 weeks. But let's play a game of "What if?" or as Jerry Claiborne would say, the "iffin'" game: What if Leary had made a better throw to T. Robinson vs GA last week? A likely TD. What if ABS made catches on his 2 crucial drops Sat night? Discussion would be much different. While Coen certainly shares the blame for paltry offensive showings, why are certain players being targeted but not others for instance, the calls themselves seemed OK, the execution not so much. The staff brought these guys in, they must've felt they could make plays. When they don't is it on the player or the staff?

I agree coaches can only do so much but my post was targeted towards the drastic difference in treatment coen gets vs scang and even gran.

What coen can absolutely do better is stick with the run and get wrs to refocus on the foundational skills such as releases and catching the ball with their hands all the way into the body. His play designs are great and play calling is very good.
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Personally, I don’t think it’s a ton on Coen. Drops and holding penaltys are going to kill any offense if you’re dealing with it over 50% of drives.

Coen’s worth is proven in RZ efficiency in his year 1…..followed by a massive drop in that stat under Scang with the same Tim Tebowesque w a better arm brick house QB and stud RB…….and then Coen is rehired and we lead the SEC in RZ efficiency again despite drops and penaltys and the Dingle fumble inside the 5.

RZ efficiency is a good measurement bc it is defined measurables with specific criteria over 20 yards. It isn’t just total points which is more impacted by stringing together 4-7 first downs….we often move the ball well (even early against UGA) for a series or 2 and then get a holding or critical drop that kills the drive. That’s not play calling….that’s execution. RZ efficiency typically limits the variables enough that you get a better view of play calling chess match and removes more chances of individual players making drive killing discipline mistakes.
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Coen hand picked Leary. So whatever you think about Leary, even if it's wrong, coen certainly picked him.

Many fans will do anything to avoid blaming coen for anything. It's actually quite bizarre. Especially since sandwiched in the middle was scang who fans blamed for everything, even bring yenser which he didn't even do lol.

2021 oc gets credit for everything but blame for nothing

2022 OC gets credit for nothing but blame for everything

2023 back to OC gets credit for everything but blame for nothing.

Don't look now but this massively underperforming wr group last year looked much better with the same wr coach. Not saying scang is better, because I don't think that, but it's bizarre so many hold coen blameless for everything
Very good point...and still no answers.

1. Coaches get players to execute the gameplan. So telling me Coen can't be blamed for WR drops, Leary missing throws, etc...then why did we blame Scangerello for OL blocking issiues, Levis was worse from 2021 to 2022, etc...
2. Coen is responsible for why so many of play action passes are deep shots. How about a simple 10 yard hit to TE over the middle of zone, or a dig route to WR in front of safeties. Those appear to be there as well and passes Leary can handle.

In the end, Offense has performed drastically worse than the Defense....Coen has to shoulder some of that.
Coen hand picked Leary. So whatever you think about Leary, even if it's wrong, coen certainly picked him.

Many fans will do anything to avoid blaming coen for anything. It's actually quite bizarre. Especially since sandwiched in the middle was scang who fans blamed for everything, even bring yenser which he didn't even do lol.

2021 oc gets credit for everything but blame for nothing

2022 OC gets credit for nothing but blame for everything

2023 back to OC gets credit for everything but blame for nothing.

Don't look now but this massively underperforming wr group last year looked much better with the same wr coach. Not saying scang is better, because I don't think that, but it's bizarre so many hold coen blameless for everything
Coen picked him, and everyone else around here wanted Leary as well. So a bit disingenuous to look back and point the finger at Coen. That’s my point.

Leary hasn’t performed up to what we thought, no question about it. But neither have our WRs. But overall, our offense is 100 times better than last year. It’s not even close.

Also - in 2021 we only had 2 WRs - Wandale and Ali. And Coen’s offense did just fine with only 2 SEC level WRs that season.

This year we have many more SEC level targets, but some of them appear to be prima donnas and aren’t doing the things it takes to win games.
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