CMS complaining about NIL publicly

I question how much longer he will be coaching. Between Basketball and Football we have lost some good coaches due the added responsibilities & stress. Openly talking about it means it has been weighing heavy on him. Just my thoughts
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BTW, UK may need to improve in this area, I’m not disputing this, but don’t tell me you’re stressed and “feel alone” when you make that much money.
Google says the SEC distributed $741 million to its schools in 2022-2023.

I think it would be a better system for all players in the same conference to make the same base amount (average NIL worth of each player based off of overall conference earnings) and be payed directly from conference contract money.

You could offer additional incentives to players who make All SEC teams or to teams by ranking in the conference or even based off of teams with the highest tv ratings or whatever.
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Give the guy a break.

He’s being honest.

There have been MULTIPLE coaches leave the college ranks to join pro teams in the recent past. The trans will continue as more senior coaches (like CMS and others) just don’t want to do it.

I can’t really blame them either. When they were coming up the football coach was paid to coach football. Now they are a glorified marketing director and need a whole lotta math skills!

Just exactly how do those two subjects even relate?

NIL is provided by you and me.

The Coaches cannot fund it.

Coaches can and do donate to other programs NIL packages (Pitino to UK Football NIL), but not to their
"No crying on the yacht."

When you make that much money a year, people don't want to hear you complain how hard your job and life are. It's gonna fall on deaf ears.

Has nothing to do with how much he can donate. Has everything to do with he's one of the top 10 paid coaches in CFB. If he's tired, he can quit. And I wouldn't necessarily blame him. But he's making more money in a year than most people will ever see. Either adapt or get out of the game.
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I wouldn't be surprised to see guys like Stoops take coordinator or position coach in the NFL. If you got into coaching to teach the game, that's not even close to what you're doing anymore. It's at least 80/20 doing business to coaching and who the hell wants to live like that?
Give the guy a break.

He’s being honest.

There have been MULTIPLE coaches leave the college ranks to join pro teams in the recent past. The trans will continue as more senior coaches (like CMS and others) just don’t want to do it.

I can’t really blame them either. When they were coming up the football coach was paid to coach football. Now they are a glorified marketing director and need a whole lotta math skills!
If I made around $750,000.00 per game coached, I don’t think I’d whine. I would be grateful and deal with the cards I was dealt with.
Sounds like a coach upset at all the time he has to spend on fundraising instead of coaching. Sounds like complete lack of help and support from his boss & his staff, the AD and thr Athletic dept. It is 2024, and Barnhart still has the UK NIL support not even where other schools were in 2021.
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Sounds like a coach upset at all the time he has to spend on fundraising instead of coaching. Sounds like complete like of help and support from his boss & his staff, the AD and thr Athletic dept. It is 2024, and Barnhart still has the UK NIL support not even where other schools were in 2021.
And who can blame him? The snide/snarky comments directed at Stoops in these threads are misguided it seems to me. His suggestion to place Gran over NIL seems sane and sensible....and it's really not his responsibility to appoint someone to that position. That's more in line with the responsibilities of the AD. For the life of me I don't get why the AD is so reluctant to advance the NIL program. Maybe he doesn't like it, and that's OK, but it's the current law of the land and Barnhart needs to get on board.
i get rhe rules but at some point UK has to find a way for the massive SEC payout to be part of how players get paid ….it makes no sense for Stiops to hit up private employers and have this massiveness Sec money

Find a way to slush fund private money with Ky sweetheart deals to find this NIL pot and be done with it. This is not just Stoops…eons of coaches have not had great things to say with NIL
i get rhe rules but at some point UK has to find a way for the massive SEC payout to be part of how players get paid ….it makes no sense for Stiops to hit up private employers and have this massiveness Sec money

Find a way to slush fund private money with Ky sweetheart deals to find this NIL pot and be done with it. This is not just Stoops…eons of coaches have not had great things to say with NIL
Adopt the TN policy. They're sending part of their $50M TV money to donors who turn around and send it back as NIL. That's probably illegal but when has TN ever cared about that?
Sounds like a coach upset at all the time he has to spend on fundraising instead of coaching. Sounds like complete lack of help and support from his boss & his staff, the AD and thr Athletic dept. It is 2024, and Barnhart still has the UK NIL support not even where other schools were in 2021.
This is the issue for Stoops. And it existed before NIL about other things and it just got exacerbated by the constant fundraising nil requires for turnover of roster . Barnhart has never been a fundraising AD. He often salutes himself for ‘leaving his coaches alone’ as though he’s giving them autonomy but he has never seen it as though the department needs to do these certain actions so coaches can just coach.
We need a GM to deal with all this stuff. With all coaches have to do, you can’t expect them to learn all the NIL responsibilities on the fly. He’ll still have to appear at events, sure, but that’s easily part of his job.
I believe more and more coaches at the college level (P4, of course) are having to deal with this. It's no longer just about coaching and recruiting, you have to raise funds, you have to re-recruit all of your top players to keep them around every year, you have to deal with parents and hangers-on who are in these kids' ears telling them how much better they'd be if they bolted, etc. Saban admitted as much when he retired. The outside football activities are at least on the same priority level and quickly increasing in importance as the on-field responsibilities.

Stoops makes a lot of money and, imo, too much, but that goes for many, many college coaches. However, he deals with high expectations that go along with that salary and NIL money is completely out of his control. He can lobby potential donors but, ultimately, he has no control of who gives what. And, as has been demonstrated over the past few years, if NIL money is key to top recruiting (and retention), I'm guessing he feels less and less in control of his and the team's success or failure. I know I'd become jaded and disillusioned if my job performance was at least partly based on metrics that I have zero control over.
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BTW, UK may need to improve in this area, I’m not disputing this, but don’t tell me you’re stressed and “feel alone” when you make that much money.
He makes that much money to Coach football. I'd be stressed too, regardless of how much money I was making if I wasn't getting the support needed to build a program worthy of the salary I'm being paid. He has to be the primary fundraiser now too. The University needs to start embracing NIL in a big way across all sports and the Administration needs to put some people or a team in place to do a lot of that fundraising and set up events so all Stoops has to do is go give a stump speech and show his face to make his pleas for dollars and he can stick to focusing on coaching instead of being a GM.
Stoops isn’t saying he’s not compensated well. He’s saying he was in a career for 30 years that emphasized certain things and recently it’s started emphasizing something else. I think we’d all get that if we were in his shoes.

He gets his duties include recruiting and scheming. But Stoops doesn’t want to be a fund raiser to the extent he is now.

It’s pretty simple. It’s why TAMU appealed to him.