Classic caller to MJ show today

It is a rebuttal that went right over your head you goofball. He is demonstrating that talking with a country accent doesn't make you dumb by pointing out that the President is very well spoken but is not considered very bright by a large portion of this country.

I get what he is saying but accent or not, trying to say that The Shot was after the buzzer does in deed make the caller "special".
wel, it was a stupid rebuttal, and a horrible analogy in my opinion
Oh yeah and I forgot. Everybody with a country accent is an idiot right? There's this guy who's running for governor from a county next to mine. He talks with a pretty country accent. Guess he's pretty dumb right? Its Coomer by the way. He's big buddies with my dad.
WTF does this have to do with people who call KSR? idiotic post
Just because someone has a dialect that you don't like doesn't make someone any more or less intelligent...Ever heard the term "silver tongue devil"...Joe Biden was said this about Obama being a well spoken black man...
Nope, it's this one.
what about the right to arm bears?
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Really makes you cringe. First thing he said was that he has never heard anyone bring up the fact that you can put two balls into a basket at the same time. Ok. And then he asked if he was the only one who thinks that Laettner did not get the shot off in time in 1992. Just wow. Of course he had a thick country accent too.

Wow, cannot believe the people that bought in on this caller, 100% "setup" "sham" "hoax" goofing on the listeners.
Funny, yea, but come on!
We as a nation(not me) have elected the most narcissistic, most divisive President in the history of this country...TWICE ...But, it is ok because as Joe Biden said..."he is cool and he speaks well"...Really

Speaking of the meth problem in the state of KY, hey slugger. LMAO
I sniffed that linebeard out right away. Terrible attempt at a fake accent. He sure fooled Matt though. I thought Matt would figure it out after he said Laettner didn't get the shot off in time.
Speaking of the meth problem in the state of KY, hey slugger. LMAO
Nothing here brother, but I bet with you the only way they could get you to the voting block is to legalize all of it and make it free...dumba$$..."ask not what your country can do for you , but what you can do for your country";):p:D:cool:
This is BBN. don't talk trash about a fellow cat fan. Everybody doesn't have to think the same way, or try to act like a northerner. I'm from southern Ky, and down here we're a little different than the ones from the northern part of Ky, or in Lexington in general. Its all cool. Don't just think your smarter than another fan because your some well spoken, cliché, Caucasian, trying to act like a northerner. A lot of you guys wouldn't believe the difference in people from say Lexington, and people from my area. Be cool. Be proud to be a UK fan We're all looked at the same anyway by outside people. Just embrace it, and be proud to be from Ky.

This is BBN. don't talk trash about a fellow cat fan. Everybody doesn't have to think the same way, or try to act like a northerner. I'm from southern Ky, and down here we're a little different than the ones from the northern part of Ky, or in Lexington in general. Its all cool. Don't just think your smarter than another fan because your some well spoken, cliché, Caucasian, trying to act like a northerner. A lot of you guys wouldn't believe the difference in people from say Lexington, and people from my area. Be cool. Be proud to be a UK fan We're all looked at the same anyway by outside people. Just embrace it, and be proud to be from Ky.
Excellent post!!! I am from Eastern Kentucky, but I have traveled all over this state and much of the country. There are good and bad everywhere, no need to generalize entire populations based upon some exaggerated stereotypes. We share a common bond as fans of the Kentucky Wildcats and I think it is wonderful how sports can bring together people from diverse backgrounds. Embrace the uniqueness of our fan base and be proud!!!
It can't be any worse than the segment of our fan base that have now adopted the "Cal can't coach" mantra. Never have, and never will get it. You can't fix stupid.

you probably don't get it because theres not really a segment of this fan base that thinks he "can't coach". That's just Rupp Rafters hyperbole.

Some don't think floor coaching or game preparation is his strong suit (in huge games especially) and it's probably not. Nothing wrong with admitting that, he's just better at other aspects. Not all coaches are created equally. Some will be better than others at different things like roster management, floor coaching, motivation, recruiting, predicting, adapting, adjusting etc. It's not a really a slight at him at all, it's just a reality of life.
Not sure if anyone clued y'all in, but your accent has literally nothing to do with your intelligence level.
The problem may lay with the lack of call screening that KSR fails to provide.

Completely agree. I get why they don't screen the calls, they want a live reaction because it is good radio, but I don't think it is. Some of the callers (Ky Lake Dave, The Truth, Ky Joe and various others) take 45-120 seconds of my life that I will never get back.

I still listen on podcast daily, but those calls really annoy me to no end.
If a caller had the first hint of twang, I'd immediately move on to the next caller. "Civilized, English speaking callers only please, and no, Richie will not be playing tonight".
SIAP, but ... no caller to Matt Jones' show, or to any other show anywhere in the country, could be any less articulate and/or any less literate than some of the posters on this board. Equally so, perhaps ... but never less so. Those who live in glass houses, etc., etc.

Just MHO, of course.
From Elkorn City to the Mississippi River our state is very culturally diverse. It has a strong blend of folk and pop cultures. I am glad for the preservation of the folk culture and language. It is not ignorance but culture. However there is one Thread that runs so true......UK basketball. I respect any man who is part of the Big Blue Nation.

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