CJ Fredrick still around

I see it the opposite way, what is the upside of "moving on"?

He probably makes more than my college educated old ass with less stress and bother on a day to day basis.

He will probably beat me to retirement too.

I doubt very much CJ Frederick is making any significant amount of NIL.

I guess I was different. Not a fan of school, even college. Felt it was a waste of time and only a necessity. Graduated, started my own business, and never looked back. There are definitely some that never want to leave though.
24 year old CJ isn’t doing 40-50 year old CJ any favors.

If he's getting a master's or advanced degree, he definitely is. I suspect that's exactly what's happening. Curious the school is willing to use a scholly on someone they basically know will barely play.
If he's getting a master's or advanced degree, he definitely is. I suspect that's exactly what's happening. Curious the school is willing to use a scholly on someone they basically know will barely play.

That sheet of paper won’t mean anything when he can’t get out of bed unassisted or spends every waking minute in pain because he pushed his body far beyond its limits to be a college role player.
That sheet of paper won’t mean anything when he can’t get out of bed unassisted or spends every waking minute in pain because he pushed his body far beyond its limits to be a college role player.

1) he'd have to actually play for that to happen

2) he has access to the best sports medicine

3) he is playing ball, not mining coal

4) loads of NBA players are playing way more minutes and more than fine
1) he'd have to actually play for that to happen

2) he has access to the best sports medicine

3) he is playing ball, not mining coal

4) loads of NBA players are playing way more minutes and more than fine

Yeah and those guys haven’t ripped their hip flexors off the bone going up for layups. He’s had multiple significant injuries and major corrective surgeries chasing this.
This makes no sense. Why would you stop playing if you loved the game and had the opportunity to keep playing it, while also making some money? I’m quite a bit older than CJ and I’m still in college. Like CJ, I’ll keep going as long as they keep paying me to be there. And it’s like you’re imagining these guys are beebopping around campus still, nah they’re taking online classes.
You wouldn't be Sonny Drysdale from the Beverly Hillbillies would you? On there he was still going to college at 35.
You wouldn't be Sonny Drysdale from the Beverly Hillbillies would you? On there he was still going to college at 35.
Yeah I’m not far from 35. It’s weird to me how many people give up on learning in their 20s and think they know it all. That’s not even a third of your life.
I'm 48...I'd still be an undergrad if it somehow paid the bills.
Agree 100%. Didn’t realize it then bc I was so eager to be out of school and “make money”, but the responsibility/fun/quality of life ratio is unbeatable. Finally getting back closer to that ratio now in my career where I’m primarily on autopilot and all bills are paid w minimum work days, but it’s taken 12 years and a sacrificial relationship or 2.
Agree 100%. Didn’t realize it then bc I was so eager to be out of school and “make money”, but the responsibility/fun/quality of life ratio is unbeatable. Finally getting back closer to that ratio now in my career where I’m primarily on autopilot and all bills are paid w minimum work days, but it’s taken 12 years and a sacrificial relationship or 2.

That and I had a real thirst for knowledge...or something like that.
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Jmo and I know this sounds harsh but.....he just doesn't want to play. It's that simple. Noone is injured that much for that long. His heart isn't in it and he should move on. I said the same thing when he was here because it was the same then.

All I can figure is either his woman is still in school or he's finishing up a masters degree or something. Because he definitely isn't there to actually play.
Likely has a bone/connective tissue disorder. Or could just be like my brother who grew to 6’3” quickly and absolutely could not put on weight. He was oft injured and had to give up basketball. Continued to play baseball through college and finally put on size starting at like 19 or 20, but remained injury prone due to hypermobility issues.
It's painful to see this guy still attempting to play CBB. He won't make it through the year and with Seth Towns being denied his 8th or 9th year---and CJ getting his 7th....WTF are we doing as a society in never being able to tell people no? It's not a hard concept. One step further and hope this doesn't apply for CJ--but if a player's been around that long and doesn't have their Masters, the school should be automatically eliminated from Postseason competition, 5 yrs if you don't have undergrad. You can't forget the school aspect of being around that long --(see UGA QB Stetson Bennett who never achieved his undergrad at UGA in his 7 yrs of CFB).
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How can you be older than 24 and have someone paying you to go to college. I have a 19 year old college student and a 15 year old future college student that would be interested in that gig.
i know a lot of people that worked in factories that got shut down and the government paid for their college
Yeah and those guys haven’t ripped their hip flexors off the bone going up for layups. He’s had multiple significant injuries and major corrective surgeries chasing this.

He's examined and worked on by the best sports medicine people. If he physically wasn't fit for competition, they wouldn't medically clear him.
This makes no sense. Why would you stop playing if you loved the game and had the opportunity to keep playing it, while also making some money? I’m quite a bit older than CJ and I’m still in college. Like CJ, I’ll keep going as long as they keep paying me to be there. And it’s like you’re imagining these guys are beebopping around campus still, nah they’re taking online classes.
Honest question. Unless you are a stud athlete (CJ is not), how much does college really pay you ? In your case, surely you are not depending on whatever funds from the college you attend, to support you ?

Not direct at you, but If someone is over 25, unless a college is paying you $40k or more, it might be time for you to move on into the adult world and find a job.
Yeah I’m not far from 35. It’s weird to me how many people give up on learning in their 20s and think they know it all. That’s not even a third of your life.

Went on and off to college being irresponsible all throughout my 20’s. Took it serious and just finished a grad degree at UK at 38. Took shots the entire time from guys for it taking so long and never understood what it matters? Now I’ve got a grad degree and you don’t? Never saw the problem. And the difference now vs. then is I actually learned the value of learning as I got older. Also learned that the no experience issue with getting jobs doesn’t have an impact on me because of age. Getting done by 25 you’re still a kid and they don’t want to give you good jobs.

You never stop going if that’s what you’re called to do. Even if you don’t use it right off the bat, you might when you get older. If you don’t mind college work there’s literally no reason to quit before you get it.

I smoked way too much bud in my 20’s to have an impact. Developed slowly and did so high, so it’s just the path I had to take.

**also learned the people that bash college degrees usually don’t have one. Crazy how that works.
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Went on and off to college being irresponsible all throughout my 20’s. Took it serious and just finished a grad degree at UK at 38. Took shots the entire time from guys for it taking so long and never understood what it matters? Now I’ve got a grad degree and you don’t? Never saw the problem. And the difference now vs. then is I actually learned the value of learning as I got older. Also learned that the no experience issue with getting jobs doesn’t have an impact on me because of age. Getting done by 25 you’re still a kid and they don’t want to give you good jobs.

You never stop going if that’s what you’re called to do. Even if you don’t use it right off the bat, you might when you get older. If you don’t mind college work there’s literally no reason to quit before you get it.

I smoked way too much bud in my 20’s to have an impact. Developed slowly and did so high, so it’s just the path I had to take.

**also learned the people that bash college degrees usually don’t have one. Crazy how that works.
Couldn’t agree with you more! I smoked away most of my early 20s but it got me to lighten up and gain self awareness too. I’m not against now either I still partake from time to time. One thing I found interesting working in retail banking is that scams are everywhere, but college educated people are so much less likely to fall for them!!
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For the posters on here 25 or older. Do you have a full time job while attending college ? If not, HTF are you supporting yourself ? College surely doesn't pay mortgage / rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, groceries, and other expenses a grown adult would face in life.
To me a really good high school diploma catered to a specialty would benefit you as much or even more than going to school into your late 20's / 30's. I took a lot of business / academic classes in high school. Attended one semester of college and realized it was not for me. Got a job in the field I planned for in high school (business / financial), 56 now and done just fine. Unless you are trying to become a DR. or something of that highly sought after field, college is a waste of time and more importantly, money. My path is not for everyone, I get that, but some people value the piece of paper far too much.
Honest question. Unless you are a stud athlete (CJ is not), how much does college really pay you ? In your case, surely you are not depending on whatever funds from the college you attend, to support you ?

Not direct at you, but If someone is over 25, unless a college is paying you $40k or more, it might be time for you to move on into the adult world and find a job.

I’ll be honest, I have no desire to ever work a job again. It’s soul crushing and I’m convinced we’re not supposed to live like that. My passive income pays my bills and I have no debt other than my house, and going to college is paying my mortgage. It’s going to give me a few years to figure out what I want to do for work, but working is different than “having a job”.

Whatever I do from here, it’s going to be on my own time and I’m going to be my own boss. Basically my plan now is to bolster my resume with a few more degrees/certifications, move overseas to a lower cost of living country, and do remote freelance consulting combating financial fraud specializing in AI related fraud. I think there’s going to be a demand for it.
For the posters on here 25 or older. Do you have a full time job while attending college ? If not, HTF are you supporting yourself ? College surely doesn't pay mortgage / rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, groceries, and other expenses a grown adult would face in life.
To me a really good high school diploma catered to a specialty would benefit you as much or even more than going to school into your late 20's / 30's. I took a lot of business / academic classes in high school. Attended one semester of college and realized it was not for me. Got a job in the field I planned for in high school (business / financial), 56 now and done just fine. Unless you are trying to become a DR. or something of that highly sought after field, college is a waste of time and more importantly, money. My path is not for everyone, I get that, but some people value the piece of paper far too much.
I’m in my mid 30s, I don’t have a full time job or even a part time job. However, when I did have a job, I started investing in companies like Nvidia, Apple, Tesla, Facebook/Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon starting in 2017. I went full tech + S&P 500 (which is pretty tech-based itself) which everyone recommended not to do, luckily I didn’t listen. Got out of Tesla when Elroy revealed himself to be a Nazi simp, and the stock has been dogshit ever since. Started investing in cryptos (Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Doge) in 2018 which everyone told me not to and luckily I didn’t listen.
I doubt very much CJ Frederick is making any significant amount of NIL.

I guess I was different. Not a fan of school, even college. Felt it was a waste of time and only a necessity. Graduated, started my own business, and never looked back. There are definitely some that never want to leave though.
Just curious...what kind of business did you start? Good for you for doing what you wanted to do, not what you "should have" done!!! I have always wanted to start my own business. But I did what I "should have".
Yeah I’m not far from 35. It’s weird to me how many people give up on learning in their 20s and think they know it all. That’s not even a third of your life.
I agree. I think it's sad to give up on learning that young. I went to college and have a post graduate degree as well. At 65, I still want to learn even though I've been out of school for many, many years. I try to learn something new every day, big or small. Keeps the old brain working😁🥴, I hope! 🤣
It’s just a microcosm of the sad pussified society we live in. I don’t blame the dude taking advantage of it its the people in charge who should be ashamed
I’m in my mid 30s, I don’t have a full time job or even a part time job. However, when I did have a job, I started investing in companies like Nvidia, Apple, Tesla, Facebook/Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon starting in 2017. I went full tech + S&P 500 (which is pretty tech-based itself) which everyone recommended not to do, luckily I didn’t listen. Got out of Tesla when Elroy revealed himself to be a Nazi simp, and the stock has been dogshit ever since. Started investing in cryptos (Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Doge) in 2018 which everyone told me not to and luckily I didn’t listen.
Go for you brother. You do you. Wish I could leave the rat race sometimes myself, but marriage / kids and stuff. 56, youngest turns 26 this Friday. Good luck in your endeavors where ever they take you.
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