CI Wrestling Thread #56

Btw remember I mentioned wwe leaking the fast nationals for rampage the last few weeks. They did it again Saturday but curiously didn’t leak the demos. It was clear why.
The ratings for Friday don’t bother me one way to the other. One was on a shitty channel and the other is still in a shitty time slot. Saturday’s number will suck too. Best to put dynamite on TBS to keep it on Wednesday nights and put Rampage in a different time slot and day.
Also the new TK is kinda annoying. I’m not sure how I feel about it quite yet 🤷🏼‍♂️
😂 that video is hilarious. Never seen that before. That could almost be a looney toons type spot. The guy that did it, Ninja Mack, is actually a very good wrestler and is one of the most acrobatic guys in the business.

And come on guys ya gotta link the other video or atleast let us know who it was, when and the match lol.
And the crowd goes silent!! I thought you guys were talking about the guy who landed on his head on the outside hardwood floor

Holy shit that’s unreal. Unreal that he wasn’t paralyzed, that he tried kicking out lol, and that he made a full recovery in just 3-4 months.

That’s the exact thing that would make me too scared to do a moonsault if I wrestled. I don’t know how in the hell Hangman jumps from the top of the turnbuckle all the way down to his opponent on the ground outside the ring. No way in hell for me.
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Someone needs to find the Jacy Jayne botch from NXT tonight. She tried to dive through the ropes but caught her foot. It looked like she face planted against the side of the ring.
I'm surprised so many of the rasslers went back over there after the shit show that was the last time.
People on Reddit are saying it was the best WWE PPV of the year and people on Reddit hate saying good things about WWE.