Toni exposed her gimmick there. I thought she was "broken" and lived in a black and white world, yet she wanted her promo to be in color. So she's faking everything? Her gimmick doesn't make sense.
- FTR vs the Bucks. The build involves Punk and Perry and apparently FTR was behind the Punk stuff and the Bucks lost that match because they weren't able to pray beforehand because of all the backstage drama. That's your story for this lol. Stupid.
- Pac vs Okada. A guy who rarely shows up (visa issues?) vs the supposed best in the world who's beaten Kingston for a meaningless belt and some jobbers. No build.
- Danielson vs Ospreay. 30 min. of holds, dives, and 42 kick-outs. It will get 7 stars by Tues. and will be match of the year several months from now with both Danielson and Ospreay winning several other categories on the Observer ballot. Seriously, this will be great if they don't kill each other with stupid risk moves but I personally don't care because there's no build here. You can't live off dream matches.
Joe vs Swerve. Joe hasn't done much as champion and his reign is forgettable. Swerve is solid but unfortunately doesn't draw and he shouldn't have the Embassy and a tiny manager who does a silly dance around him. Towards the end, MJF's reign sucked and Joe's reign is likely to be what Priest's reign is...just there. Hopefully Swerve brings more to the table and not more Page matches but again, dude doesn't draw. That's an issue if you're world champion.