China pulls plug on NBA games after Enes tells the truth

Yea and I mean I don’t KNOW anything. I said he wouldn’t be retained after the comments, probably should have said it was my opinion.

But it seems you typically think that if there’s not a google trail, it didn’t happen. Morey was racked by a lot of people there and pretty quickly was no longer with the organization. I suppose it’s possible the timing was just what it was, but….

I just looked around, and apparently the Chinese love the Rockets (Ming) and so yea, it makes sense that he’s no longer with them after the comments. The Rockets probably didn’t want to deal with it. Just an opinion of course, they’re not going to release something like that to the media. It would happen, just like it happened actually.
Also could be that Morey was planning to leave, and finally felt he could speak his mind about China.
Tomorrow the headlines will read “white basketball player makes racial slur and is cut.” Congrats Enes you’re now considered white and racist like the rest of us oppressive honky’s. Don’t mess with China’s bitch, the NBA.
Why do you think Houston moved on? Since you keep up with the Rockets I’m interested to know how much Houston fans think his comments swayed the decision?

Gun to your head - you have to pick a side and wager your house. His comments mattered and were part of him leaving Houston?

Jeez it's hard to say. Well, I think in sports, if you're winning, you have a good deal of leeway to make off-handed remarks. Example being John Gruden. Had he not botched the Khalil deal, had the Raiders been winning, had he only been there for 1 season or so... he might have kept his job.. at least for a while longer.

As for Morey, I still contend he's one of the best analytics and basketball minds, and one of the top GMs in the game. At one time, I think he could have made the case for one of the best GMs in all pro sports. He was consistently finding ways to make trades work for Houston, to the point that some trades were so lopsided, you couldn't believe it. Moving Ryan Anderson, dealing T-Mac to the Knicks.. if you're a Houston fan, you spent like a decade watching this guy work his magic.

But, things weren't working with Harden. The last few years of their time in Houston saw diminishing results, and Morey/Organization (who got a new owner in this time, FYI), started to miss on trades. They became desperate to get Harden the pieces he need and win a title while they were contenders. I think we as fans and the staff knew Harden wasn't gonna be here much longer, and it kind of feels like Fertitta decided to blow the whole thing up.

I guess I find it hard to believe his comments were THAT big of an issue when he basically got a job the next day (and IMO, he wasn't really "fired" as much as it was a behind-closed-doors mutual agreement.). I think Morey was on his way out regardless.
Tomorrow the headlines will read “white basketball player makes racial slur and is cut.” Congrats Enes you’re now considered white and racist like the rest of us oppressive honky’s. Don’t mess with China’s bitch, the NBA.
I’d totally support expelling any UK basketball player making racial slur. Same rule should apply to fans.
I’d totally support expelling any UK basketball player making racial slur. Same rule should apply to fans.

Wouldn’t it be better to discuss the issue? What is with this “word” security some of you think you are? Many people have been changed by having dialogue and communication with others they’ve been led to believe are different. I feel the same about a Black man being racist, I’d rather just talk to him.

You guys are not brave or virtuous by acting like children and fascist. Being racist is awful and should be confronted on all sides, but if we just start expelling people that use words we don’t like, it will eventually come full circle.

I work with many Black people in my field. I do research for a University and work in the social sciences. Nearly all of the black people I work with (the ones that we’ve discussed these issues) feel as I do. The media lies about these issues and how people feel, and no offense, but guys like you run with it and it just causes a divide.

I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just the way I see it happen.
Wouldn’t it be better to discuss the issue? What is with this “word” security some of you think you are? Many people have been changed by having dialogue and communication with others they’ve been led to believe are different. I feel the same about a Black man being racist, I’d rather just talk to him.

You guys are not brave or virtuous by acting like children and fascist. Being racist is awful and should be confronted on all sides, but if we just start expelling people that use words we don’t like, it will eventually come full circle.
Nah. There’s nothing to discuss there. UK has higher standards. Racists not welcome. End of story.
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Nah. There’s nothing to discuss there. UK has higher standards. Racists not welcome. End of story.

Yea I don’t agree. If someone is racist in thought it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily racist and the word racist is so flat today; we can’t even identity what it means.

Take a child who was never around anyone but a certain kind of person, and his family had believed in racist thought for decades. He’s 18 and believes what he’s been told, do you want him to go to college? Maybe learn where it’s wrong, interact with people of opposite appearance? You don’t think that can change someone? You just want him thrown away even though he’s really not at fault? No chance to learn? Just kill him or banish him?

I think you’re a good person underneath it, but you hold scary views on how these things should work. And many Black people don’t agree with you at all, so don’t speak for them. I’m technically a minority too, and I personally think we should reach out to each other and change minds.
One more point in this ^

By banishing someone who uses racist language, we miss an opportunity to change the future. Their kids will also now hate “the other” as their lives would be “destroyed” by advocates and others for using language they didn’t like (in this case). So it just reinforces the hate, and it continues. Now that might be politically expedient for certain people, and hate works for voting, but as a society is doesn’t move the needle.

But take a kid / person that was taught the wrong things, and show them by action that they’ve been led in the wrong direction, you might have just changed countless lives today and in the future.

People really need to consider their actions on all sides.
Are those the only alternatives in your world?

My lineup starts with The Atlantic, Wall Street journal, New York Times, New York post, and the Boston globe. I then watch the daily uploads from Jimmy Doore, Shapiro, etc.

In order to understand what’s going on you must listen to it all, regardless of ideological preference. Because the truth is, ideology is not a concrete aspect of politics. There’s really no reason for ideology at all. Take the best from everyone and throw it together.

Now I understand that leftist propaganda is more abundant across the globe because of historical and political / geographical reasons, but if you’re good enough at this you can spot it and it adds to the cake.

My opinions then end up all over the place. I’ll be hated by all sides and know, I’m doing it right.
Yea I don’t agree. If someone is racist in thought it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily racist and the word racist is so flat today; we can’t even identity what it means.

Take a child who was never around anyone but a certain kind of person, and his family had believed in racist thought for decades. He’s 18 and believes what he’s been told, do you want him to go to college? Maybe learn where it’s wrong, interact with people of opposite appearance? You don’t think that can change someone? You just want him thrown away even though he’s really not at fault? No chance to learn? Just kill him or banish him?

I think you’re a good person underneath it, but you hold scary views on how these things should work. And many Black people don’t agree with you at all, so don’t speak for them. I’m technically a minority too, and I personally think we should reach out to each other and change minds.
I don’t hold scary views. It’s scary to me that you think having a zero tolerance policy towards racism in Kentucky basketball is scary.

Now, I do agree with you that ignorance should be addressed through education.

But the point I’m making, quite bluntly, and admittedly sarcastically, is that if a player actually did get cut for making the racial comments... it’s absolutely justified. And that is in response to you insinuating that such an action is somehow how out of bounds.
One more point in this ^

By banishing someone who uses racist language, we miss an opportunity to change the future. Their kids will also now hate “the other” as their lives would be “destroyed” by advocates and others for using language they didn’t like (in this case). So it just reinforces the hate, and it continues. Now that might be politically expedient for certain people, and hate works for voting, but as a society is doesn’t move the needle.

But take a kid / person that was taught the wrong things, and show them by action that they’ve been led in the wrong direction, you might have just changed countless lives today and in the future.

People really need to consider their actions on all sides.
But we aren’t talking about a general “someone”. The example you used was that the next headline will be a player being cut for making racially derogatory statements.

And in that light, that player is not just a common person, but a person in the limelight of fame. And those players, who are adults, should be held accountable.

This is not something new. It’s not something woke. It’s something that has been unacceptable a very long time.

Are there other courses of remediation? Sure. But it’s simply not something to be outraged by. In fact, it should be expected in that scenario.
Free speech is free speech. Not just when it is convenient and won't cost you anything. I've never criticized the NBA players (or Kentucky's players) for voicing their opinions. In fact, I've defended that here.

The NBA should do what it did in fully embracing "Black Lives Matters" -- make a loud and public declaration of its support for players like Enes voicing their opinions, and more importantly criticize China for suppressing free speech and trying to bully the league by pulling the plug on the games -- thus proving Enes' point that they are a repressive, dictatorial regime.
That won’t be the outcome though. Like always it’s okay to burn America down but say anything that hurts Chinas feel feels and it’s over.
I think you’re missing a few points.

There is a special connection of sorts between China and the Rockets, probably more so than any other NBA team. @LineSkiCat14 is a Rockets fan so maybe he can explain this a little better, but I’m fairly sure the Rockets are not the organization you want to be a part of and go to war with China.

Morey was never going to be retained in Houston after his comments.

Just because there’s not always an article, doesn’t mean all the facts are out in the open.
Did nobody see that Facebook and Google have been colluding to target certain segments of the population(mainly the right.) People act like Google doesn’t scrub things from the internet all the time. That’s why these fact checkers are around. They don’t check facts, they only check things they don’t like.
My lineup starts with The Atlantic, Wall Street journal, New York Times, New York post, and the Boston globe. I then watch the daily uploads from Jimmy Doore, Shapiro, etc.

Honest question, how do you have time to ingest all of that? Is there a one stop shop publication or podcast you're using? Because to get the info from those, it would take hours a day. Which, I guess kudos if anyone is doing.. but I dont have the patience or or mental stamina to hit all of those, or even half.
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Honest question, how do you have time to ingest all of that? Is there a one stop shop publication or podcast you're using? Because to get the info from those, it would take hours a day. Which, I guess kudos if anyone is doing.. but I dont have the patience or or mental stamina to hit all of those, or even half.

I have a lot of experience and education in POLS. I’m very good (not bragging) at digesting publications and what not quickly. I can usually get everything I need during morning hours in my office. So from about 7:30-8:30 I go at it.

Most podcasts or videos are reserved for weekends.
Did nobody see that Facebook and Google have been colluding to target certain segments of the population(mainly the right.) People act like Google doesn’t scrub things from the internet all the time. That’s why these fact checkers are around. They don’t check facts, they only check things they don’t like.

Oh for sure, it’s an effort to eliminate political opponents. This has happened throughout history (albeit not online of course).

It really cannot be understated how much history just repeats. The power shifts, the tactics remain the same. In a postWW2 world, identity politics is the name of the game.
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Actually have turned off most Media since election. I have not ever subscribed to any social media. Media should be unbiased and report the actual events making the news. Media has become nothing but propaganda.
There is no such thing as unbiased media and it should never be expected. Humans are inherently biased, even more so when money is involved. But the idea of a free media is that by having a diverse array of sources that the population can obtain a broad view of reality.

And this is why I cringe when people only watch Fox News or CNN
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Some of you are forgetting Enes has live under oppressive leaders and knows more about it than most.
I’m afraid I’m gonna again do that nitpicky thing where I insist on honesty and accuracy to the point of annoyance.

Erdogan didn’t come to power until August 2014, long after Kanter was already a wealthy NBAer. He never “lived under” what he now protests, and he has no problem with the Turkish Govt that he did live under during his childhood and teen years before moving here.
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I’m afraid I’m gonna again do that nitpicky thing where I insist on honesty and accuracy to the point of annoyance.

Erdogan didn’t come to power until August 2014, long after Enos was already a wealthy NBAer. He never “lived under” what he now protests, and he has no problem with the Turkish Govt that he did “live under” during his childhood and teen years before moving here.

I did not realize that.

I will say, because of family and friends, im sure he understands what it means and why it’s important to speak out. So the main point, more so than the text you’re referencing, is he gets it better than most and is connected to it.
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Erdogan didn’t come to power until August 2014, long after Enos was already a wealthy NBAer. He never “lived under” what he now protests, and he has no problem with the Turkish Govt that he did “live under” during his childhood and teen years before moving here.
I have family from Turkey. Erdogan changed Turkey... made it much more conservative Muslim. Enes had a very good point.
I don’t hold scary views. It’s scary to me that you think having a zero tolerance policy towards racism in Kentucky basketball is scary.

Now, I do agree with you that ignorance should be addressed through education.

But the point I’m making, quite bluntly, and admittedly sarcastically, is that if a player actually did get cut for making the racial comments... it’s absolutely justified. And that is in response to you insinuating that such an action is somehow how out of bounds.

Why does it matter what it is? I get it, UK is about making money, not necessarily doing the right thing. We can agree that for UK basketball during the era of cancel culture mixed with social media, maybe the should. I don’t know.

But there’s nothing scary about someone advocating for openness, forgiveness, and making an attempt at educating. Doesn’t matter what the platform is.
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I’m afraid I’m gonna again do that nitpicky thing where I insist on honesty and accuracy to the point of annoyance.

Erdogan didn’t come to power until August 2014, long after Enos was already a wealthy NBAer. He never “lived under” what he now protests, and he has no problem with the Turkish Govt that he did “live under” during his childhood and teen years before moving here.
I did not realize that either. Thanks for the correction.
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Why does it matter what it is? I get it, UK is about making money, not necessarily doing the right thing. We can agree that for UK basketball during the era of cancel culture mixed with social media, maybe the should. I don’t know.

But there’s nothing scary about someone advocating for openness, forgiveness, and making an attempt at educating. Doesn’t matter what the platform is.
Any time I hear buzzwords like “cancel culture” i tune out and automatically assume punditry.

But let me look past that. I was merely calling out what I think was a comment that brought race into a conversation that has nothing to do with race. And you did that.
Has anyone asked what coach woke popovich and coach virtue signal Kerr think?

It's stand for something ...until it affects our wallet. Remember, the NBA made Darryl Moreley or whatever that owners name is apologize and called it regrettable. Coach virtue signal played dumb when asked...which not everyone has to have an opinion on every issue, but you better as hell should when your business is directly involved, and when you offer your musings about things no one asks about all the time

It's unfortunate for Kanter as it's only a good market if you quit on your team, don't actually want to play but grift as if you do and pretend it's everyone else's fault and then claim that youre blackballed. That's marketable and ppl will buy it and give you a new career when in reality your sports career was clearly fading. But then again, Enes isnt trying to get an endorsement and clearly not grifting so
My lineup starts with The Atlantic, Wall Street journal, New York Times, New York post, and the Boston globe. I then watch the daily uploads from Jimmy Doore, Shapiro, etc.

In order to understand what’s going on you must listen to it all, regardless of ideological preference. Because the truth is, ideology is not a concrete aspect of politics. There’s really no reason for ideology at all. Take the best from everyone and throw it together.

Now I understand that leftist propaganda is more abundant across the globe because of historical and political / geographical reasons, but if you’re good enough at this you can spot it and it adds to the cake.

My opinions then end up all over the place. I’ll be hated by all sides and know, I’m doing it right.
I don’t watch any news media these days. And I’m okay if I’m called ignorant because of it. Being called ignorant by ignorant people is actually comical. Less education is sometimes a good thing. You can think freely. Nobody influences me these days, I have my own thoughts and opinions, and will respond accordingly. Everyone has a choice these days, mine is to ignore the so called experts, and go on my gut and upbringing. To each their own.
1) China actually does what Enes said
2) The racial stuff mentioned by Colin K is make believe and not supported by statistics

That's the difference
That’s not what I was referring to. Shut up and dribble comes to mind. Also seems to remember a lot of condemnation when Enes spoke out against Erdogan.