Calipari with a jab at reed on draft night

Cal is so spurned it chaps his ass so bad he was out maneuvered and ran outa here. Had he manipulated his way into still being at UK you already know it wouldn’t look so damn cringy every time he does his typical sht. Even Reed seems like he’s thinkin damn coach…

The days of Calipari reigning over the Green Room are over. It was largely a combination of the early OAD and Kentucky, which was a super powerful punch. A nearing 70 year old Cal and Arkansas lol. They’ll attract a few fringe NBA wana be guys and maybe a few top 10 picks but I highly doubt it’s anything like the days of old.

Cal is a stupid sob. Had the world in his palm numerous times and just couldn’t humble himself enough to cash it in. He’s got that narcissistic way about him where the most important thing is convincing you he doesn’t care about anything and it just gets in his way from making great decisions. It’s okay to care a little but to a narcissistic, never.
Ah I don't think he meant it this way. And if you want to go the route of "Cal trying to bolster his sales pitch".. you could speculate that he actually said this in a way to showcase that he can get any one into the draft, even players who look 12.

I mean I love Reed and I love that he's now on Houston.. but we can make the jokes that he really looks like he should be in Junior High still.
Ah I don't think he meant it this way. And if you want to go the route of "Cal trying to bolster his sales pitch".. you could speculate that he actually said this in a way to showcase that he can get any one into the draft, even players who look 12.

I mean I love Reed and I love that he's now on Houston.. but we can make the jokes that he really looks like he should be in Junior High still.

I’ll definitely go that route because cal is cal and he’s just like that. Regardless it won’t matter he’s not going to replicate the dominance there’s no way he’s too old and out of touch. Dominant players to want to win and he doesn’t win. I can see him getting fringe guys and some good portal players that think he’s a good shot at the NBA. Maybe a top player here and there that thinks it too but he’s not putting together a UK run at Arkansas.

Reed does look young. I’ve gotta bandwagon the hell outa Houston now never thought that would happen. Hope Reed stays put and doesn’t move around. If he does, please be Miami.
Man yall are obsessed. I think if Cal said “good morning” 1/2 of you would get offended and cause him of hating afternoons.
He’s gone, which IMO is good for the program, so he’s an afterthought to me, I’m focused on UK and Pope and our players, not some past coach (like I couldn’t even tell you what BCG is doing, is he still coaching? Because I don’t really care because he is gone).
Man yall are obsessed. I think if Cal said “good morning” 1/2 of you would get offended and cause him of hating afternoons.
He’s gone, which IMO is good for the program, so he’s an afterthought to me, I’m focused on UK and Pope and our players, not some past coach (like I couldn’t even tell you what BCG is doing, is he still coaching? Because I don’t really care because he is gone).

Last I saw BCG left a very long time ago, he wasn’t here 15 years and just left a few days ago for an in conference rival and took our entire team lol. It’s weird that anyone would think it’s not going to be discussed here. It’s not weird people still talk about him. The only guys that continue to take issue with it are guys that were supporting Calipari up until the end. Same ones every time.

BCG was at Tarleton St last I saw and people still bring him up believe it or not lol.
I’m was as hard as anyone I know when it came to Cal.

However, I thought this was a giant nothing burger. Having been around him a few times, this is just how he is. To me he seemed very much like Cal in that moment. Reed is baby faced and that’s all there was to it. Cal probably felt very awkward at the draft, bc it was kind of a swan song for him. Even the media doesn’t swoon over him or his picks anymore and the green room has gone from being his moment to him being an afterthought.

That’s a lot for a man with his ego to take in, but that’s the reality when you stop winning. You aren’t the flavor of the month anymore… not even at the draft!
I also think it was a subtle little jab at Reed. Cal has enough awareness to understand no guy entering into adulthood years and on a special night wants to be reminded that they look 12.

It is a little different than telling a 30 year old man that they look 22 or something like that. That would be considered complimentary but saying he looks 12 was just not something I think Reed was wanting to hear. Everyone knows and can see how young he looks so why remind him of that in that moment.
I also think it was a subtle little jab at Reed. Cal has enough awareness to understand no guy entering into adulthood years and on a special night wants to be reminded that they look 12.

It is a little different than telling a 30 year old man that they look 22 or something like that. That would be considered complimentary but saying he looks 12 was just not something I think Reed was wanting to hear. Everyone knows and can see how young he looks so why remind him of that in that moment.

Calipari is just so cringy the older he’s gotten. I personally believe his intent was simply to get in on the moment for multiple reasons. To be seen and for his obsession; to show UK he doesn’t care which he does but he’s so narcissistic he can’t allow anyone to see it. From there he just says the wrong things. It wasn’t good to tell Reed how young he looks but I think past his attempt to get in on the situation he didn’t quite know what to say. He really isn’t as slick as he used to be he’s just too old. So he just threw that out there. If you look at Reed when he said it it doesn’t look like Reed liked it. Like you said he knows how young he looks at doesn’t want to hear that on a night when he’s doing man sht. Totally out of place comment but I think Cal just hadn’t thought past his intent of getting in on it.

Cal diminished Reed all year by keeping him on the bench to start both halves, and how long did he know how good Reed was? Before any of us. He was never going to let Reed earn that role and that was for one reason, Wagner. He then down talked Reed all through the year to the press. His supporters did too, remember the “how long before everyone wants Reed to get more minutes” comments?

Suddenly now he can’t wait to get to him at the draft table! He’s a pos and he’s fos. The entire season last year should have been the Reed Sheppard show, but insert dumbass Calipari.
U a

You and others can't discern something that is complimented as someone looking as young as Reed! He still looks like he was when he was in high school! But you take that as a jab at Reed? How lame from your neck up! 😧
If Calipari is in one’s dome 24x7 but he never once thinks of them, who wins. 🤔
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Agree this is a nothing burger. But, also agree with killswitch’s point that the most important thing to Cal was convincing others he didn’t hear the criticism. That is 180-degrees from where the coach at UK should be… I don’t care who they are.

Even if Pope fails, he will take responsibility for his failures — not act like results are too much to expect. That’s a loser’s mentality.
Last I saw BCG left a very long time ago, he wasn’t here 15 years and just left a few days ago for an in conference rival and took our entire team lol. It’s weird that anyone would think it’s not going to be discussed here. It’s not weird people still talk about him. The only guys that continue to take issue with it are guys that were supporting Calipari up until the end. Same ones every time.

BCG was at Tarleton St last I saw and people still bring him up believe it or not lol.

Yeah, I’m as happy Cal left as anyone, but to believe we’ll ever quit talking about him is ridiculous.

We still talk about Pitino. A lot. And he left 27 years ago.

Still talk about Joe B.

Talk about Rupp and most of us never saw him coach a game.

But Cal is going to coach here for 15 years then leave for a rival and we’re expected to go radio silent?
I think Cal did Reed a favor unintentionally last year. Reed was drafted absurdly high (imo) due to a shooting percentage, that was inflated, and intrigue from being off the bench.

If he returned he’d have been a late first rounder at best when being tasked with being “the man” and getting exposed a little.
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I think Cal did Reed a favor unintentionally last year. Reed was drafted absurdly high (imo) due to a shooting percentage, that was inflated, and intrigue from being off the bench.

If he returned he’d have been a late first rounder at best when being tasked with being “the man” and getting exposed a little.
You're opinion is way off from what the NBA executives believe and tbh Reed should have been given the keys to the offense this year. It very clear what Reed can do when he is allowed to control the game. The problem was he was being held back all year by a coach who wanted to showcase other players as well. Reed is such an unselfish guy that he had no problems deferring to his teammates in many cases.
I think Cal did Reed a favor unintentionally last year. Reed was drafted absurdly high (imo) due to a shooting percentage, that was inflated, and intrigue from being off the bench.

If he returned he’d have been a late first rounder at best when being tasked with being “the man” and getting exposed a little.
His shooting numbers aren't the only reason he was drafted so high and so well thought of. People who know the game see what else he brings to the table. It isn't just shooting.
Cal is so spurned it chaps his ass so bad he was out maneuvered and ran outa here. Had he manipulated his way into still being at UK you already know it wouldn’t look so damn cringy every time he does his typical sht. Even Reed seems like he’s thinkin damn coach…

The days of Calipari reigning over the Green Room are over. It was largely a combination of the early OAD and Kentucky, which was a super powerful punch. A nearing 70 year old Cal and Arkansas lol. They’ll attract a few fringe NBA wana be guys and maybe a few top 10 picks but I highly doubt it’s anything like the days of old.

Cal is a stupid sob. Had the world in his palm numerous times and just couldn’t humble himself enough to cash it in. He’s got that narcissistic way about him where the most important thing is convincing you he doesn’t care about anything and it just gets in his way from making great decisions. It’s okay to care a little but to a narcissistic, never.
Breathe Schitts Creek GIF by CBC
Nobody talks about the top 3 crown jewels of the last recruiting class that Cal screwed over. Justin Edwards, DJ Wagner and Aaron Bradshaw. the top forward, center and combo guard. all in the top 5 overall and all before the season projected to be lottery picks. and NONE GOT DRAFTED. He put the screws to them,
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I came into this thread thinking I would be defending Cal. Thinking Cal only meant Reed looked full of hope and happiness in the way that only adolescents generally are.

....But after watching that clip, man. Cal is just a creepy dude. That was 100% cringe! Makes zero difference at all whether he even meant it as an honest compliment. Just creepy. Can't be thankful enough that creepy dude is finally gone.
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I came into this thread thinking I would be defending Cal. Thinking Cal only meant Reed looked full of hope and happiness in the way that only adolescents generally are.

....But after watching that clip, man. Cal is just a creepy dude. That was 100% cringe! Makes zero difference at all whether he even meant it as an honest compliment. Just creepy. Can't be thankful enough that creepy dude is finally gone.
Whether it was intentional or not, he was reinforcing a point he made continuously in his own defense - that he had boys playing against men last year.

Maybe it was only subliminal, but that comment toward Reed was another defense of Cal’s own poor record.

Cannot wait until you get a taste of the guy lol. He’s gonna treat Arkansas fans like shit for the 2/3 years he’s there. As someone who’s followed his career going back to the 90’s and was a student at his former program in the 2,000’s, Buckle up my guy. You don’t have any idea what’s about to take place lol.
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Ah I don't think he meant it this way. And if you want to go the route of "Cal trying to bolster his sales pitch".. you could speculate that he actually said this in a way to showcase that he can get any one into the draft, even players who look 12.

I mean I love Reed and I love that he's now on Houston.. but we can make the jokes that he really looks like he should be in Junior High still.
Like a cat, I think his name was Jay Brunson, who played for ohio state years ago. Guy looked like not only a middle schooler, but a skinny middle schooler. Much like reed though, dude could hoop...

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