I agree with tge numbers you provided but I'm just going iff what Cal has stated many, many times. I lived the platoon but Cal got heat for the platoon for some reason and when Poy went down he abandoned it.
First of all the platoons weren't abandoned after Poythress went down. UK continued to use some form of modified platoons for about ten more games although as the year went on the usage of platoons did indeed drop, and Cal used them for less of the game.
As far as why he stopped using platoons, I think there's at least four reasons (although none of them good IMO).
1.) the theory that with Poy down that platoons could no longer be effective.
My response to this is that even with modified platoons UK was very effective. The more they went away from it, the less effective they became however.
If Cal didn't recognize it he should have after the Mississippi and Texas A& M games where he all but abandoned the platoons and UK promptly had their worst games of the season by far.
2.) Cal's coaching habits just weren't in line with platoons. Cal likes to pull some guys on a whim and the platoons handcuffed him to an extent, even though the results were clear that it was in his best interests to stick with units.
With Poy's injury and his change to modified platoons (where one guy would leak onto the other squad) it gave Cal a crack to substitute. Unfortunately it was like an itch that he kept wanting to scratch as this led Cal to substitute individually more and more to the point that he wasn't using it to its full potential and the advantages of using a platoon system were lost.
3.) Despite the early season rhetoric I don't think Cal (and a lot of UK fans including some on this board) truly understood or appreciated the power of the platoons.
To me the platoons was a tool to achieve levels that were not attainable using a more conventional substitution pattern. It truly was a way to get more out of a team than the summation of its parts.
That 2014-15 team was perfectly set up to run that way IMO, from many different perspectives. Even with Poythress going down, I thought UK had the depth in terms of Hawkins and Willis that the advantages of full platoons more than made up for any individual drawbacks.
Others disagreed but again I think part of that either fell to the fact that they were never really comfortable with or recognized the unique advantages that it provided.
4.) I think a major factor was pushback that Cal received on the recruiting trail. I think a lot of opposing coaches used the platoons against him and that set Cal back on his heels.
My response to this is that opposing coaches are going to use whatever they can to negatively recruit against UK regardless. If it's not platoons then it would be something else, so why let it affect what you do and what is in your team's best interests?
In the past Cal made a great effort to stress Team over individual and platoons meshes with that idea well. So going in the opposite direction to appease some recruits' concerns over playing time seemed to go against his long-term recruiting strategies.
As it turned out I think some of the guys who probably were the most problematic ended up not coming to UK anyway (I.e. Guys like Jaylen Brown and Malik Newman) even after Cal publicly distanced himself from playing platoons this season so it didn't help him anyway.