There are 2 problems with your line of thinking. One of which not starting BOTH of them also was a problem.
1) Rob had too many silly fouls. He was in foul trouble in I think it was 60% of our games. He simply couldn't have lasted 30 minutes. Also, with HOW Rob played (his energy level), I don't think we would have gotten the same Rob if he did play 30+ minutes. He was almost like my kids dog, 1000mpg for 5 min, then exhaused/dead on the floor the next 10min.
1b) Reed played 32-34mpg much of the season, so he really didn't need to play any more than that. So, with him all you can do is complain about WHEN his minutes came, not how many he got (which IMO is a trivial issue).
2) Let's say we had played the 3 R's 30 minutes per game together. We only had 1 other guard on the whole team. See point 1 above, those 30 min is all we would get out of Rob (if not already fouled out). And Reeves and Reed would/should be limited to about 4 min each. But there would be 10min of game left. So, you would play Wagner and Reeves for 4min, and Wagner and Reed for 4 min, and then I guess slide Edwards over to the 2 (yikes!!!!) and play Wagner and Edwards together for 2min. That's 8 min with just 1 shooter, and 2 min with 0 shooters. No thank you!
But yeah, I would have played those 3 together at least 20mpg, and had at least 2 of the 3 together the entire game.