I think the kid's twitter page probably tells the real story. I'm not sure he'd hype up the State trip the way he did on twitter unless he was planning on going there. We see recruits screwing with fans, but how many of them screw with their hometown fans? That and the fact that he moved up his commitment date right after the trip.
I think he came home, talked with his guardians about committing to State, and they persuaded him to wait two weeks before pulling the trigger, to see if there's any doubt left in his mind and make a non-emotional decision.
Kentucky is still in it, but I feel the kid's heart is telling him Michigan State. Izzo probably sold him on being a lottery pick regardless of what school he picks (not saying that's my view, as I don't view Bridges as a transcendent talent who is a sure-fire lottery guy), as well as playing with his buddies and being a hometown hero on a contending team.
I think it's 60/40 State right now. UK has an outside chance if somehow Bridges looks back at his initial reasons for loving Kentucky in the first place, and values those reasons above playing with a bunch of guys who look to be 4 year players (Langford being the lone exception). It will probably come down to whether Bridges trusts Izzo to get him into the lottery or not. If he does, I think Bridges is State bound, being that Izzo would have successfully negated Kentucky's major advantage.