You are 100% correct on one thing, Izzo wouldn't turn a (to borrow a word from this board) "transcendent" recruit like Josh Jackson down if he really wanted to commit to MSU, but at the same time he also wouldn't continue recruiting him hard once his roster of scholarships was full. It's just not Izzo's style to recruit that way knowing that he'll have to Crean players off his roster who aren't bad citizens and who are still working their asses off. It's both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it shows his strong character, loyalty and values but a curse because he's still competing with other programs who have no shame in over-signing.
You can debate the subject till the cows come home but the fact of the matter remains, Tom Izzo has never once over-signed a recruiting class.
Lol. There's no point in debating this, but yes, Izzo will continue to recruit Jackson hard. What are you even talking about? So he won't recruit him hard, but he would take him if he wanted to come? Makes no sense.