Brandon Ramsey speculates on UK player mins per game

This feels close based on what I've seen. Will be interesting to see how Dilly/Sheppard minutes get split. Early season the minutes will be more even, but once we get to late SEC season it will really start to tighten up. Two of those bench players will be getting no minutes at the end of the year. Dilly/Onyenso very well could be the two.
He posted this on KSR+. This was my take fwiw....which isn't much, lol.

"I think 1-3 will be viewed as Guards due to flexibility so....

120 minutes between:
-Reeves, Wagner, Shep, Dilly, Adou*, Edwards* (caveat that Adou and Edwards could slide to 4)

80 minutes between:
-Bradshaw, Mitchell, Ugo, Ivisic

Backcourt: 120mpg
Wagner- 28
Edwards- 25
Shep- 15
Adou- 15
Dilly- 12

Frontcourt: 80mpg
Bradshaw- 27
Mitchell- 25
Ivisic- 17
Ugo- 11

It obviously all remains to be seen how guys recover but if everyone is healthy I think the wealth will be spread."
Sheppard’s minutes are low.
He’s the only guard on the team that can play less minutes than he should and take it without becoming a locker room cancer imo.

I think he might be our 2nd or 3rd best guard out of all of them, with only Reeves being better, maybe Wagner, but if Dillingham is getting 10 minutes a game this team is going to get derailed in the locker room.

I actually think Dillingham will play closer to 17-20 and Reed will play closer to 10, Cal will have to manage the egos and even if Reed deserves to play more he’s probably got the smallest ego.
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If Ugo is healthy and only getting 2 minutes I would be absolutely shocked. I would start him over Bradshaw with both healthy. I’m high on what he is today but I also think he could develop with playing time to be dominant.
One of things Ivisic apparently struggles with is fouling. I heard on TLR this morning he had more fouls than blocks in one of European tournaments and he averaged 3+ blocks per game.

Also, it is important to note...mpg for some of our bigs:

Cousins- 23.5
Willie- 23.6, 23.8, 25.9
Dakari- 14.1, 16.3
KAT- 21.1
Skal- 15.8
Richards- 14.8, 12.1, 29.6
EJ- 14.1
Jackson- 20.1
Sarr- 25.1

Minus Oscar you have to go back to Bam, Nerlens, AD as only bigs to play 30 plus mpg. If depth is quality Cal will use it. All of those teams from prior years had no quality backup....this team appears to have 3 who can impact the game to some degree.
WIth a roster that has the talent to compete for a Final4 and beyond, the real goal now willbe to keep everyone healthy. I think I'd favor our top guys getting 25 minutes and the reserves getting 15 (example being Wagner and Dilly). Really, with this much talent, I don't think we should ask any player to give us over 30mpg until we're in crunch time come March. This will keep players healthy and fresh, and it will also prepare the bench players with additional minutes SHOULD something happen to the guy ahead of them.

Playing Wagner 33mpg and Dilly 10mpg is not the way to go.
WIth a roster that has the talent to compete for a Final4 and beyond, the real goal now willbe to keep everyone healthy. I think I'd favor our top guys getting 25 minutes and the reserves getting 15 (example being Wagner and Dilly). Really, with this much talent, I don't think we should ask any player to give us over 30mpg until we're in crunch time come March. This will keep players healthy and fresh, and it will also prepare the bench players with additional minutes SHOULD something happen to the guy ahead of them.

Playing Wagner 33mpg and Dilly 10mpg is not the way to go.
Yeah, especially early in the season, I think 27/28 is max minutes anybody is getting.
Onyenso not getting only 2mpg, assuming he's healthy.

If they are healthy, I'll go:
Wagner 30
Reeves 30
Edwards 32
Mitchell 26
Onyenso 20

Bradshaw 18
Ivisic 14
Theiro 10
Dillingham 10
Sheppard 10

Burks and Hart, <1

But if Onyenso not healthy enough, or is set back to being out so long, then maybe he drops to like 10mpg, and play Bradshaw (+6) and Ivisic (+4) more.

If we are healthy, AND if guys perform as hoped, I would like to see the Platoon return. Yes, I said it! But no, not a 50/50 platoon, more like a 65/35 platoon or 60/40. So the starters playing 26mpg. And I could see guys playing their way from the 35 to the 65; or Burks potentially playing himself into the 35.
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Ugo 2 minutes?! Lulz not happening. The best shot blocker on the team will get more run than that. That’s absurd.

He has been really low on Ugo all off-season. He posts on KSR+ and just doesn't think Ugo is any good at all quite frankly.
To everyone saying Dilly will play closer to 20 mins… maybe he will and maybe he won’t. But Cal ain’t gonna play the kid just to avoid hurting his feelings. He’s gonna have to earn it, and so far Sheppard’s been better. It’s been a looooooong time since Cal had a stable of guards like this to go along with killer wings and elite big men. We truly have it all this year… which means Cal is gonna play the guys who give us the best chance to win, not who have the most fragile egos.
Onyenso not getting only 2mpg, assuming he's healthy.

If they are healthy, I'll go:
Wagner 30
Reeves 30
Edwards 32
Mitchell 26
Onyenso 20

Bradshaw 18
Ivisic 14
Theiro 10
Dillingham 10
Sheppard 10

Burks and Hart, <1

But if Onyenso not healthy enough, or is set back to being out so long, then maybe he drops to like 10mpg, and play Bradshaw (+6) and Ivisic (+4) more.

If we are healthy, AND if guys perform as hoped, I would like to see the Platoon return. Yes, I said it! But no, not a 50/50 platoon, more like a 65/35 platoon or 60/40. So the starters playing 26mpg. And I could see guys playing their way from the 35 to the 65; or Burks potentially playing himself into the 35.
Sheppard 10??? Hahahahahahahahaha
To everyone saying Dilly will play closer to 20 mins… maybe he will and maybe he won’t. But Cal ain’t gonna play the kid just to avoid hurting his feelings. He’s gonna have to earn it, and so far Sheppard’s been better. It’s been a looooooong time since Cal had a stable of guards like this to go along with killer wings and elite big men. We truly have it all this year… which means Cal is gonna play the guys who give us the best chance to win, not who have the most fragile egos.
Dillingham looked good too. He looked to be a PG that sets up his guys and that's his concern, that will get him several mins
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Dillingham looked good too. He looked to be a PG that sets up his guys and that's his concern, that will get him several mins
He and Wagner both yo-yo as if they're still in HS. Hopefully practice will break them of that habit. My concern with Dillingham is that he's so slight that he can be muscled out of what he wants to do.
My projections(+/- 2-3 minutes):

Wagner- 30
Edwards- 30
Reeves- 30
Mitchell- 25
Ivisic- 20
Bradshaw- 20
Sheppard- 15
Dillingham- 15
Onyenso- 10
Thiero- 5
Burks- spot duty
Hart- spot duty

G Wagner(25)/Dillingham(15)
G Reeves(20)/Sheppard(15)/Wagner(5)
G Edwards(30)/Reeves(10)
F Mitchell(25)/Bradshaw(10)/Thiero(5)
F Ivisic(20)/Bradshaw(10)/Onyenso(10)

I think if we stay healthy, we go through the whole season saying, “Thiero needs to play more, Sheppard needs to play more, etc.” because there’s just not enough minutes for those guys. Especially the guards.

But injuries will happen and that will bring more minutes for those guys.

In fact, if he isn’t 100%, I can see Onyenso losing his minutes to Bradshaw and Ivisic. That might also open up things for Thiero to get more minutes at the 4.

And Bradshaw might also give up some of his minutes to the other bigs, if he isn’t healthy.

But if all are healthy all season (rarely happens), then this is how I see the minutes going.
The most typical scoring play in Canada was Reeves scoring.
The most typical drought-breaking scoring play in Canada was Sheppard passing it to Mitchell. Mitchell can shoot. Sheppard recognized that you give the ball to the people who shoot well.

People who readily do the easy thing over the tricky thing will play.
I don't think any of these guys play more than 32 minutes a game. There's just too much quality depth.
This for sure.

Cal is going to play Wagner, Reeves, and Edwards as much as he can, but he will still have to play Sheppard and Dillingham.

Going to be hard to play them over 30mpg, with quality guys collecting splinters on the bench.
For those who say "no one is playing 30mpg" or "player X will play 35mpg" lets look at actual data! We have 14 seasons of Calipari UK teams to guide us.

With 1 obvious exception, the team that played 1/3 of the season in a platoon, every one of those other 13 teams had at least 2 players average 30+mpg; and only 2 of those teams had anyone average 35+mpg (& 1 of those 2 teams only played 6 guys).
34.8, 33, 30.3
35.9, 31.6, 31.5, 31
32.6, 32, 31.2, 31.1
33, 31.9, 31.8
32.6, 32.4, 31.7, 30.8
- - -
36.8, 35.2, 32.2
32.1, 30.4, 30.2
33.7, 32.4
32.6, 30.7
34.5, 33.1, 33
30.7, 30.3
32.9, 31.9, 31.2
33.5, 32.1, 31.5

Then you look at the other end of the spectrum/roster. How deep did we go, how many guys played 15mpg, 10mpg, 5mpg?
5, 9, 10
6, 6, 7
6, 7, 8
7, 8, 9
6, 7, 9
9, 10, 10 (includes Poythress who was injured after 9 games)
7, 8, 10
7, 7, 9 (but Mulder at 9.9)
7, 9, 9
8, 9, 10 (includes Green who transfered after 9 games)
7, 9, 9
8, 10, 10 (includes Clarke who only played 8 games)
7, 7, 10
7, 7, 10

Only the 15-Platoon team had more than 8 guys play 15mpg, but there have been 6 teams play 9 or 10 guys 10mpg; and no team has had their 11th man play 5+mpg. So, whoever is the 11th and 12th guys won't play but "victory cigar minutes".
I don't think any of these guys play more than 32 minutes a game. There's just too much quality depth.
This. There very well may not be any guys play 30 minutes a game. Maybe Reeves, but that’s about it. Way too deep and versatile of a roster for anyone to log a lot of minutes IMO. Also, lmao at Thiero playing 5 minutes a game.