Brandon Ingram gains 23 lbs and ton of ugly tats...

Here a tat, there a tat, everywhere a tat, tat. Dude done went and got himself all tatted up for the new season as a Dukie..
Several Duke players since the late 90's have had tattoos. Boozer, Irving, Nolan's tattoo of his father, Dahntay Jones, Nate James, Daniel Ewing, Sean Dockery, and I swear Shelden Williams got one his senior year.

Duke's weight program is outstanding. Kyle Singler and Amile Jefferson both got much bigger from the time they left high school to the start of their sophomore years. Unfortunately, Brandon likely won't be in a Duke uniform at the start of next year.
While that may be true (unsure), the good (?) news is I don't recall it. They must not have been as prominent as Ingram's.
meh - tats never bother me; have a couple myself. I can't judge a person by his (or her) ink.

I am curious, though how these players pay for those tattoos - there is an awful lot done in a short period of time on Ingram. Maybe his parents make good money and could afford them? Maybe he had saved money? No assumptions, and probably wouldn't think about it at all if it weren't for tOSU's issues.
Well, when you've never lifted and start working with the best professionals in the business and eating the right stuff, it's not impossible to do. Plus, 23 lbs on a 6'9" body.
No, if you are talking about muscle, it is impossible. In reality you max out at around a half pound of muscle per week with a theoretical cap of about a pound a week. As noted in this article a sports study center in San Diego has listed an 18 1/4 pound growth of muscle growth in a year as the best on record. Ingram may have gained 6-7 pounds of muscle, if he's fortunate.
I suspect Brandon's were all done by the same tattoo artist. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys get a lot of work done at no charge. It's basically like free advertising. Technically it's a violation, but I bet it's commonplace. They could always claim they were friends/pre-existing relationship.

By the way, I'm not anti-tat if they are artfully done. If you do a bunch however, they need to be well integrated with variations in shading. Brandon's are just randomly scattered around, uniformly dark blue. Kind of "flat" and amateurish looking really.

Tats should also be something you add one at a time to tell a story. That's what WCS typically did. You shouldn't just go get a dozen tats in a month because u want to be tatted up. It's his body though, so he can do what he wants with it.
I would love to know how players can afford tattoos regardless of where they attended school.

if unlv players can rake leaves in las vegas for 3500 dollars a yard in 1980s dollars how the hell can you not understand how duke players can pay for a tattoo in 2015? [winking]
If I were a college athlete I would just sign a bunch of stuff as payment to the tattoo artist. Maybe even give em a jersey or necklace. Seems like a no brainer.
Not a fan of a lot of tats. Didn't like them on WCS and don't care for them on Ingram. Not sure what message(s) guys are trying to convey by getting so much ink. But, it's their body and if they're willing to deal with the pain and are OK that at age 60 all those tats will be unreadable, have at it.
I never knew tats were that expensive. I see people in Wal Mart all the time that don't look like they have two nickels to rub together that have tats.
I never knew tats were that expensive. I see people in Wal Mart all the time that don't look like they have two nickels to rub together that have tats.
That's why they don't have 2 nickles to rub together. Got 4 kids and can't afford groceries but both parents are tatted up and complaining about how they can't catch a break. Well, you make bad decisions for 1.
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Ugly tat comments coming from a fan base that just had Dennis Rodman.... I mean Cauley-Stein

Dude. LOL. You know that's a complement right? Dennis Rodman was awesome. Everything you said complemented us. Redneck Kentuckians like myself like the bad boy players and players with tattoos and players with attitude. Your dumb lol.
Wheelbarrows sometimes do, but, as you stated in your post above - you'd need to watch hours of "This Old House" on PBS to find out about termite damage and how it affects basketball today. Also, I'm not sure that shooting three pointers from the roof of an old Victorian-era home could help anybody. Not sure why you'd suggest such a thing.
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I have a lot of tattoos and have plans for a lot more. No way in Hell he's got a couple grand in that crap. Yes, good tattoos are expensive but those weren't inked by a top notch artist. Most artists will give you a deal if you're working on something large. I know one artist who is very good that charges $250 per session as long as you can sit there. Ingram probably has $100 in each arm.
Dude. LOL. You know that's a complement right? Dennis Rodman was awesome. Everything you said complemented us. Redneck Kentuckians like myself like the bad boy players and players with tattoos and players with attitude. Your dumb lol.
You're* dumb? What makes me dumb? Did I ever say it was a bad thing?
He is a very good player. He needed the weight. Didn't need the tattoos.