Bob Valvano

Apr 1, 2013
Louisville, Ky
Like I'm sure most of you did this morning, if you were on vacation like me....I spied in on most of the local (Louisville) Cardinal radio talk shows. Then I listened to the Bob Valvano show.....He spent the entire first hour explaining Rick's reasons for not doing the presser, and the supposed flip off. I'm like, man this guy has to be on Rick's personal payroll. He kept saying he wasn't a Pitino apologist, but with every syllable he spoke, that was exactly what he was doing. Gotta tell you....It was sickening.
Isn't he on the station the University of Louisville runs? 93 whatever "The ville", if so he kind of is on the same payroll.
His explanation for why he didn't think it was a flip off was hilarious. Because the hand is pointing backward, and New York people flip you off with the hand facing foreward.
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Heard a couple mins of the Afternoon Underdogs, and Vanetti did say Pitino should have done the presser, but he and the other guy tried to act like Pitino only started to give the finger, and brought it back before he completed it. Right.
His explanation for why he didn't think it was a flip off was hilarious. Because the hand is pointing backward, and New York people flip you off with the hand facing foreward.
Lol...what? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Pretty sure the bird is universally the same.
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His explanation for why he didn't think it was a flip off was hilarious. Because the hand is pointing backward, and New York people flip you off with the hand facing foreward.
Bob Valvano is the biggest Pitino and UL apologist alive! The fact that he kept saying he's no Pitino apologist but then did his best to defend his flipping off UK and skipping out on his media obligations is hilarious! Look, he's just an example of Louisville media. He kisses Rick's butt constantly. The Cards never do anything wrong.

The Louisville media slurping on Rick at least makes me glad, if only for a moment, that UK has Tipton. Can someone NOT be a yes man? I know I'm a homer, but I would hope if UK or Calipari did something like what Pitino has done multiple times, I'd have the guts to tell the truth about it. Man, those guys are spineless. Head in sand. Here's hoping Pitino doesn't come to a sudden stop, for Valvano's sake.
Lol...what? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Pretty sure the bird is universally the same.
As someone who has lived in the Northeast for decades.. if you were to turn your hand all the way around and show them a palm-sided middle finger, people would feel sorry for you and assume you had brain damage. I've never seen anyone do that.

About as ridiculous as the "number 1" explanation. I don't even know why you'd attempt such a silly line. If you're a UL host, Just say that Rick had a bad moment and move on. Or don't move on. But you look ridiculous rationalizing it.
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Valvano has had times where he's spent the better part of his show defending Pitino after Rick acted like an ass to Valvano himself on the radio post game show.

The guy has no self respect. It's like a master-slave relationship.
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Bob Valvano is the biggest Pitino and UL apologist alive! The fact that he kept saying he's no Pitino apologist but then did his best to defend his flipping off UK and skipping out on his media obligations is hilarious! Look, he's just an example of Louisville media. He kisses Rick's butt constantly. The Cards never do anything wrong.

The Louisville media slurping on Rick at least makes me glad, if only for a moment, that UK has Tipton. Can someone NOT be a yes man? I know I'm a homer, but I would hope if UK or Calipari did something like what Pitino has done multiple times, I'd have the guts to tell the truth about it. Man, those guys are spineless. Head in sand. Here's hoping Pitino doesn't come to a sudden stop, for Valvano's sake.

I can't even imagine the national outrage that would occur if Cal did anything even remotely close. I'd also like to at least think a lot of UK fans would demand Cal apologize citing the emotion of the game. Something Rick should have done, and if he had the whole thing would have mostly blown over. Americans are a very forgiving people as long as you stand up and admit your mistakes. It's when you deny them we tend to get upset.
Not sure who the biggest sports homer is; Bob Valvano or Babe Laufenberg of the Cowboys.
Tony Cruz was on this morning saying the finger was not necessarily okay but understandable with all the stuff from fans ricky had to put up with during the game (spoken as if it were factual ). And dismissed skipping the press conference as no big deal since he's only done about half of the post game press conferences so far this year.
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Pitino is too full of himself to acknowledge those who aren't equal to him. Therefore, he will never acknowledge his actions as being wrong. He is full of his own lies and people continue to defend him.

It only makes me believe even more what goes on at Minardi Hall is known by his holiness himself. You can't convince me he knew nothing after the arranged Sypher marriage.

He has no morals, and we could hear years from now how bad he was during his time in Lexington. Lots of skeletons and his legacy continues to spiral downwards.
Tony Cruz was on this morning saying the finger was not necessarily okay but understandable with all the stuff from fans ricky had to put up with during the game (spoken as if it were factual ). And dismissed skipping the press conference as no big deal since he's only done about half of the post game press conferences so far this year.

Good Lord. This is why the UofL fan base is the biggest collective of morons in sports history.

Because fans were "yelling" at him. Good gosh. Like no other coach gets yelled at and can you imagine the stuff that's said to Cal at the Chicken Bucket. Yet none of these other coaches seem to do this.

Truthfully I LOVE that the Crypt Keeper did it because it shows what an ass he is and the national is slowly picking up on it.

That university is a true cesspool. The president, AD, coaches...all sleazebags
If his name were Smith rather than Valvano no one would care what he thought and he wouldn't have a radio show. He's the Cooper Manning of the family.
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...and truthfully, he should be suspended for a game for that action (the finger). 99.9% of ADs would no doubt suspend him...but we're dealing with Turtle neck
...and truthfully, he should be suspended for a game for that action (the finger). 99.9% of ADs would no doubt suspend him...but we're dealing with Turtle neck
The Turtleneck isn't suspending anyone. I think that when whoregate blew up, battle lines were drawn between the Turtleneck and Pitino, and Pitino knows where some bodies are buried. The Turtleneck is walking on eggshells with Pitino, IMO.
I didn't hear Bob yesterday so I can't speak to what he said. I would venture to guess he brought up the fact that Rick let everyone know the prior day that he would not be doing any media. Thus it's not a big deal. If we would have won, Rick wasn't doing the press conferences. Not sure why this is such a big issue.
I didn't hear Bob yesterday so I can't speak to what he said. I would venture to guess he brought up the fact that Rick let everyone know the prior day that he would not be doing any media. Thus it's not a big deal. If we would have won, Rick wasn't doing the press conferences. Not sure why this is such a big issue.

Agsin, that's another lie. We know it to be a lie
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but, to UL fans its not a lie. all the fan media with radio shows and blogs repeat it so much that it becomes the truth to them. i swear, i am around UL fans all the time and they are the most uninformed and ignorant fanbase, and its because they get their info from media thats paid to spoon feed them propaganda.
Tony Cruz was on this morning saying the finger was not necessarily okay but understandable with all the stuff from fans ricky had to put up with during the game (spoken as if it were factual ). And dismissed skipping the press conference as no big deal since he's only done about half of the post game press conferences so far this year.

First of all, Tony, Rick is paid six million a year. Second of all, boo hoo. All you have to do is listen to any UK road game on the radio and you'll hear fans yelling all kinds of stuff at Cal. Especially places like South Carolina and Arkansas.

Rick has rabbit ears.
I didn't hear Bob yesterday so I can't speak to what he said. I would venture to guess he brought up the fact that Rick let everyone know the prior day that he would not be doing any media. Thus it's not a big deal. If we would have won, Rick wasn't doing the press conferences. Not sure why this is such a big issue.

Then why didn't he let the SID know. the SID said he would be out to do the post game in a minute. Then the SID told the media he would only be outside the locker room. Then the SID told the media Pitino would not be out. If Pitino had said 24 hours before that he wouldn't do the show , don't you think the SID would know that?