Bob Huggins-OT

I like how in the first paragraph you're basically like "how can you read his mind?! how dare you assume Huggins feels hate or superiority to homosexuals!!" and then literally two paragraphs later you're opining that you doubt many gay people would feel denigrated about his comments. So now you're trying to read the minds and hearts of millions of gay individuals?

And props on getting a like from a guy who --literally-- has been suspended on this forum multiple times for using the same slur Huggins did, lol. I don't give a damn about virtue signaling; I'm just personally upset and disappointed (but not shocked) with someone in Huggins' position especially throwing that trash language around. F him.
I find the self-righteous, holier than thou, virtue signaling, cancel culture, PC mob far more disgusting than a guy who let slip an inappropriate tasteless joke.

The leftist PC police are like Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority on steroids. These religious freaks are actually making words punishable by law in some western countries. And the list of offensive words which gives them this power continues to grow.

PC and identity politics. It's all the left brings to the table.
I find the self-righteous, holier than thou, virtue signaling, cancel culture, PC mob far more disgusting than a guy who let slip an inappropriate tasteless joke.
Just a point of clarification, Huggins didn't "let it slip." He said it twice. How do you let a slur slip twice within several seconds? It's impossible to make "the left" the bad guy in a situation where someone goes on a radio show and uses a slur twice in the same interview but I knew you'd try.
Just a point of clarification, Huggins didn't "let it slip." He said it twice. How do you let a slur slip twice within several seconds? It's impossible to make "the left" the bad guy in a situation where someone goes on a radio show and uses a slur twice in the same interview but I knew you'd try.
Omg, he said it twice. Blasphemy! Stone the heretic!

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