Bo Pelini to UK as DC?

Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.
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I think it's absolutely pathetic and disastrous how much control stoops has of the offense. He was a defensive coordinator. Stay away from the offense. You're single handily reruining our program. Please for the love of God stoops let someone call their own game. You can run an air raid offense and have clock control. You don't have to hurry up in an air raid. I'm not sure he realizes that. The fact stoops is persistent that we run up the middle behind this awful o-line and horribly coached o-line in the SEC is something to marvel at. The man makes you question how he ever got into the football business. I swear I'd rather have joker coaching these players. The problem with joker was he couldn't recruit. But he sure as hell could coach better than stoops. They're on the same level of bad. Ones a bad coach and beyond awful recruiter. The other is a damn good recruiter but one of the worst coaches football he ever seen. Can't prepare a team. In game coaching is even worse than his preparation. Refuses to adjust at halftime. It just sucks man we're always going to suck as long as we keep making hires like this.

You guys have got to stop with this myth that Stoops "controls" the offense. If Stoops was influencing the offense don't you think the first thing he would want is to stick to the short passing (essentially using the pass to run like Mumme did) instead of abandoning it after the first series each game? The only way we move the ball this year against SEC teams was with tempo and short timing passes and yet for some crazy reason Dawson goes completely away form that and mindlessly keeps trying to run slow developing longer pass patterns knowing our OL can't protect for more than 2 seconds.

And aside from the strange calls at the wrong times (draw against Auburn when we needed to pass, deep balls when we had two downs to make short yardage, fades on 1st and goal) our offense showed no polish, no tempo, no continuity at all. We ran play slow, our WR and backs came off the ball slow and were easy to cover. Did Stoops control that too?

Dawson needs to swallow his ego and realize he is the one that needs to get better at what he does all the way around, from techniques he teaches, to style of play, to creating tempo, to play calling that fits your personnel. When you have a bad Oline you play up tempo and use the pass to run and mix in draws and screens to move the chains. He didn't seem to realize this at all.
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.
Barnhart needs to sit down and shut up like he did when Calipari was hired. He hired this bunch now fix it!
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.
Then Barney needs to take off the dress and put on some big boy pants. This is SEC football not some bible class.
money wins in the Power 5, so just write checks and let the football minds make the calls
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.
You're probably right. I was probably ust imagining it that time Cal called Terrence Jones a "selfish MF" on national television. And just a couple of games ago, thought I saw Stoops, red-faced, throw an MF at a ref. Both were fired the next day.....

On the firing thing, who can forget when Barnhart waited 7 months to fire Joker after that Vandy abomination! Seemed like the next day at the time. Time sure flies.....
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.

Is Joker still cashing checks from UK?
Funny how people throw names of coaches like Brohm out there as if they would leave their head coaching gigs to come be an OC at a struggling SEC Program. OC's leave places like UK to take head coaching jobs at places like WKU, not the other way around, unless they are failing or get fired. besides, Brohm will be roaming the sidelines as head coach at someplace better than WKU more than likely next year.

Pelini is a realistic hire with merit.

Brohm is a pipe dream.

I was actually kind of hoping that Les Miles would get canned from LSU so we could bring back coach Peveto to coach Special teams.

Why would Bo Pelini come to work for a lame duck coach? Doesn't make much sense, but a lot of football coaches have taken too many shots to the melon so anything is possible.
Why do fans say that Stoops is holding Dawson back? Maybe what we are seeing is Dawson. Can you provide your source?

I don't remember the exact podcast, but on KSR Stoops himself said he kept Dawson from calling pass plays. I can't remember the down and distance....just my shock when he himself confirmed he had hadcuffed him.

Your a defensive coach, let the offense play.
Why would Bo Pelini come to work for a lame duck coach? Doesn't make much sense, but a lot of football coaches have taken too many shots to the melon so anything is possible.

EDIT: This might come off as me arguing against you, but I completely agree

Bo is looking to get back into the big boy game. His best option would to wait out the HC Vacancies and see if he can snag one. Why the hell would he come to a team that plays in the best conference and has an inept talent pool to compete? If he comes here and we continue to be garbage, his hopes of ANY job are gone. That would be a high risk move by Bo
Much improved bsased on what? Tea leaves ?

Improvement from the TEN four stars now in their third seaeson, the return of NINETEEN of the twenty two in the two deep on offense (and looks like the fans and coaches ran Towles off, so he must have been not very good) plus we still return a good nucleus of players on D, including all four true freshman DBs that look to be much improved with a years experience.
And there will be some changes AND improvement from the coaching staff. The THREE four stars on the OL should really leave our O with not one major talent shortage at any position on offense, and .
with the Redshirts and returners it is doubtful that all three four stars start, although the 5.9 Leavitt with JC experience should be a major upgrade.

Anything else I can help you with?
Geez, I didn't even think dead men could walk.

He is still our head coach, and undoubtedly will be next year with what I think will still be a much improved team, doubt if he leaves then either.

Why do you think they will be much improved?
EDIT: This might come off as me arguing against you, but I completely agree

Bo is looking to get back into the big boy game. His best option would to wait out the HC Vacancies and see if he can snag one. Why the hell would he come to a team that plays in the best conference and has an inept talent pool to compete? If he comes here and we continue to be garbage, his hopes of ANY job are gone. That would be a high risk move by Bo

It's not high risk by Bo. Bo is Bo. A lot of people seem to forget, him and stoops grew up together, have known each other since essentially the day they were born. Also, Bo has hurt himself with a lot of schools for his antics at Nebraska. He makes $250K at Youngstown St to be head coach, UK can pay at least double just to be a coordinator. Also, he will get recruits some of which actually have the chance to be at Ohio State, Michigan, and Michigan St just because of who he is. Pretty sure he would be willing to coach here.

I am by no means an insider, but I do research the stuff heavily. This is an opinion, I think there's at least an 80% chance of us getting him if we want him. If he comes here and succeeds and keeps his nose clean he will be gone in 3 years, say he comes here and turns us around and continues to act like an ass; he will stay here. Pelini is our best bet at DC. That part isn't quite an opinion.

And last thing, our defense was far from our biggest issue this year, they overachieved by a whole lot, if people really want to call the defense a bad talent pool they should look at the offensive stats(not referring to you and also not being a jerk) trying to give you some info maybe. If the offense finds a way to do anything our defense gave us a chance in 4 games. We could've easily been 8-4 or even 9-3 with a little offense. Offense cost us Florida, Auburn, Vandy, and Louisville. One touchdown on 2 drives inside the 2 at Vandy were bowl eligible.1 more 6 minute touchdown drive against Louisville, we win. 1 dropped pass from beating both Florida and Auburn. That's all offense. I truly believe you would be quite impressed by Bo as well as a lot of others. If this happens and he does not succeed I will eat my crow. Just hoping people understand what might lead him here.

Also nothing I said was meant to be directed at you negatively or any of that. I'm here for good discussion, and sorry for the long reply.
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Pelini can be a hot head...which is a good thing...but two hot head DCs may not be the best thing...

CMS is going to have to let BP or whomever have total control of the D...

Maybe CMS can take over a position, coach Saban...
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.

Barnhart may be told to leave it alone, kind of like he was with basketball
I think it's absolutely pathetic and disastrous how much control stoops has of the offense. He was a defensive coordinator. Stay away from the offense. You're single handily reruining our program. Please for the love of God stoops let someone call their own game. You can run an air raid offense and have clock control. You don't have to hurry up in an air raid. I'm not sure he realizes that. The fact stoops is persistent that we run up the middle behind this awful o-line and horribly coached o-line in the SEC is something to marvel at. The man makes you question how he ever got into the football business. I swear I'd rather have joker coaching these players. The problem with joker was he couldn't recruit. But he sure as hell could coach better than stoops. They're on the same level of bad. Ones a bad coach and beyond awful recruiter. The other is a damn good recruiter but one of the worst coaches football he ever seen. Can't prepare a team. In game coaching is even worse than his preparation. Refuses to adjust at halftime. It just sucks man we're always going to suck as long as we keep making hires like this.
I totally agree he is such a micro manager! Stoops sabotaged the offense! You hire a guy and then keep him from doing his job! Stoops was in the way of every offensive decision! He has really bitten off more than he can chew! He has no organizational skills or for that matter leadership quality! In 3 years he has not improved ANY As a Head Coach! If anything he has digressed!
Y'all obviously have not been paying attention. First, ANY football staff changes will have to be okayed by Barnhart. Barnhart DOES NOT pay coaches to not coach (i.e., no buyouts). So, I would be incredibly shocked if any coach is terminated before June 30 (when their contracts end). If they have a two-year contract that terminates in 2017, then they will be here until June 30, 2017.

Bo Pelini has been known to be grouchy with players and media. Probably cusses too. This behavior will not be tolerated by Barnhart.

Simple fix: take it out of Stoops salary. He's not worth $640,000 per win.
At YSU Bo Pelini has a chance as a head coach in the FCS to win a division 1 national championship in the postseason. Even if he needed the money why would he leave to be a DC for a team that would be lucky to earn an invite to something as trivial as The Toilet Bowl?