Bo Pelini to UK as DC?

I'd be shocked if schlarmann is let go unless our line recruits have said they are still committed, isn't there something about this on HoB? (Like from one of young men's dad saying he was the main reason his son committed)
Drake Jackson said something to that affect.
Here's the thing. If he's not going to be the DC. Then why would Stoops allow the rumors to roll. He knows we don't want DJ he knows this would stir things up.

Does no one remember that Chris Hatcher was on the sidelines last year for the Louisville game. Pelini isn't any more likely to be here next year than Toby Keith.
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Not sure if it changed or not but both DJ Elliott and Jimmy Brumbaugh no longer have UK on their Twitter handles. Both just say coach now. Again, could be nothing.
They never did have UK in their handle. Nor schlarman or chad scott or derrick ansley.
Ok, so Elliot is let go. Why should Shannon Flipping Dawson get a pass? He was worse than Elliot! I'm ok with replacing Elliot, but the offense was way worse than our defense ever thought to be.
Stoops probably thinks most of the offensive struggles were a result of poor O line play. That's why Schlarman is likely gone. Dawson will get one more year to prove himself, hopefully behind a better coached line.
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Stoops probably thinks most of the offensive struggles were a result of poor O line play. That's why Schlarman is likely gone. Dawson will get one more year to prove himself, hopefully behind a better coached line.
Elliott and Schlarmann are both gone?
The 2 are Schlarman and Elliot.
How do you know this? TOS poster mentioned these two plus Mainord.
Dawson has been disappointing for sure. But QB play and offensive line have been horrible. He's going to get another year.

Schlarman needs to be gone yesterday

DJ Elliot needs to be gone

Stoops needs to stay away from offensive and defensive playcalling.

Pelini would be awesome.v
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If Stoops doesn't replace Elliot, I would just prefer Stoops call the defensive signals during the game and reduce Elliot's role. And If he isn't going to replace Dawson (which he made clear after the game he isn't) stay the hell out of the way and let him call the game without Stoop's meddling. I have no love lost for Dawson, but I have a hunch Stoops overrides Dawson more than he should.

I don't think he overrides Dawson but he does set parameters such as control clock which can be even more intrusive. We saw a lot of different looks early on that just went away. Such as having both Boom and Horton in the backfield at the same time and putting them in motion to be used as pass targets. We never saw that after week 3. We also saw less of Conrad as a pass target. Clearly the offense became more "establish the run" under Stoops' orders. That essentially killed the offense.
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Ok, so Elliot is let go. Why should Shannon Flipping Dawson get a pass? He was worse than Elliot! I'm ok with replacing Elliot, but the offense was way worse than our defense ever thought to be.
Agreed. Was more concerned - much more - with the O. The argument for keeping Dawson is you can't have 3 different OC's in 3 consecutive years...
Also, Pelini would be a homerun hire for our defense.

It struck me odd When I saw him but I was so pissed off about the game that I didn't think much of it.
Also, Pelini would be a homerun hire for our defense.

It struck me odd When I saw him but I was so pissed off about the game that I didn't think much of it.

Would be a great hire! However I do understand Eliot hasn't done a whole lot, but the defenses stats look bad because of how inept the offense was. Our defense absolutely lived on the field for most of the 12 games we played, they played to bend and not break and some games there was no way they could keep from breaking. I still prefer Pelini and really do hope we hire him, but our defense was not as bad as the stats show, it was more so because of depth. In the game yesterday to be living on the field and have a fresh Jackson in the whole game was asking for a disaster. Had we put together 1 more 6 minute touchdown drive we would have won the game.
Would be a great hire! However I do understand Eliot hasn't done a whole lot, but the defenses stats look bad because of how inept the offense was. Our defense absolutely lived on the field for most of the 12 games we played, they played to bend and not break and some games there was no way they could keep from breaking. I still prefer Pelini and really do hope we hire him, but our defense was not as bad as the stats show, it was more so because of depth. In the game yesterday to be living on the field and have a fresh Jackson in the whole game was asking for a disaster. Had we put together 1 more 6 minute touchdown drive we would have won the game.

I totally agree man. I think the bulk of our problems have been on Offense, for sure.

But it is obvious we need more experience at DC. Stoops more or less admitted that when he hired Buh in lieu of a ST Coordinator.
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I totally agree man. I think the bulk of our problems have been on Offense, for sure.

But it is obvious we need more experience at DC. Stoops more or less admitted that when he hired Buh in lieu of a ST Coordinator.

No doubt about that! Completely agree, I've been saying for a while now I like Stoops, and I think he is the guy. Except an inexperienced guy like stoops needs as much experience in his coordinators as he can get. We really don't need inexperience. We need the fire of a guy like Pelini, you just take the good with the bad. Kinda like developing Barker this off season.

Absolutely have to get a ST coordinator to. That's just bad that we don't have one.
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Surely Stoops realizes that a MAJOR change(s) needs to be made. His career as a HC is literally on the line now. He's facing a much tougher schedule next season, hasn't made a bowl and has only beaten a couple of teams with winning records during his tenure. Firing a couple of position coaches isn't going to be enough. Dawson shouldn't be back next year but, he will in all likelihood. Hiring Pelini would be a smart move. He has the experience Stoops doesn't, could bring the discipline the program needs and possibly even be able to motivate some of the ass-draggers that Freddie Maggard referred to in his article.
However, even with the possible hiring of someone like Pelini, there is no guarantee that a lot will change. I just wonder what kind of epic force it's going to take to ever turn this thing around.
I'd be shocked if schlarmann is let go unless our line recruits have said they are still committed, isn't there something about this on HoB? (Like from one of young men's dad saying he was the main reason his son committed)

I have to agree with this, don't know how big a factor it would be in their recruitment, two are from Kentucky and are True Blue I believe, and Leavitt is stepping into a very good situation for himself, I believe. He is a sure fire starter from all I have read and able to play with some very experienced OL this year his first year with some talent, and if they don't do better then some four stars could play. His second year the OL should be outstanding, talent wise, with some experience, and Schlarmann could look a whole lot better than he does now, if he is here.
Not a chance. He'll get a much better opportunity than UK with a dead man walking as a head coach.

Geez, I didn't even think dead men could walk.

He is still our head coach, and undoubtedly will be next year with what I think will still be a much improved team, doubt if he leaves then either.
Geez, I didn't even think dead men could walk.

He is still our head coach, and undoubtedly will be next year with what I think will still be a much improved team, doubt if he leaves then either.

Much improved based on what? Tea leaves ?
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Dawson has been disappointing for sure. But QB play and offensive line have been horrible. He's going to get another year.

Schlarman needs to be gone yesterday

DJ Elliot needs to be gone

Stoops needs to stay away from offensive and defensive playcalling.

Pelini would be awesome.v
I think it's absolutely pathetic and disastrous how much control stoops has of the offense. He was a defensive coordinator. Stay away from the offense. You're single handily reruining our program. Please for the love of God stoops let someone call their own game. You can run an air raid offense and have clock control. You don't have to hurry up in an air raid. I'm not sure he realizes that. The fact stoops is persistent that we run up the middle behind this awful o-line and horribly coached o-line in the SEC is something to marvel at. The man makes you question how he ever got into the football business. I swear I'd rather have joker coaching these players. The problem with joker was he couldn't recruit. But he sure as hell could coach better than stoops. They're on the same level of bad. Ones a bad coach and beyond awful recruiter. The other is a damn good recruiter but one of the worst coaches football he ever seen. Can't prepare a team. In game coaching is even worse than his preparation. Refuses to adjust at halftime. It just sucks man we're always going to suck as long as we keep making hires like this.
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