Bo Pelini to UK as DC?

If Stoops doesn't replace Elliot, I would just prefer Stoops call the defensive signals during the game and reduce Elliot's role. And If he isn't going to replace Dawson (which he made clear after the game he isn't) stay the hell out of the way and let him call the game without Stoop's meddling. I have no love lost for Dawson, but I have a hunch Stoops overrides Dawson more than he should.

Agree that Stoops should take over playcalling responsibilities on D.

Also agree that Stoops should stay out of offensive playcalls. Saturday, the offense was rolling pretty good until Stoops went down and lit into Dawson. After that, Im not sure we gained another yard. Im fairly certain we didnt get another first down. May be just coincidence, no way to know.
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Doubt it happens unless the next couple of days Elliott is let go and even then I don't believe it. Pelini could get a better job in all honesty.
Doubt it happens unless the next couple of days Elliott is let go and even then I don't believe it. Pelini could get a better job in all honesty.
Probably, but Pelini burnt a lot of bridges with his time at Nebraska. His press conferences and dissing the fans, etc. A lot of HCs will overlook it for his ability to coach defenses, etc. Some may not. A lot of ADs and college administrations may not. He may need a hand from a friend (Stoops) to get back in and climb back up the ladder so to speak of major college football. In the same vein, Muschamp may not have helped himself a lot with his tirades on the Auburn sideline Saturday.
Probably, but Pelini burnt a lot of bridges with his time at Nebraska. His press conferences and dissing the fans, etc. A lot of HCs will overlook it for his ability to coach defenses, etc. Some may not. A lot of ADs and college administrations may not. He may need a hand from a friend (Stoops) to get back in and climb back up the ladder so to speak of major college football. In the same vein, Muschamp may not have helped himself a lot with his tirades on the Auburn sideline Saturday.
Muschamp is a psycho. Haha that guy has always had issues.
If Stoops doesn't replace Elliot, I would just prefer Stoops call the defensive signals during the game and reduce Elliot's role. And If he isn't going to replace Dawson (which he made clear after the game he isn't) stay the hell out of the way and let him call the game without Stoop's meddling. I have no love lost for Dawson, but I have a hunch Stoops overrides Dawson more than he should.

Why do fans say that Stoops is holding Dawson back? Maybe what we are seeing is Dawson. Can you provide your source?
KSR hinted in one of their posts that two changes were coming soon.
Highly doubtful this happens, just don't see Stoops giving up control of the D. Also....UK's not creative enough to make such a ballsy hire. But if it did thru some miracle, Eliot stays, don't forget he's Stoops personal protégé, and Buh would be the one to go with Eliot moving into Buh's role.
Would not surprise me at all.

Pelini played HS ball with Mark. They were both GA's at Iowa at the same time. Pelini also worked for brother Bob @ OU. Pelini hired Marrow @ Nebraska. He coached Love & Hart @ Nebraska. Etc.

Besides the connections... Pelini never won less than 9 games in a season at Nebraska, he has coached in the NFL and he was the DC for Les Miles 2007 National Champ LSU squad.
I like these facts. Keep em coming.
Geez, I didn't even think dead men could walk.

He is still our head coach, and undoubtedly will be next year with what I think will still be a much improved team, doubt if he leaves then either.
I agree. CMS' fourth year is the year I've always tagged as the year he has to show the program is heading in the right direction. If he hasn't done that, the 2017 season will under a microscope and very well should be.
If we did hire Bo, we would be the betting man's favorite to lead the SEC in sideline meltdowns next season.
Why would Hart and Love not like him at UK? They transferred from Nebraska BECAUSE Pelini was let go. Not because they didn't like him.

Meant to say Love and not Hart. I don't know much about Hart. Love told people he was going to transfer before Pelini was fired. He never saw the field because Pelini's defense defense was too complicated. Pelini had his favorites, and I don't think Love was in that group. There were several other players who were going to transfer if Pelini was retained. His style of defense isn't very attractive to players or recruits. It's more of a read and react defense, and focuses on taking away the passing game at the expense of giving up a lot of rushing yards (unless you have Suh playing DT). Not sure that would translate well in the SEC. Plus, he's a horrible human being.
Schlarman absolutely needs to go. The majority of the offensive issues can be laid on the offensive line, they looked good in 2 games all year and got manhandled in the rest. I'm willing to give Dawson a pass. We need consistency in the offense. How many offensive coordinators did Towles play for? Do we need to go down that same road with Barker? I'm ok with the rest of the offensive staff. I don't know what else a WR coach can do to help a kid catch the ball, that's on the players.

Eliot probably needs to go as well. We're not generating near enough of a pass rush to have sustained success in the SEC. 17 sacks in 12 games is downright awful. No, our talent level is not where it needs to be, but that's all the more reason our schemes should be designed to overcome some of that. Brumbaugh should go along with him. Pretty sure the only reason he was hired was to secure Za'darius Smith.
Pelini never won less than 9 games in 7 years at NU. NU currently sits with a losing record and with a somewhat understandable over-inflated ego (i.e., that of a fallen giant with a passionate fanbase).

He is a jackass per all accounts, but knows defense. This is a unique situation that on the surface at least looks like a great fit for both parties...gets Pelini back into a Power 5 situation, gets UK a hardnosed, experienced and proven DC with SEC experience and Ohio ties.

He could also provide Stoops quite a bit of help given his experience as a head coach of a quality program. The obvious risk is whether he would clash with Stoops and bring the ship down.

Stoops has known Pelini a long time and they are close. He is in a good position to assess that specific risk. The people on this board are not. The call would make or break Stoops, and he knows it. The ability to make some adjustments to a read option QB would be a nice bonus...
. The ability to make some adjustments to a read option QB would be a nice bonus...

What makes you think Pelini knows how to stop a read option QB? He always struggled with mobile QBs. His defenses are built to stop wide-open passing offenses like you see in the Big 12.
I was on the sideline and saw Pelini right in front of me.

Nice. Sorry you had to see that trainwreck up close. You couldn't pay me to buy a UK Football ticket...... hope it was free !! I like to watch the games from afar, through one eye while doing something else at the same time.
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Nice. Sorry you had to see that trainwreck up close. You couldn't pay me to buy a UK Football ticket...... hope it was free !! I like to watch the games from afar, through one eye.
Then why are you here, reading posts on a football board? Could we pay you to stay away from here, too?

Spica Orbit
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Then why are you here, reading posts on a football board? Could we pay you to stay away from here, too?

Spica Orbit

Sorry man, but when someone says they were on the sideline for a UK football game I have to chuckle. It's like a Mississippi State basketball fan saying they have front row season's just not impressive, even if they are free corporate seats. I have spent enough money attending UK Football games to have any opinion I want....whether you like it or not.
KSR hinted in one of their posts that two changes were coming soon.
A brilliant deduction from what has to be my first choice in football coverage, KSR. Honestly, I almost can't wait to see the epic meltdown over there when Cal finally decides to hang it up. It'll make their live football blog posts look sane, by comparison.

Spica Orbit
Sorry man, but when someone says they were on the sideline for a UK football game I have to chuckle. It's like a Mississippi State basketball fan saying they have front row season's just not impressive, even if they are free corporate seats. I have spent enough money attending UK Football games to have any opinion I want....whether you like it or not.
155 posts tell us all we need to know....whether you like it or not.

Spica Orbit
155 posts tell us all we need to know....whether you like it or not.

Spica Orbit

Ohhhhh, the poster who immediately crys "TROLL!" when he sees a post/poster he doesn't agree with. Good luck on that. Many Football fans that just wasted another Saturday agree with me....whether you like it or not. This is an opinion board and you can't control the opinion of others. Have fun trying, though !
Sorry man, but when someone says they were on the sideline for a UK football game I have to chuckle. It's like a Mississippi State basketball fan saying they have front row season's just not impressive, even if they are free corporate seats. I have spent enough money attending UK Football games to have any opinion I want....whether you like it or not.

I wasn't trying to be impressive, just saying I saw Pelini up close. I was there to hand out an award.

Thanks for letting us know your thoughts though.
This will allow Stoops more time to meddle in the offense and to erode UK's special teams. Great.

Stoops should have hired an experienced "balanced" offensive coordinator/associate coach the second day on the job. Going with Neal Brown extended his honeymoon period a week or so, but hurt any foundation building for the program. This hire will only work out if it convinces Stoops to delegate more.
Pelini never won less than 9 games in 7 years at NU. NU currently sits with a losing record and with a somewhat understandable over-inflated ego (i.e., that of a fallen giant with a passionate fanbase).

He is a jackass per all accounts, but knows defense. This is a unique situation that on the surface at least looks like a great fit for both parties...gets Pelini back into a Power 5 situation, gets UK a hardnosed, experienced and proven DC with SEC experience and Ohio ties.

He could also provide Stoops quite a bit of help given his experience as a head coach of a quality program. The obvious risk is whether he would clash with Stoops and bring the ship down.

Stoops has known Pelini a long time and they are close. He is in a good position to assess that specific risk. The people on this board are not. The call would make or break Stoops, and he knows it. The ability to make some adjustments to a read option QB would be a nice bonus...

This team needs a Jackass! And the ship is already sinking. Just might be the kick that's needed to put some hope back into what has become a total failure.
Agree that Stoops should take over playcalling responsibilities on D.

Also agree that Stoops should stay out of offensive playcalls. Saturday, the offense was rolling pretty good until Stoops went down and lit into Dawson. After that, Im not sure we gained another yard. Im fairly certain we didnt get another first down. May be just coincidence, no way to know.
Its never a good thing to "lit into" someone in front of the team... that's my opinion... But ask yourself... Would you want your boss to do that in front of the people that reported to you? Stoops needs to do some self evaluation at a very minimum... Pretty obvious what he's doing ain't working....
Well Schlarman does in fact not have UK in his title BUT he hasn't even twatted since August and he has a little pic of CWS as his profile pic AND a giant UK helmet as his main pic. Jimmy Brumbaugh hasn't twatted since October and still has "Defensive of Line Coach for the University of Kentucky" AND a giant picture of UK Football on his account. DJ Eliot has only one twat since October, still has "Defensive Coordinator at The University of Kentucky" and pic of himself proudly displaying UK athletic gear AND has a giant UK Football pic on his account. Now Chad Scott does have "Running Backs Coach/Running Game Coordinator at The University of Tennessee". Just kidding, it says "University of Kentucky". He is pretty active with his twatting and has both a pic of himself proudly prowling the sidelines with his UK gear AND a giant UK Football pic.

There's your twitter smoke report, there is none.
Its never a good thing to "lit into" someone in front of the team... that's my opinion... But ask yourself... Would you want your boss to do that in front of the people that reported to you? Stoops needs to do some self evaluation at a very minimum... Pretty obvious what he's doing ain't working....

Agree. It was an odd situation. And it just feels like Stoops has always been looking over the shoulder of Brown/Dawson. Not a good situation.