Bill Walton...

Nobody gives a shit about the game he’s doing, we only tune in to hear what off the wall comments he will make.
Im one of the few people who really enjoy Walton calling games. I get sick of hearing announcers make excuses for refs or try to build the matchup all game. Would rather listen to Walton & his crazy positivity any day of the week.
Hilarious that people get on here to bitch at midnight about a Pac-12 game they care absolutely nothing about. Bill Walton has been color commentating since 1990, and leave it to our fan base to bitch about the dude uncontrollably.
I enjoy Walton a lot. Love that he says his say, even if not "network policy" or politically correct. Yes, at times his ramblings may go a little too far, but hs that any worse than Bilas lawyering or Vitale talking about the Dookies. Walton knows basketball.
You can tell whether someone is fun or not by their opinion on Prince and Bill Walton.

If you need some random nobody talking about how effective a team's 2-3 zone has been and their opinion on whether a coach should sit a player with two fouls, read a book or take a class.

Almost never does a college announcer offer any insight to the game that a knowledgeable person doesn't already know, so they end up bloviating or throwing out lame catchphrases.

Honestly, Dakich is the only guy who gives you anything worth hearing from a basketball perspective in the college game. Otherwise, I'd at least rather have Walton because he's fun.