Best Frozen Pizza

Mar 5, 2006
I always bought the hype and thought it was DiGiorno's. Tonight, I just made a Freschetta's Pepperoni Pizza.

BY FAR, the best frozen pizza I've ever had!

Who you got?
Lard Arse, Lard Arse, been there done that will never do it again...
Originally posted by CatFanInIlliniLand:

I always bought the hype and thought it was DiGiorno's. Tonight, I just made a Freschetta's Pepperoni Pizza.

BY FAR, the best frozen pizza I've ever had!

Who you got?
Agreed. That's the only brand I've bought the last three years. Nothing comes close.
I also go with the old rectangle school pizza. I loved the sausage pizza with fries we had back in the late 80's/early 90's in school. I would get 2 lunches back then on pizza day.

I used to go to bingo with my mom and grandmother at some catholic school just because they had that same pizza I loved in high school. That was probably 10 to 15 years ago. I would buy those now if I knew where the schools got them and if they didn't change them. Most school food sucks these days though with them trying to force kids to eat healthier.

Now a days, I mostly eat Tombstone Pizza. Digiorno Pizzas are getting to expensive. I can get a large fresh one at Little Caesar's Pizza for cheaper than those.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
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Have tried all the ones mentioned, and my honest answer is "none". They all suck, compared to almost any decent pizza restaurant. Like curing the common cold, making a good frozen pizza must be one of the impossible feats of the 21st century.
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All frozen pizza mostly sucks. The only one I've found that is edible is Tombstone pepperoni. It has to be cooked on a baking stone.

There's probably much better available, but every time I experiment with something else, it tastes like crap. Freschetta's is OK, but the crust is too thick. I quit eating Totinos after my income rose above poverty level.
From the thread its apparent that folks have a wide variety of preferences in what a pizza should taste like. Personally I prefer DiGiorno's to either of the major chain's Domino or PapaJohns. Red Baron, Tombstone are second rate IMO. I have not tried Freschetta's yet but I will definitely do so.
California Pizza Kitchen.

Totinos- been awhile since I've had one, but I would always get either their cheese or their pepperoni pizza, then add extra shit to it after it had been in the oven for a few minutes to thaw (extra cheese, peppers, onions, etc.).
My wife and I were talking about buying frozen pizza and unless you live where there isn't delivery, I can't see paying $5.99 for a frozen pizza with sparse toppings versus $7.99 for a large fresh pizza you can run out and pick up - heck you can drop by Little Ceasers and get a $5 pizza , IMO, as good as anything frozen.

Even if I lived where there wasn't delivery, I'd invest in a good pizza stone and make it myself.

That said, I think the fresh made versions from whatever store - costco or kroger would be my first choice, then followed by the ones mentioned here.
Originally posted by TankedCat:
...unless you live where there isn't delivery, I can't see paying $5.99 for a frozen pizza with sparse toppings versus $7.99 for a large fresh pizza you can run out and pick up - heck you can drop by Little Ceasers and get a $5 pizza , IMO, as good as anything frozen.

From time to time you can catch Red Barons on sale for half-price, which makes it slightly more attractive than going out for one from a convenience standpoint.

Also, any FP can be made 1,000s of times better by adding 4-5 slices of provolone (or a little extra mozzarella, I prefers provolone) to it before baking.
Red Baron pan pizza isn't bad for frozen pizza. Can jazz it up with your own toppings like green peppers and onions.

On another note, I tried the Papa John's burger pizza last night after the game and was thoroughly disgusted after half a slice. Doesn't taste like pizza or a burger.
My mom worked at the school cafeteria for three or four years. Each summer she'd hit up the supply house and but a bunch of pizzas and chicken patties. Sure, it turned funKYcat75 into husKYcat75, but it was worth every bit.
Jack's pepperoni is pretty solid. Isn't Tony's the ones where the pepperoni would curl up and create a little mini bowl of grease? I liked those but haven't had one in years.

I'll eat virtually any thin crust pizza. Frozen thick crust is where things get dicey for me. DiGornio is terrible.
Agree with the Frans and Jacks. Seems like the best products don't try to sell their shitty crust.