You have no idea what the agreement was either.
This is not a big head scratcher for anyone but you.
There was no risk that we know of in taking HD. Only reward - get #1 SG next year and improve our current guards.
You are the only person on the planet that didn't know he would get evaluated.
Other coaches would not have played him either if they promised him they wouldn't. Again Cal mentioned this multiple times regarding Diallo, why do you want our coach to break his word and how would he force a kid to play?
Besides the other team was UConn and they weren't making the tournament even with HD.
No one will be happy we lost our SG for next year, the only discourse is debating the morons who:
1. Crap on the kid and Cal BEFORE a final decision is even made.
2. Can't understand why a kid would not turn down a 1st round guarantee because he practiced for 3 months here.
I'll be frustrated if he leaves period, however, If he leaves knowing he has no 1st round guarantee, that will be the only scenario that would leave me a bit ticked off.
if Calipari told the kid to come, sit the bench, dont compete in games, you just sit there and when the season is over....You put your name in the draft, if that is what was said instead of ok you're coming in a little later than everyone else here is the deal, you work your butt off in practice, learn how we play and next year you will have a leg up and be our leader WHY EVEN COME HERE ITS A HUGE HEAD SCRATCHER!!!!
Your third sentence is your opinion, no where even close to a fact YET. Since at this time it is non fiction, there is no reward at this time. So far its not a good trade off.
Your 4th sentence is EXTREMELY false. There are tons of people who didnt see a kid sit because alot of people thought he wasnt good enough to play then declare for the draft. But i knew he was alot better than a couple starters like zay, and willis. But regardless, ALOT of folks never seen that coming.
Your 5th sentence could be right, ive yet to see a link on who said what because alot of people said it was HD saying he wasnt ready to play, the other groups says it was Cal. I will say other coaches most likely would have played him just like auburn played the young 5 star kid who entered into college about the same time as HD did,and under the same circumstances.
I dont know if you're referring to me as 1. The Moron who craps on a kid BEFORE a final decision is even made, but if you were, FALSE. Ive never said ONE thing negative, or derogatory about HD. All i ever said was if he declared for the draft wich the NBA is a much harder, more skillfull lvl of ball, Why could he have not helped us? No, i dont mean practice. Because, some of yall, maybe even you is gonna see how good he is and see we could have had 9 possibly. Im not understang why you dont understand that. We had access to a top lvl recruit but he never logged a min. This debunks the side that said HD didnt play because he thought he wasnt ready.... Because he is ready now.
Its comon sense that if you're a lottery 1st round pick you go, again, i dont know if that was directed at me but nope thats not what i think.
Your last sentence you say the only reason you will be mad is if he goes still although basically he is second round. Ok, you may get ready to get pissed because a few articles states a second round projection would not stop him. And so what if someone came and said stop whining, why cant you just be happy for him you wouldnt like that. But in closing, thats not my point. Im happy for him, its what you keep missing is, i dont care that he put his name in the draft SO LONG AS HE HELPED US HIS ONE ELIGIBLE YEAR! but even then, who cares, life goes on. If he comes back good for him, if he leaves, good for him. Its ok to talk, let frustrations go but this is not life or death. I hope this straightened out everything.