Couple of thoughts here, if my dad found out I threw beer bottles at someone's vehicle or hit someone in the head with a beer bottle he would have beat me half to death, I wouldn't have looked near as good as the EKU player did. Wouldn't have mattered if I were 14 or 30, my dad rode one of those little plywood boats to the beach in Normandy and wasn't afraid of anything I ever say, really can't imagine how bad that was running into all that firepower.
Second, while Barker hasn't shown much maturity in some of his decisions, don't write him off, Bobo use to start fights in the bars in Athens couple times a week and the OL would save his butt. Sometimes they grow up, give him a chance.
Second, while Barker hasn't shown much maturity in some of his decisions, don't write him off, Bobo use to start fights in the bars in Athens couple times a week and the OL would save his butt. Sometimes they grow up, give him a chance.