Arian Foster on getting money at UT


Blue Chip Prospect
Mar 12, 2009
He admitted he got as much as 50k from boosters and ex-players while playing at UT, then back tracked on twitter saying he didn't get that much.

No wonder we are having such a hard time catching UT in recruiting.

"You have people help you out here and there," Foster said. "Boosters and alumni and ex-players, they all know how it is, man. It's hard living check to check when you don't have enough money to go out to the movies or any kind of leisure activity. And you're not allowed to get a job. Especially when I was in college, they were a lot more stringent on those rules, so at any given chance I got the opportunity, I took a free handout. Absolutely."

I'd say that is true.
Like I stated in another thread one guy I am friends with got paid a 1000 just about after every game in which he played good stuffed in a new pair of shoes, loafers or whatever pair he liked.
Originally posted by *Bleedingblue*:
I'd say that is true.
Like I stated in another thread one guy I am friends with got paid a 1000 just about after every game in which he played good stuffed in a new pair of shoes, loafers or whatever pair he liked.
The good ones get at least a g to make an unofficial visit.
SB Nation had a good story where they interviewed one of the said boosters.

< Good read.

This post was edited on 1/30 3:48 PM by Mills_for_Three
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Really is amazing how crooked programs like UT are yet KY gives some football recruits letter jackets and a very small amount of money and gets the hammer from the NCAA.
When UT was rolling they made AU look squeaky clean, well that is a stretch, but I have several friends that are former UT players, 3 are former AA for UT. Couple of them didn't come from families of need so to speak, but one lived pretty hard when we were in HS. Suddenly he was dressing completely different and went from no care to a new one once he got on the field at UT. This was back in the late 60's early 70's. They haven't ever been clean, when they are they are Southern Miss, just a different color, check Dooley's time there, who was brought in to fail, but to keep them clean while the NCAA was around after a year of Kiffin and Orgeron being in town.
Vol fans are going after him on his Twitter now.

Feeno @ArianFoster · 1h 1 hour ago
"@Jon_Clabo: @ArianFoster way to backstab and betray a fan base that once loved you."

Really startin to think some of yall are delusional
Nobody does it better than UT and AU and Alabama (Albert Means and countless probations).
Did he ever talk about how much honey they put on his biscuit, to say nothing of all that money in his pocket?
Wonder how much Harris got to go to BAMA ??

Remember the SEC motto

If you ain't cheating you ain't trying
I know for a fact Bama is cheating their ass off. Getting recruits and on field performance. They are not the only ones who are, lll leave it at that.
IF I'm not mistaken this is the upteenth remark he has made about ut- reminds me of bill walton- use your alma mater for everything you can get then rat on them for the crookedness that was going on while you were there- have about as much respect for these 2 and others as I would for an outhouse rat.
Originally posted by bigbluelife:
IF I'm not mistaken this is the upteenth remark he has made about ut- reminds me of bill walton- use your alma mater for everything you can get then rat on them for the crookedness that was going on while you were there- have about as much respect for these 2 and others as I would for an outhouse rat.
Hey!!! That is how the dishonest and cheats are outed . There is no honor among such. If you have an out house rat and feed and nurture it. It will stay around but it will bite you if it gets a chance. They knew they had an outhouse rat. They bought and paid for him and nurtured him as long as he was useful but they didn't buy loyalty. I have no sympathy for either party because they are both dishonest cheats
Originally posted by StillBlue83:
Vol fans are going after him on his Twitter now.

Feeno @ArianFoster · 1h 1 hour ago
"@Jon_Clabo: @ArianFoster way to backstab and betray a fan base that once loved you."

Really startin to think some of yall are delusional
You see this same behavior at Auburn and Tennessee. Everyone is supposed to keep it inside the family. Cheating is okay, but don't talk about it because that's a mortal sin. If people really want to know why Tennessee and Auburn can reload so fast, look at the obvious explanation. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Originally posted by Mills_for_Three:

Originally posted by *Bleedingblue*:
I'd say that is true.
Like I stated in another thread one guy I am friends with got paid a 1000 just about after every game in which he played good stuffed in a new pair of shoes, loafers or whatever pair he liked.
The good ones get at least a g to make an unofficial visit.
SB Nation had a good story where they interviewed one of the said boosters.

< Good read.

This post was edited on 1/30 3:48 PM by Mills_for_Three
I know what I wanna be when I grow up now - if I ever grow up.
My first cousins was a pitcher for the Vols in the late 80's and early 90's.

You should hear the stories of how fulmer used to get his players past drug test and exams.

Fulmer was one of the biggest cheaters this game has ever seen.
As above poster said, why do people think Auburn hires these "in house" no names as head coaches?

Because they know and adhere to the "Auburn way". Auburn doesn't need a great coach to win and recruit. They need a coach who will shut his mouth and let the right people do their job. That's all it's about. So when chizik wins a title, things fall apart, just go get another in house no name and we will be fine. Oh look!! There's a in house no name coach at arkansas state!!!! I bet he'll keep his mouth shut. Bring him on!!

It's pathetic and awfully familiar with *UNC

This post was edited on 1/31 1:15 PM by .S&C.
This stuff goes on everywhere, including at UK. People that think otherwise are living in a fantasy world.

All that said, Foster is a special kind of stupid to be spouting off about it years later knowing it probably still goes on at UT. That is a good way to get people sniffing around UT's program. I don't blame the redneck fans for being mad at him.
I actually don't beliece it goes on everywhere. Not all the time anyway.

Financial incentive would put a lot more teams on an even playing field than there are.

50,000 dollars is 50,000 dollars, whether UK is handing it out or alabama is handing it out. Obviously there's a huge advantage for some and not so much for others.

Do most top schools do it in football? Probably.
It should be pretty obvious that Bama has a lot more money to throw around (and more supporters in football) when they filled their 101,800 seat stadium for all their home games except three in two recent years, and only missed a total of about 3000 fans total for those three games against gimmes. If UK fills our "new" stadium for every game next year (AVERAGED 67,000 plus capacity attendance in 07 and the Mumme years) we will still be about 40,000 per game short of Bama.

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