Anyone Here Have An Electric Car?

demo☭rat terrorists attacked a Tesla service center last night in Las Vegas as Elon continues exposing massive demo☭rat corruption.

Still no condemnation from anyone on the left. Shameless scum.

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Last night in Kansas City. I heard the attacks are targeting contested districts.

Does this violence really encourage anybody to vote for a f**king demo☭rat? Lunatics excepted of course.

I’ve done the math on an EV for me driving usage, the local electrical rates, and current gas prices. It doesn’t make a damn bit of financial sense for me.

I’m just doing it based on a comparison of gas vs. what a middle of the road cost for installation of a charger and the increase in electrical expenses from charging. And honestly the cost to install a home charger would probably be more than middle of the road given how old the house is and how antiquated the electrical structure of the house is.

At current gas and electrical rates, It would take over 12 years for the cost of gas to break even with the cost of increased electrical usage and the cost of installation for a home charger at a middle of the road price.

Of course I know there are other factors to consider. But the economics of it don’t make a whole lot of sense for someone who drives less than 60 miles a week on average.
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