Anyone feeling like we are gonna beat UGA?

I was thinking food poisening and tire spikes in front of their goal line.
Uh, no. I do think we'll show well for whatever that is worth. Other than last year, when the media got them all fires up and ready, we generally play Georgia very tough but never a threat to win. I figure it will be much the same this year.

Fwiw - not that it excuses the piss poor sc performance, but i absolutely think the staff and players overlooked sc. For whatever reason our staff thinks were above losing to sc and that attitude trickles down. It cost us three years in a row now.
I think I read the combined score for the last two years against them was like 62-6.

Edit… 67-19
I really do.
Not this Saturday of course, but sometime in the next 20-30 years. I feel really confident about that.
Well after that fiasco against USC, I am afraid Georgia is going to crush our offense and wear our defense out since the offense can't stay on the field more than 4 downs. This is going to be 60 to 70 points for UGA unless Kirby has mercy.
I'm wondering if we can score on their first string defense.
SC laid the blueprint for how to defend UK
I would expect every team that has the personnel to employ the same tactic.
No blueprint or tactic is necessary….our OL is completely helpless, hopeless, and hapless. We couldn’t handle a 3-man rush inside our own 10 yard line.

We would struggle mightily against a good FCS defense. Thank heavens we don’t have Montana State coming to CWS.

After listening to the interviews of the two ga transfers, i feel even less optimistic. Especially pop sounds way more bulldog than wildcat. I know he and brock were needed but they don't sound connected to the team in a way they need to be. Add in the undoubtedly nice nil and it probably makes the divide tougher.

I think I read the combined score for the last two years against them was like 62-6.

Edit… 67-19

Yes mainly because last year. Year before we played them tough in Lexington but didnt threaten winning. I looked it up 16-6. Definitely not a blowout. Last year was the only year they blew us out. It was a bad combo of the media riling them up and us melting down.

1) So what outlet posted that garbage two year stat intentionally misleading readers? Because framing it that way absolutely has an agenda to mislead.

2) were you not a fan two years ago and remember that game for yourself without having to rely on what some blog or media outlet told you?