Any Thoughts to Bolster NIL at UK?


Oct 1, 2016
How about offering NIL beverages and food at the stadium.

Along with the usual fare, have Cokes and even beer cups with randomly selected photos of a player or two on the sides of the cups, and pay an extra buck for the drink. Call it “Collectable NIL Cups.” It could be done for food, in some fashion, also.

Literally use the names of players, their image and likeness emblazoned on cups, wrappers, and other containers. Hell, push the envelope, and through your third party contractors, do this for ALL the food/drinks sold at the stadium.

Any other ideas?

My idea is corny as Hell, but so is much of the NIL ish out there.
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Put up QR code NIL donation stations throughout the stadium on game days. Tie it to businesses that have deals with players and those monies will add to the player's funds.
Win/win for players and business advertising.
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How about an NIL store in Lexington, Louisville, etc.

Contract with a business that can sell UK memorabilia just like the UK dedicated stores in existence, but every sale of caps, jerseys, shirts, etc., etc. has some use of players’ names, and images.

My family’s Christmas has been pretty much an exchange of Blue stuff for 20 years, so why not throw 10% toward NIL?
What UT among others are doing and what eventually everyone will do. Raise ticket prices and split with athletes.

It’s the easiest damn thing to do.

Then a cut of merch.

Among all that other marketing and promotional stuff that helps.

Also, at the end of the day…win. Obvious and cliche “winning cures all” but it’s true.

10-11 wins and all the folks ballyhooing over a 10% increase in tickets, $12 beers, etc…will be fighting one another to pay even higher increases than that for seats, parking passes, tail gating permits, etc.
Well would you pay a 15% or 20% hike on tickets for NIL? Because UT is counting on their 104,000+seats to blow away a school that seats 62,000 and to give them a significant edge over those SEC schools that are in the 80,000-100,000 seats. To the original point, yes we should be looking at ways to be creative with NIL but Tennessee chose a very easy way to make money from a resource at hand.