Another clinic by Sheppard

You just took my numbers, changed them, and then tried (and failed) to mathematically prove your straw man.

You should just take the L and stop. You look like a fool. Cal is gone and he was a failure. Get over it.
Just STFU. You are just showing to everyone you are more and more stupid every time you post.

I took your numbers, didn't change them, and did PROVE MATHEMATICALLY how wrong you are. It's not my fault you are too mathematically stupid to comprehend.

I'm glad Cal is gone. And F*** yes, his last 4 years was a failure.

But my point was all last season, that we needed at least 2 of the 3 R's on the court all 40 minutes. Unfortunately, due to Rob's foul problems, by doing that, about the most you could see all 3 together would be about 20 minutes.
You are an ignorant misinformed idiot.
I never “slurped” anyone. I was ready to move on from Cal after 9-16 in 21. But I supported the team , the players, no matter who is coach (unlike some on here, probably you).
I apologize if you hate seeing FACTS when they don’t support your ignorant opinions.

Get John's junk outcha grill first. Balls straight up marinating that face.
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I think you'd be extremely surprised if you looked it up. For those 3 it might've been more, but Cal literally played his best lineup (per the metrics, which did include those three) something like 4 mins/game. Criminal.

Don't try to explain anything to that guy.
There were at least 8 certain minutes a game we could have been guaranteed to have our best 3 players, free from the influence of fouls, on the court together. That would have been at the start of the first and second half. But of course, starting our 3 best players together would have been silly. It would have caused the team to fall apart.
Just STFU. You are just showing to everyone you are more and more stupid every time you post.

I took your numbers, didn't change them, and did PROVE MATHEMATICALLY how wrong you are. It's not my fault you are too mathematically stupid to comprehend.

I'm glad Cal is gone. And F*** yes, his last 4 years was a failure.

But my point was all last season, that we needed at least 2 of the 3 R's on the court all 40 minutes. Unfortunately, due to Rob's foul problems, by doing that, about the most you could see all 3 together would be about 20 minutes.
I said 25-30 minutes each. How did they get to 100 minutes in your "calculations?" You mischaracterized my comment and you CAN'T do math.

Sheppard - 13 minutes per half - sub - 7 minutes per half
Rob - 13 minutes per half - sub - 7 minutes per half
Reeves - 15 minutes per half - sub - 5 minutes per half

Did we have anyone on the bench who could have come in for them? Hmmm I wonder.


It makes sense though, because Cal was just as stupid, and you had your head shoved so far up his ass you could see what he was thinking.
Cal Sucks. I've said that several times. More than I can count. If fact, I was advocating for Pope as soon as he left and called an idiot for doing so. BURN.

I'm gonna get NBA league pass for the first time this year so I can watch Reed play. Are you? Didn't think so.

Anybody that thnks a player can't have a bad game unless it's the coaches fault has never played sports and is posting form sheer emotion because that coach hurt their little feeliings.

Hopefully they've come up with good medication for CDS by now.

Oakland game:

Reed 26 minutes
Wagner 17 minutes
Edwards 15 minutes

Reed was held back! He socred a whoppin 3 points in the 26 minutes and had countless mistakes on top of that. It is what it is. Edwards had 10 points in far less minutes but lets go after him and not Reed. Kind of shreds your credibility.

The number 3 pick in the draft had a miserable game. It happens.

But I get it. Some have bobble heads of Macy and Farmer hanging from their rear view mirror and "them's fighin' words!" if you dare critique one of their boys. Too funny.

Can't wait to watch Reed, Dilly, etc, on NBA league pass this year.
Dude you either need to double up on your medicine or stop taking it all together. By the way,already have nba tv, so take your holier-than-thou act down the road.
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Yeah, Cal had em ready to go. Didn't do an ounce of prep for a zone defense, and we were running our offense through Tre Mitchell in the 1st half, shooting 12 footers. Hell, I would have gave up that shot all game.
Nothing changed during ccc's entire tenure. Wasn't ready for WVU and huggy during his 1st year and still was clueless in his last game. Wouldn't play zone and had no clue how to attack a zone.
Sheppard has been human tonight, but has played hard. He’s had decent looks, but few are falling.
So he got 15 and his average dropped to 20 ppg.
Oh heavens! (clutching pearls)
He's gonna be ok.
🐄 's still dumb.
Whitmore is super athletic ... but he should NEVER shoot long jump shots or 3-pointers.
I agree with this. He had a very poor shooting game and appeared to take what are very low-percentage shots for him.
It is very interesting to note that Sheppard and Whitmore are both very young, having just turned 20 years old.
Sheppard 06/24/04
Whitmore 07/08/04
Both have very bright futures, I think.
I won't argue that BUT Reed had all the chances in the world against Oakland and was absymal. I mean he was HORRIBLE in that game.

Thats what happens when your brain dead coach lets the other team get a lead each half and hold the ball. Young players press because they know possessions are limited.

All that said, defense lost that game. Iirc offense was fine even if reed and rob weren't at their best.
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Why can't he win Rookie of the Year? He's dominating this league two games in.
Whoa, slow your roll there. I love Shep, but dominating the summer league after 2 games means nothing. Let's see where he's at after a 3rd of the season and then make our assessment. He could win ROTY if he continues to play like he did the first 2 SLG's.
Whoa, slow your roll there. I love Shep, but dominating the summer league after 2 games means nothing. Let's see where he's at after a 3rd of the season and then make our assessment. He could win ROTY if he continues to play like he did the first 2 SLG's.
No. I demand he be presented the award this weekend.
Cal is awful but Reed did have a terrible game by his standards. Two things can be true. The sun not shining being blamed on Calipari is weak and pathetic. When a player plays good it was despite Cal. When a player plays bad it was because of Cal. Ohhh those armchair QB’s with hindsight. They’re undefeated in their opinions. 🤣
Except, we told you all year. What hindsight, Baller?
But, but i thought Shep was just a lowly 4 star from Cantucky who was riding his daddys coat tails?

Reed is a tremendous talent, no question, but you are absolutely correct about the Oakland game. He was a no-show and felt the pressure. There is little doubt he learned from the experience and seems more comfortable with the Rockets, obviously looking confident under the pressure of showing he deserved where he was selected.

I’ve said for a while to me if Stockton / Deron Williams / Redick had a baby together Reed comes out.

Ive totally tanked for the Rockets now he’s brought me back into the NBA. Love that kid, if he ends up a HOF’r he’ll go down as the goat of the state all time. Gotta go hard for the Rockets from here on out.
I’ve said for a while to me if Stockton / Deron Williams / Redick had a baby together Reed comes out.

Ive totally tanked for the Rockets now he’s brought me back into the NBA. Love that kid, if he ends up a HOF’r he’ll go down as the goat of the state all time. Gotta go hard for the Rockets from here on out.
That’s gross