Amateur Athletics is officially dead.

This is a good thing

Opens the door for players to unionize

Which opens the door for NCAA/conferences to negotiate terms for rules.

This eventually allows a path to multi year contracts w buyout clauses (like coaches have) which helps keep yearly transfers at bay and limit poaching and yearly recruiting the same roster (or else you get paid by the receiving school)

Also opens the door to salary caps. Making collectives and booster direct bidding wars illegal again. All money must be visa donations to the university and then paid either W2 or contractor style to the athlete. Enforceable salary caps which now makes roster/salary management a part of the game and strategy for coaches and front office. Roster building is back eventually. Any money exchanging hands outside the school>player pipeline that isn’t a commercial, jersey sales, etc is a violation and ncaa gets some teeth back (whether they actually use it unbiased is a diff story)..if a booster owns a major business, then they can’t hire that athlete for commercials unless it is at standard national average rate for similar work (no 1mil 20 sec commercial spots…pay what the average for every other college athlete in commercials is)
None of this is good.
Sadly it’s damn hard to truly go of grid anymore and not be travel or bothered. Government and companies own everything. I’m not a sovereign nutjob or anything but it’s just wild how much we just can’t do. Wanna build soemthing? Permit, taxes. Hell I’ve seen some places where if you just want to buy a pool at like Walmart (just some cheap above ground thing) cites want you to buy a permit. To build on your own damn property.

Sick of it man. Sick of it. Being a cave hermit sounds better every day.
If you actually know the law well then you come to understand that it actually works in your favor. Cities and municipalities are operating under their own codes and ordinaces. These things dont apply to men and women who know and understand their God given rights. These codes, statutes, and ordinances operate under the "color of law" and are often times misapplied particularly at the local level. (Cities, townships, etc)
My wife was 20 when she and I got our first mortgage. I was an old man of 23.

I have no idea what happened to the current generation of 18-30 year olds.
Economy man. I can’t think of very many fresh out of college or just stating odd in life than could even dream of bring a home. Avg home price in Kentucky is 246k. A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Avg household income 60k. There’s your answer. It would take nearly five years to pay off. And that’s with interest and no other bills.
If you actually know the law well then you come to understand that it actually works in your favor. Cities and municipalities are operating under their own codes and ordinaces. These things dont apply to men and women who know and understand their God given rights. These codes, statutes, and ordinances operate under the "color of law" and are often times misapplied particularly at the local level. (Cities, townships, etc)
I haven’t seen the law work much in anyone’s favor these days. Hell it took three videos and a EPSN reporter to get a millionaire golfer off the hook from police incompetence. Imagine what happens to everyday folks. System is effed man.
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In the real world when you pay for something and don’t get what you paid for, you can request a refund.
Wonder if some of these so called OAD that flopped schools can get their money back?
If a kid is getting paid, then there should not be a free scholarship.
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In the real world when you pay for something and don’t get what you paid for, you can request a refund.
Wonder if some of these so called OAD that flopped schools can get their money back?
If a kid is getting paid, then there should not be a free scholarship.

What real world do you live in? When I take a job they pay me and if they don't like my work they can let me go but they don't get to pull money back from me.

Why are some of you so worried about these players getting money. It doesn't even come out of your pocket and the money is there because of the players.
I can see athletic programs simply renting facilities from schools and players not be required to be students.
Good. I see no reason to keep pretending that they’re real students now.

They’ve now officially admitted that this is professional sports, so they might as well carry that to its logical conclusion. Get rid of the requirement that they be enrolled in classes (but still allow them to do so if they choose) and reclassify them as what they really are: just employees playing for the University sponsored pro team.

Then maybe schools can finally get rid of those bogus “jock” courses that exist only to keep athletes eligible ..and have long served as an embarrassing blight on the reputation of American universities.
Maybe it will be terrible and maybe it will be good. The idea of a basketball or football player at a major school being an “amateur student athlete “ has been dead for a long time.
We, well maybe I should just speak for myself, I am part of problem. I value UK basketball and football more than I should. I wouldn’t even care to have cable, satellite, or a live streaming service if not for UK sports. Or there are cheaper packages without the SEC network. Someone knows we are willing to pay for it. Ticket prices aren’t getting cheaper—not many empty seats at Rupp. Most of your biggest college football stadiums are full on Saturdays in the fall.
It’s not an after school extra curricular activity for college students. It’s a money machine funded by fans and consumers of advertised products.
So yeah, football and basketball players have every right to want their cut. Agents are going to get their cut too. Universities will have to hire people to manage this side of the business. Also, Universities aren’t going to reduce their profits. So who pays for it? We all do. Unless we all quit watching/attendin ( we won’t). But when we whine about the death of amateur athletes and look for someone to blame, you can probably find them when you look in the mirror. Nobody forces us to be fans. We choose to be. Without fan interest in college sports, there is no money in college sports. If money is ruining it. We, as well as fans of other teams, are to blame.
College tuition just went up, ticket prices just went up, merchandise just went up, cable streaming bill just went up. Yep, we will pay for this.
If you had any idea how many billions this industry has been making in pure profit you wouldn't say something this idiotic.
So when do we reach the point of abandoning recruitment of HS players and instead there is a some form of a college basketball draft each year?

Yes, I know this is crazy talk. Or is it really?
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Oh, you have a description for young, mostly black athletes who labour to make State Institutions richer but don't receive a dime? It's not over the top at all. It's facts. There's a lot of undercover slavery going on in this country. Just because it's not 'chattel' slavery doesn't' mean it isn't' slavery.
Have you forgotten that black athletes used to not even be allowed to play in college sports? Black people demanded to be able to play (as they should.) But now they are slaves. Any white kid who loves sports but doesn't have the athleticism would gladly trade places with a black kid to be able to play sports and get a free education. Hell sign me up to be a "slave."
What real world do you live in? When I take a job they pay me and if they don't like my work they can let me go but they don't get to pull money back from me.

Why are some of you so worried about these players getting money. It doesn't even come out of your pocket and the money is there because of the players.
You don’t think the money comes out of your pocket? Of course it does. It always has. A little from you, a little from me, a little from each of us. And in some ways, that’s only fair since we are the ones enjoying watching it. But the Universities, networks, and advertisers would all love everyone to believe that it’s not coming out of your pocket. Any check that the school writes will come back to them in the form of bigger network deals which every penny and then some will be funded by price increases on just about everything. It would be cheaper on all of us if the amount by the number of fans and billing us directly. Instead it goes through several channels each adding their cost of operating plus profit.
If you had any idea how many billions this industry has been making in pure profit you wouldn't say something this idiotic.
Do you think these large profits will be reduced one penny by this?????? Any expense plus additional expense will just get passed on down. When you are selling something that so many people are addicted to, profits only go up—never down. They didn’t get rich by accident.
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If you had any idea how many billions this industry has been making in pure profit you wouldn't say something this idiotic.
You think the colleges/others are gonna accept a reduction in those billions they have been making? Heck no, that’s why my statement is correct that prices for everything the consumer pays is going to go player can now get their money and those who had been making the billions gets to keep making their billions. Simple math.
Oh, you have a description for young, mostly black athletes who labour to make State Institutions richer but don't receive a dime? It's not over the top at all. It's facts. There's a lot of undercover slavery going on in this country. Just because it's not 'chattel' slavery doesn't' mean it isn't' slavery.
I forget. Was someone forcing these young black men to go to college and play sports against their will?
Ed OBannon started all this. Wonder how much he got for bringing this to "light". Players should be paid something but there has to be a reworking of all this somehow. One thing that will never change though is the peoples lust for money. And it's getting worse as time goes by.
The “House” part of this lawsuit actually refers to an Arizona St swimmer of all people. What does the school owe him, a few hundred dollars?
I think this will lead to lower coach salaries and slow the facilities arms race in college athletics, and that’s a good thing. Pro sports are usually split about 50% of revenue going to the players. This lawsuit would seem to set it up for much less than that. I know the structures are different, but the universities might just want to consider themselves lucky.
Oh, you have a description for young, mostly black athletes who labour to make State Institutions richer but don't receive a dime? It's not over the top at all. It's facts. There's a lot of undercover slavery going on in this country. Just because it's not 'chattel' slavery doesn't' mean it isn't' slavery.
Free education, meals and housing is hardly slavery. Geeze. Yearly tuition is most likely what the average household salary makes a year. They should be compensated something but not what they are asking.
Sorry you prefered when athletes were slaves. It's fun to me to see people like you get so disappointed.
Slaves? Like the unforgettables...the untouchables, etc? I wonder if the players who attended Pope's PC feel that way. Sure didn't seem like it. Pope talked about how UK changed his life, and how it was an honor just to play here. how the NBA locker room conversation was about their colleges...not the NBA or the money. I'm betting the players who got off that bus agree. They were here to support Pope and UK. Yeah, some players were getting "paid" but at least there was some loyalty and appreciation for the school you played for. That's what money has changed imo. But things change. It is what it is.
come on, admit it. How many of you years ago fell for the grievance lobby when they told you “just let them make money on their name”. Whats the harm?”Let them sign an autograph”

I guess next….sit back and let them now make you feel guilty for even suggesting this doesn’t seem right and you are a pos because you don’t want to destroy the institution.

Oh my, where have we heard these methods before? It’s literally out of their playbook in every case.
It's not feasible for to pay everyone in society lots of money. But that's what a large segment of people seem to want. It doesn't fix anything.

I'll say this, if the athletes are accepting money, they need to be treated like professionals and act like them. If they don't perform, they should lose the money.
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Hopefully it's the "death" of the bureaucratic, discriminatory, two faced, low life, no good NCAA!!!!

I'm just curious as to HOW the schools decide to break down the money distribution. It should just go to the sports that ACTUALLY make money. Which in turn will hurt all of the non-revenue sports and athletes.
My guess is a lot of programs are about to get cut.
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If you had any idea how many billions this industry has been making in pure profit you wouldn't say something this idiotic.

Stop confusing revenue and profits. Where do you think these “billions of pure profit” would go to anyway? These are public institutions without shareholders. Very few athletic departments actually run a profit.

If you want to make an argument that coaches/administrators salaries are too high, or that schools need to slow down with the “over-the-top” facilities, I'll listen…but these school weren’t sitting on wads of cash, they were spending it on the athletes the only way they were previously allowed.