Amateur Athletics is officially dead.

God forbid we let fairness get in way of your comfort

"Fairness" you slay me...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 My "comfort" 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

I may remember you now...but I doubt it, I normally do not waste my time remembering drivel and liars.

You're the dweeb that always stated posters typed words they never typed ..... Yeah, you just make it up... Then, call them on the words you make up. (And then, some dufus "likes" it. Never fails...)

Be Proud... you seem to have found your life's calling... 😆 😂

(Since 2005 anyway....) 😆
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Can't wait till someone challenges the eligibility rule of only getting 4 years to play (which has been a mess with COVID anyway). I mean, who really cares at this point if we're just going to dub the players as employees?
will the paid athletes still be required to attend classes, or will the charade finally be over? and will a good portion of the payroll burden trickle down to the fans buying tickets?
Can't wait till someone challenges the eligibility rule of only getting 4 years to play (which has been a mess with COVID anyway). I mean, who really cares at this point if we're just going to dub the players as employees?
Just happened. Talia Tagoliavoa, QB at Maryland petitioned for a 6th yr to plat at Miami(fl) for 2024. Lost.
After the first year of these payments gets made public, there will be women’s cases advocating to be paid as much as the men in their respective sports. With universities being what they are, they’ll succumb. This thing can’t possibly end well.
They can try but like the US women’s soccer team it was proven in court that they were overpaid. Didn’t work out.
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As a lifeliong UK football and basketball fan, this change will have major effect on what our teams will look like going forward. Our athletic director has a philosophy of trying to be as best we can be in every sport. This will be his undoing, in my opinion, once the new rules go into effect. The schools at the top of their pecking orders in respective sports are going to make decisions to swing for the fences in those areas. You will see football schools like Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio State, Oklahoma, etc go all in on massive NIL funding for football. You will see basketball schools like Indiana, North Carolina, Duke, Louisville, etc. go all in on basketball. We will be left deciding if we are truly a basketball school — if we are, we will have to go all in because the other basketball schools will. NIL will always cost more in football but you will probably have to pay double NIL for each basketball contribution due to Title IX. The fan base coming to reality about what type of school we are will either allow us to be average at everything going forward, or great at basketball. I wish it wasn’t so but I don’t see another option.
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Anyone who pays THAT kind of money to watch "college teams" needs their head examined.
Yeah but you know if Colleges have to pass out 22 mil to players in the past and start paying players now, the college will try every way to make up that money. Football, basketball tickets will go up. Other sports not so much as they do not make money in the first place. Football and Basketball will have to continue to carry the load for the athletic budgets. Only way to stop that would be to make the football team a representative of KENTUCKY and basketball but no totally associated with said university. In other words (Semi pro teams, which is what they all now are) and the team sends the players to the university as part of the package, but are not associated.
What real world do you live in? When I take a job they pay me and if they don't like my work they can let me go but they don't get to pull money back from me.

Why are some of you so worried about these players getting money. It doesn't even come out of your pocket and the money is there because of the players.
You ask what world I live in?
You buy a ticket to a game and get there only to see players opting out to play that day. Do you feel you deserve a refund? They are getting paid, you are paying for a ticket to watch them play since this is all entertainment.

You have a job and get paid. OK, with a union you can get away with not doing your job and still get paid. I have been in unions for over 50 years and they spend 99% of their time addressing losers.

Players are getting a $100,000 plus free education, is that not getting paid?
It doesn't come out of our pocket you say? You have no idea about taxes, state budgets and such. UK, UL all get state money. That sir is our money.

Back to your job. You go to work and do a crappy job that day. Does your boss get on you for that and expect better?
I pay for a ticket and that highly paid player craps the bed and I can't say nothing? It is my money for that ticket that is tied into his/her getting paid.
You get paid to play then you should be held accountable for your performance just like you when you go to work and get paid.

Players will know receive direct payments from universities if a judge approves (which they will).

College Sports as we know it is dead.
The beauty of college sport was the amateur status ... playing the sport while receiving an education as remuneration. Chasing immediate money without building a sustainable future career path ... the perfect illustration of foolish greed. This entire approach is so completely flawed it's just unimaginable. This is the result of stupid people doing what stupid people do.
Just happened. Talia Tagoliavoa, QB at Maryland petitioned for a 6th yr to plat at Miami(fl) for 2024. Lost.
Not that I necessarily care… but petitioning for an extra year is different than legally challenging limits on eligibility in a new landscape where players are essentially paid employees, and they and/or universities can theoretically argue highly desirable “employees” cannot be prevented from remaining on the payroll for as long as they like, or as long as the university wishes to keep them absent having a better “employee” available to replace them.

The NBA doesn’t have eligibility limits.
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Kids have been working their way through college from time immemorial. I did . These kids just make a few bucks more than we did because they generate Huge revenue for the schools and it’s only right they share in it .

Sure does beat waiting tables as I did .
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I’m curious what impact this will have on the other non-revenue sports.

We’ve long been told that the excess revenue generated by football and men’s basketball is what funds those other programs. Well, there ain’t gonna be as much of that excess available with a sizable chunk now having to go toward player salaries.

This materially alters the cost/benefit analysis of maintaining lower tier sports. Will schools still want to pay for field hockey, golf and lacrosse teams if the players must be paid and those programs are a clear negative net financial drain on the University’s budget?
Maybe this will help colleges and universities get back to what they're really there for. EDUCATION.
It is hyperbolic at minimum, and borderline insane in reality, to compare the situation college athletes are in versus actual victims of slavery and human trafficking.

College athletes are in a bad business deal, with schools using scholarship contracts to deprive them of the full value of their labor in the free market. Examples of other onerous contractual provisions in the employment context are broadly construed assignment of invention and non-competition clauses. Some employers also use their unequal bargaining power to force potential employees to sign overly broad NDAs, that cover matters far afield from trade secrets or proprietary client or company information.

Bad business deals, although unfair in many ways, are still not slavery. The good news is that players will be getting a better deal and a cut of lucrative TV contracts. The downside is that the current NCAA framework is likely unsustainable in the long run. Programs will need to operate more like school affiliated professional club teams, with all that that entails.

I also agree that as we have known it, college sports are fundamentally on life support.
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At this point in my life, I really don't care what happens with college sports. OTOH, I'm not going to watch the janitors, maintenance personnel or professors "work" at UK & I'm sure as hell not going to watch a bunch of athletes go through the motions while getting paid. I really hope the whole college sports landscape just implodes. Good riddance.
I have no doubt players in the past were done dirty and deserved to be paid but now it's gone to the other extreme where they are overpaid and have all the power.
Maybe this will help colleges and universities get back to what they're really there for. EDUCATION.
There are probably quite a few classes and degrees that are just as much of a scam as amateur athletics.
The university model for education is scam in itself.
There are probably quite a few classes and degrees that are just as much of a scam as amateur athletics.
The university model for education is scam in itself.
The argument isn't about which is more scammy. The point I'm making is that schools haven't gotten further and further away from why they were in the first place: education.
College basketball and football are businesses. Our athletic director calls Kentucky Athletics a  brand. When college sports transitioned from locally televised to big money national televised the underlying value of college sports changed. Who gets to share in those profits?

Schools had money for scholarships and coaches were not paid $5-10 million a year prior to that change. Toss in sports gear and video games it changes value even more.
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At this point in my life, I really don't care what happens with college sports. OTOH, I'm not going to watch the janitors, maintenance personnel or professors "work" at UK & I'm sure as hell not going to watch a bunch of athletes go through the motions while getting paid. I really hope the whole college sports landscape just implodes. Good riddance.
Same here.
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College basketball and football are businesses. Our athletic director calls Kentucky Athletics a  brand. When college sports transitioned from locally televised to big money national televised the underlying value of college sports changed. Who gets to share in those profits?

Schools had money for scholarships and coaches were not paid $5-10 million a year prior to that change. Toss in sports gear and video games it changes value even more.
Now that they're getting paid OUT IN THE OPEN, let's see a college basketball video game again. The market is there for it.
There are probably quite a few classes and degrees that are just as much of a scam as amateur athletics.
The university model for education is scam in itself.
College is a huge ripoff these days anyway. If I was graduating high school now, there's no way I would attend.
College is a huge ripoff these days anyway. If I was graduating high school now, there's no way I would attend.
The cost of both tuition and housing for college is absolutely staggering. It is insane when many intro level courses at some schools are delivered online/on demand with office hours via a Yammer/slack channel or teams live chat. Almost all of the lectures can be pre-recorded and used for multiple sections.

These types of programs and courses have to generate tons of revenue for the schools.
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They can try but like the US women’s soccer team it was proven in court that they were overpaid. Didn’t work out.
You’re not wrong. The courts did their job in defense of the pay structure. However, the USSF (similar to how the universities will react) restructured the bargaining agreement to pay the both similarly in salaries. There are other things to consider, that will also come into play, such as success and revenue/ticket sells. In the case of soccer, those are % based.
I'm about done with it. I gave up on pro sports because of the greed. Not really wanting to go through this crap with college now. When's the first strike going to happen? They should have just let college stay the way it was and if you didn't like it, go play in a developmental league or overseas. Nothing was stopping that. I hope the whole system comes crashing down.
I don't get this greed talk.

If I do something that makes other people a lot of money--I want to get some of the money. There's nothing immoral about wanting to make money.

Kids were going to play in developmental leagues and overseas. Now the best of the best are coming to college. Guys that would have rushed to the NBA are staying longer.

I think it's led to a better product on the floor.

Some people just have this big mental block that the kids aren't doing it "for the university."
So if they are getting paid, we can boo and criticize the hell out of them like in other pro sports.
It is hyperbolic at minimum, and borderline insane in reality, to compare the situation college athletes are in versus actual victims of slavery and human trafficking.

College athletes are in a bad business deal, with schools using scholarship contracts to deprive them of the full value of their labor in the free market. Examples of other onerous contractual provisions in the employment context are broadly construed assignment of invention and non-competition clauses. Some employers also use their unequal bargaining power to force potential employees to sign overly broad NDAs, that cover matters far afield from trade secrets or proprietary client or company information.

Bad business deals, although unfair in many ways, are still not slavery. The good news is that players will be getting a better deal and a cut of lucrative TV contracts. The downside is that the current NCAA framework is likely unsustainable in the long run. Programs will need to operate more like school affiliated professional club teams, with all that that entails.

I also agree that as we have known it, college sports are fundamentally on life support.
This is addressing two posts. One above the person said there are no eligibility constraints in the NBA? So they are back to allowing kids out of high school again or still following the one year since high school graduation and at least 19 years old?

Everyone fails to mention the the unlimited free advertising some of these kids get in college as well. $100k in my opinion is s HUGE undervaluation of what they get. I am paying around $28 a year for my kids to attend an instate college, not all that prestigious...but fair. That includes room, board, classes and a meal plan with a specified amount of money. I can definitely speak to what I saw of UK athletes when I attended, these were some of their other perks. Free unlimited tutoring, students that took notes for them in class, unlimited clothing (yeah UK apparel but still tons of it), free Nike shoes, unlimited meal plan accounts, etc. Watched Jamal Mashburn literally swipe like 3 shopping carts of food from the little grocery over by Homes Hall in my day, that rang up for about 500 dollars for his buddies. My card when swiped showed the balance on the card on the screen after the transaction, his showed *********. I actually always supported some type of per diem for athletes, but to pretend like 90% of these "student-athletes" would have attended college at all if not for being on a team is a stretch. And yes that education means more than people are giving credit for because the NBA drafts what 31 guaranteed picks a year. And 31 2nd round non guaranteed contracts. The NFL has 7 rounds of 32, with 858 college football teams at all levels. Basically what that means is the vast majority of these guys arent going to get paid professionally and that college degree is the absolute best trade off they can get.

I just think this is going to end up another professional league and if thats what it is we have one of those already.
At this point in my life, I really don't care what happens with college sports. OTOH, I'm not going to watch the janitors, maintenance personnel or professors "work" at UK & I'm sure as hell not going to watch a bunch of athletes go through the motions while getting paid. I really hope the whole college sports landscape just implodes. Good riddance.
I think this is exactly what will happen. Everything is just getting out of hand and I think you will see all this go belly up. Might be a good thing to happen.