All female Oceans Eleven remake

Why not let it be its own thing? Trying to tie it to Ocean's Eleven will only cause backlash like Ghostbusters. If you want to do a heist movie with a female cast, that's fine. If it's good, it will stand on its own. If it's bad, nobody will remember it.
Why not let it be its own thing? Trying to tie it to Ocean's Eleven will only cause backlash like Ghostbusters. If you want to do a heist movie with a female cast, that's fine. If it's good, it will stand on its own. If it's bad, nobody will remember it.
Cause then you get this...
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No matter how many Social Justice Warriors try to run this PC shit down our throats, I will never spend one effing dollar on any "all-female" movie unless it's lesbian porn.

Let me guess. Melissa McCarthy, right?

They are trying really hard to turn that bitch into Chris Farley and it ain't gonna work.

No matter how many Social Justice Warriors try to run this PC shit down our throats, I will never spend one effing dollar on any "all-female" movie unless it's lesbian porn.

Let me guess. Melissa McCarthy, right?

They are trying really hard to turn that bitch into Chris Farley and it ain't gonna work.
No McCarthy. Mostly good actresses. Blanchett, Lawrence, Bullock (I said mostly). I don't have a problem with it. Nor do I think it's Pc. Actresses in Hollywood have been fighting for years to get the same kind of billing as their male counterparts. How many thousands of movies over the years have had all male casts? It's not even questioned. A couple movies with strong femal leads come out and everyone loses their minds. If it works, meaning makes money, then it will become the norm. And people will come to accept it. If it doesn't then it will pass. Studios only care about making money. They are all ran by rich white dudes whose only agenda is making more c-notes. Ever heard of Agnes Varda? Probably not. One of the best film makers of her generation. Made some masterpieces. Didn't make any money though. So no one ever complained about Varda's feminist films.
That's kind of my point. I've never heard of that film and it hasn't tainted any franchises. No harm done.
But it didn't make money. They're attaching them to franchises because they want to make money. Simple really. It's a win/win for the studios. I hate the studios but they know how to manipulate the masses.
But it didn't make money. They're attaching them to franchises because they want to make money.

But if it's good, it will make money regardless. This isn't some obscure indie film. It can original, good and well marketed and make a lot of money. Tying it to Ocean's Eleven won't make fans of the franchise excited for it. The new Ghostbusters never had a chance because it has the name Ghostbusters.

If you're going to tie something to a franchise, then it better be really, really good.
No McCarthy. Mostly good actresses. Blanchett, Lawrence, Bullock (I said mostly). I don't have a problem with it. Nor do I think it's Pc. Actresses in Hollywood have been fighting for years to get the same kind of billing as their male counterparts. How many thousands of movies over the years have had all male casts? It's not even questioned. A couple movies with strong femal leads come out and everyone loses their minds. If it works, meaning makes money, then it will become the norm. And people will come to accept it. If it doesn't then it will pass. Studios only care about making money. They are all ran by rich white dudes whose only agenda is making more c-notes. Ever heard of Agnes Varda? Probably not. One of the best film makers of her generation. Made some masterpieces. Didn't make any money though. So no one ever complained about Varda's feminist films.

Daboss. Look, I'm not sure I'll accurately be able to explain myself in the right way.

There is a reason why people kept making all-men movies. It's because that's what people wanted to see. They still do. Sorry, but no one wants to see a GD female Rocky. You can add robot tits to a Terminator and no one will watch it. The problem is, Hollywood thinks that it is the masculinity's suppression of femininity that has caused this. No. It's people don't wanna see a movie full of estrogen filled broads hem-hawing for 90 GD minutes.

Oh how I dare them to f***** try to remake an all female Scarface or Godfather. Try it mf'ers oh please try it

No matter how many Social Justice Warriors try to run this PC shit down our throats, I will never spend one effing dollar on any "all-female" movie unless it's lesbian porn.

Let me guess. Melissa McCarthy, right?

They are trying really hard to turn that bitch into Chris Farley and it ain't gonna work.
Melissa McCarthy is an abomination as a comedian.
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always thought it was weak to whine about women doing a "man's" thing. Sure Ghostbusters will be tarnished....and possibly Ocean's 11 as well......but is it really worth this much desperate venom?
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What's next Shawskank Redemption ? This whole movement has gone too far , first you wanted to vote and now just trying to take over . Man better wake up and put the cook back in the kitchen . They want to start a sandwhich makers Union then fine .
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No McCarthy. Mostly good actresses. Blanchett, Lawrence, Bullock (I said mostly). I don't have a problem with it. Nor do I think it's Pc. Actresses in Hollywood have been fighting for years to get the same kind of billing as their male counterparts. How many thousands of movies over the years have had all male casts? It's not even questioned. A couple movies with strong femal leads come out and everyone loses their minds. If it works, meaning makes money, then it will become the norm. And people will come to accept it. If it doesn't then it will pass. Studios only care about making money. They are all ran by rich white dudes whose only agenda is making more c-notes. Ever heard of Agnes Varda? Probably not. One of the best film makers of her generation. Made some masterpieces. Didn't make any money though. So no one ever complained about Varda's feminist films.
It is PC otherwise, they would try something different than the movies they are remaking. Not opposed to all female cast if the movie is good and not trying to placate to women because they were not the leads in great movies. Plenty of movies out there that sucked with all males leads that no one had seen that they could rewrite and make better using all women.
It is PC otherwise, they would try something different than the movies they are remaking. Not opposed to all female cast if the movie is good and not trying to placate to women because they were not the leads in great movies. Plenty of movies out there that sucked with all males leads that no one had seen that they could rewrite and make better using all women.

Then they guilt trip you into shame by not wanting to see it.

Hollywood should have looked at the popularity of the WNBA as some sort of gained insight. But nope. Blame it on men. I couldn't name a WNBA player right now, but I can name at least 20 to 30 porn stars right off the cuff.
This is what all feminist bitches want. Some weak man while the female is strong and tough. You gotta love it. Masculinity is bad but it's okay when women emulate it.
Good point. I always wondered why the lesbian couples usually have one that looks like a man? If you don't like men, why does one of them have a crew cut and keep their shirts tucked in all the time?
Agreed. Nobody wants to see a female Rocky. But they did make a female boxing movie that was a hit and won Best Picture.

Exactly. Nothing wrong with women in the lead roles. This is a perfect example. Just make a movie. Not a stupid PC statement.
I can't imagine that I'll see either one, particularly Ocean's 11 since I didn't care for the last remake, but no one is making you watch it. If it offends you, don't go. These movies will either have appeal or they won't. If they flop, Hollywood will figure it out. Same as remaking movies with all black casts.
Next, the gays will push out the women as the alternative gender recasting chick flick classics.

Thelman & Louis
A League of Their Bone
Thsteel Magnoliaths
Sperms of Endearment