All female Oceans Eleven remake

I can't wait for an all male movie abut washing dishes and making sandwiches.

That'll show these uppity bitches.
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Just wait until you see the outrage when the audience and cast find out together that their heist is only 70-percent of the original take.


That's gold.

I do like female chick lead roles in action movies where there is a strong man as the supporting role. When Scarlett Johanssen or Angelie Jolie are doing those roles where they shoot up the place and killing people. I love those kinda flicks.

That's gold.

I do like female chick lead roles in action movies where there is a strong man as the supporting role. When Scarlett Johanssen or Angelie Jolie are doing those roles where they shoot up the place and killing people. I love those kinda flicks.

I agree. Problem is, the PC warriors arent satisfied with having women equal to men in those roles. It isnt about equality anymore.

How would it go over if we made an all male Steel Magnolias or Thelma and Louise? All hell would break loose.
Next, the gays will push out the women as the alternative gender recasting chick flick classics.

Thelman & Louis
A League of Their Bone
Thsteel Magnoliaths
Sperms of Endearment
Dirty and Hairy
Indiana Bones
Close Encounters of the same kind

Not chick flicks but, you get the idea.

That's gold.

I do like female chick lead roles in action movies where there is a strong man as the supporting role. When Scarlett Johanssen or Angelie Jolie are doing those roles where they shoot up the place and killing people. I love those kinda flicks.
Red Sonja?
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No matter how many Social Justice Warriors try to run this PC shit down our throats, I will never spend one effing dollar on any "all-female" movie unless it's lesbian porn.

Let me guess. Melissa McCarthy, right?

They are trying really hard to turn that bitch into Chris Farley and it ain't gonna work.

to be clear though, these warriors (worriers?) would be individuals exclusively female, transgender, and from ethnic minorities. also they should ripoff the power rangers theme song (except the kind with only black and yellow rangers).
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No McCarthy. Mostly good actresses. Blanchett, Lawrence, Bullock (I said mostly). I don't have a problem with it. Nor do I think it's Pc. Actresses in Hollywood have been fighting for years to get the same kind of billing as their male counterparts. How many thousands of movies over the years have had all male casts? It's not even questioned. A couple movies with strong femal leads come out and everyone loses their minds. If it works, meaning makes money, then it will become the norm. And people will come to accept it. If it doesn't then it will pass. Studios only care about making money. They are all ran by rich white dudes whose only agenda is making more c-notes. Ever heard of Agnes Varda? Probably not. One of the best film makers of her generation. Made some masterpieces. Didn't make any money though. So no one ever complained about Varda's feminist films.

the film industry isn't a charity, it's a business. you did hit on the right note though. if all female cast movies had performed (or would perform) well financially, this would have already happened. but history already proves this isn't the case. by the same token, i don't hear any porn actresses complaining they are compensated far more than their male counterparts. everybody there knows what's up.
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Oh man! I can't wait for this. I remember watching the original and thinking at that time. "if they would have only made this with an all female cast, it would have been so much better". Will there be nudity? Chick tits are better than dude tits all day all air. Don't mean to sound sexist, but I am. I like chick tits.
Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich dammit.

But seriously these movies are all going to suck. Go for it Hollywood, can't wait to see you fail. If you want to make a movie about an important woman or gangster start from scrape you lazy ****'s.

How about you cast Griselda Blanco. Tell that story you stupid hacks.
Ever heard of Agnes Varda? Probably not. One of the best film makers of her generation. Made some masterpieces. Didn't make any money though.

"Masterpieces" that no one has ever heard of and that didn't make any money? Ok. Think we might be laying the hyperbole on a little strong here bud.
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An all female cast "Oceans" movie. That sounds like some kind of lesbian squirt fetish porn.
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Daboss- Agnes Varda? [laughing]

I know I'm not chic into neo modern renaissance avant garde movie making like you are. But most people who leave their house on a daily basis prolly have never heard of this woman.
"Masterpieces" that no one has ever heard of and that didn't make any money? Ok. Think we might be laying the hyperbole on a little strong here bud.
Nope. Luis Bunuel, Andre Tarkovsky, Yasujiro Ozu, Robert Bresson, Michelangelo Antonioni, Max Ophuls, all masters that I'm quite certain you've never heard of. I could list many many more. But cinephiles like myself know all their works. Film makers like myself know all their works.
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So is it a masterpiece due to technical abilities? I feel fairly certain that a "masterpiece" in terms of art or a movie can usually be appreciated by enough people so that it doesn't remain obscure. I'm not saying it'll be a massive blockbuster with the general public but I would imagine at the very least a cult following or an oscar nod or some such every now and then.
So is it a masterpiece due to technical abilities? I feel fairly certain that a "masterpiece" in terms of art or a movie can usually be appreciated by enough people so that it doesn't remain obscure. I'm not saying it'll be a massive blockbuster with the general public but I would imagine at the very least a cult following or an oscar nod or some such every now and then.
Oscar nod haha She does have a following. Agnes Varda is considered by many to be the grand mother of the French new wave. She was a left bank film maker so her style and approach differs from the right bank auteurs like Godard or Truffaut. She is still considered nouvelle vague. She's not one of my favorites but she was definitely a pioneer and an important piece of cinema history. Check out Cléo de 5 à 7 (Cléo from 5 to 7) (1961). It's probably her most well known work and her best in my opinion. Le Bonheur is a visually stunning master work that won the grand jury prize at the Berlin film festival in 1965. Her documentary The Gleaners and I was voted the 8th best documentary of all time by sight and sound. I don't expect you to know of her or of anyone of real significance outside of the usual suspects.
Oscar nod haha She does have a following. Agnes Varda is considered by many to be the grand mother of the French new wave. She was a left bank film maker so her style and approach differs from the right bank auteurs like Godard or Truffaut. She is still considered nouvelle vague. She's not one of my favorites but she was definitely a pioneer and an important piece of cinema history. Check out Cléo de 5 à 7 (Cléo from 5 to 7) (1961). It's probably her most well known work and her best in my opinion. Le Bonheur is a visually stunning master work that won the grand jury prize at the Berlin film festival in 1965. Her documentary The Gleaners and I was voted the 8th best documentary of all time by sight and sound. I don't expect you to know of her or of anyone of real significance outside of the usual suspects.

"Le Bonheur" sounds like one of interest. U may be on to something there.
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"Le Bonheur" sounds like one of interest. U may be on to something there.