Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter


Dec 9, 2007
So says the Wall Street Journal, a usually reliable source. . Just an alert so far. Nothing yet to link.

Should have been voluntary manslaughter but at least he's charged with a homicide. Actually, he's charged with two counts, and the most serious carries a MANDATORY five-year jail sentence, while the other one carries an 18-month sentence.

I've despised the smug jerk since the reports of him battering women and the tapes of him bullying his young daughter leaked.
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What took so long? anybody else the trial would be over.

Baldwin's not the only defendant. The film's armorer has been charged with the same charges as Baldwin (manslaughter due to acting in "a reckless manner or with criminal negligence"), and one of the assistant directors has already plead guilty to negligent use of a deadly weapon in exchange for a suspended sentence and probation.

I'm a legal layman but from what I can gather, it looks to me that the Santa Fe DA's office is pretty much nailing this case. The forensics look airtight and numerous production crewmembers (including, I assume, the assistant director who plead out) are lined up to testify that they witnessed multiple instances of on-set carelessness, so, thankfully, I wouldn't bet on either of the remaining defendants beating the charges.
No chance he is convicted, liberal movie star living in California and his legal team will punch so many holes in the prosecution’s evidence it will be over quick especially with a liberal jury/grand jury listening if it even goes that far

I imagine the trial will be in New Mexico where the shooting happened
Prediction: at the trial, the prosecution asks Baldwin to hold the gun and Baldwin makes his finger rigid and acts like he cannot fit his finger into the tigger guard.

Closing: “If it does not fit, you must acquit.”

For anyone who isn't hip on cutting-edge humor, this post is referencing a moment in the trial of O.J. Simpson from 1994 through 1995. O.J. Simpson, a former NFL star running back and subsequent actor, was on trial for the alleged murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and a waiter named Ronald Goldman.

A pair of black gloves were found at the crime scene, one of which was reportedly stained with blood. During the trial, prosecutor Christopher Darden asked Simpson to try on the gloves, which had reportedly shrunk and been frozen at one point since the murders. Simpson tried to put on the gloves but they appeared too small for his hands. Simpson's lead attorney, Johnnie Cochran, stated in his closing arguments that "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit" referencing how the gloves didn't fit on Simpson's hands. O.J. Simpson was ultimately found not guilty.

So, as you can clearly, see, Caveman Catfan's post above is actually quite humorous. Quite humorous indeed.

No chance he is convicted, liberal movie star living in California and his legal team will punch so many holes in the prosecution’s evidence it will be over quick especially with a liberal jury/grand jury listening if it even goes that far
I love that not only were you wrong about the location of the shooting but you immediately took it political, somehow managing to mention "liberal" twice in that small paragraph. Impressive really. You may need a hobby or something.
I love that not only were you wrong about the location of the shooting but you immediately took it political, somehow managing to mention "liberal" twice in that small paragraph. Impressive really. You may need a hobby or something.
He needs a hobby, says the lefty hall monitor who constantly runs around scolding people like a crazed Karen who's had too many double shot soy lattes.
Stevie Wonder could see this was coming. I suspect the deceased family members will file civil lawsuits. So Alec is going to be writing a very large check.
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I'm a legal layman but from what I can gather, it looks to me that the Santa Fe DA's office is pretty much nailing this case. The forensics look airtight and numerous production crewmembers (including, I assume, the assistant director who plead out) are lined up to testify that they witnessed multiple instances of on-set carelessness, so, thankfully, I wouldn't bet on either of the remaining defendants beating the charges.
This has nothing to do with the Baldwin case but just a friendly reminder that every case looks airtight when it is initially charged. Prosecutors and police are very good at their jobs and it is fairly easy to make a compelling case to the public when the public only hears one side of the story.

The old (unfunny) joke is that any prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted for murder is based in reality.

I think this prosecution will be very difficult. Baldwin has no incentive to plea and he will have fantastic representation.
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Stevie Wonder could see this was coming. I suspect the deceased family members will file civil lawsuits. So Alec is going to be writing a very large check.

Baldwin and the film's production company have already settled with the victim's family, for an undisclosed (hopefully very large) sum.

This has nothing to do with the Baldwin case but just a friendly reminder that every case looks airtight when it is initially charged. Prosecutors and police are very good at their jobs and it is fairly easy to make a compelling case to the public when the public only hears one side of the story.

The old (unfunny) joke is that any prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted for murder is based in reality.

I think this prosecution will be very difficult. Baldwin has no incentive to plea and he will have fantastic representation.

Well I hope he gets nailed. Hutchins's death was the result of the production's third accidental on-set firearms discharge within a week, which is simply ridiculous.
I've never heard of a true accidental discharge. I have heard of and seen negligent ones. We were clearing weapons in a 55 gallon drum at the end of a shift. The guy in front of me pulled the trigger to show the weapon was clear, and the rifle went bang. Sand dust flew out of the barrel and the sound echoed everywhere. The guy said, "I didn't do that." He and the clearing supervisor both lost a stripe and got letters of reprimand.
Good. It’s about time. I disagree with him politically, so he deserves it.
Yea but you have to admit that 80% of negligent discharges of a firearm that lead to a death are prosecuted in some way. The fact he lied about firing the gun and is also producer with all the problems around the production would make it 100% on this case.
This has nothing to do with the Baldwin case but just a friendly reminder that every case looks airtight when it is initially charged. Prosecutors and police are very good at their jobs and it is fairly easy to make a compelling case to the public when the public only hears one side of the story.

The old (unfunny) joke is that any prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted for murder is based in reality.

I think this prosecution will be very difficult. Baldwin has no incentive to plea and he will have fantastic representation.
He will have considerable incentive to plea, if a plea results in probation and if a loss at trial results in incarceration.
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No chance he is convicted, liberal movie star living in California and his legal team will punch so many holes in the prosecution’s evidence it will be over quick especially with a liberal jury/grand jury listening if it even goes that far
Yes. I'm no fan of Baldwin but the entire purpose of the armorer is to assure safety. There is no expectation that the actor knows anything about a gun or ammunition. I'd find him not guilty of this charge.

However, if I remember correctly, Alec was also one of the producers who hired the armorer. She was not qualified for the position and that led directly to the tragic death. I can see convicting Alec for some sort of negligence charge for hiring her to begin with.
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I love that not only were you wrong about the location of the shooting but you immediately took it political, somehow managing to mention "liberal" twice in that small paragraph. Impressive really. You may need a hobby or something.
Oooooh! Dat was a Nightwish Gotcha Moment!!! Goosebumps!!!
Yes. I'm no fan of Baldwin but the entire purpose of the armorer is to assure safety. There is no expectation that the actor knows anything about a gun or ammunition. I'd find him not guilty of this charge.

However, if I remember correctly, Alec was also one of the producers who hired the armorer. She was not qualified for the position and that led directly to the tragic death. I can see convicting Alec for some sort of negligence charge for hiring her to begin with.
Stricken for cause!
Yes. I'm no fan of Baldwin but the entire purpose of the armorer is to assure safety. There is no expectation that the actor knows anything about a gun or ammunition. I'd find him not guilty of this charge.

However, if I remember correctly, Alec was also one of the producers who hired the armorer. She was not qualified for the position and that led directly to the tragic death. I can see convicting Alec for some sort of negligence charge for hiring her to begin with.
The Screen Actors Guild has guidelines for gun safety. The number one rule is never point it at anyone. It suggests the actor has final and ultimate responsibility for checking a weapon. It also suggests if an actor is uncomfortable, he should ask for more training. There should have been expectations from him as an actor, the producer and finally just as a human handling a weapon.
For anyone who isn't hip on cutting-edge humor, this post is referencing a moment in the trial of O.J. Simpson from 1994 through 1995. O.J. Simpson, a former NFL star running back and subsequent actor, was on trial for the alleged murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and a waiter named Ronald Goldman.

A pair of black gloves were found at the crime scene, one of which was reportedly stained with blood. During the trial, prosecutor Christopher Darden asked Simpson to try on the gloves, which had reportedly shrunk and been frozen at one point since the murders. Simpson tried to put on the gloves but they appeared too small for his hands. Simpson's lead attorney, Johnnie Cochran, stated in his closing arguments that "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit" referencing how the gloves didn't fit on Simpson's hands. O.J. Simpson was ultimately found not guilty.

So, as you can clearly, see, Caveman Catfan's post above is actually quite humorous. Quite humorous indeed.

Yeah I think we all got the reference.
The Screen Actors Guild has guidelines for gun safety. The number one rule is never point it at anyone. It suggests the actor has final and ultimate responsibility for checking a weapon. It also suggests if an actor is uncomfortable, he should ask for more training. There should have been expectations from him as an actor, the producer and finally just as a human handling a weapon.
I certainly agree from the producer angle. He'll pay dearly for this tragic mistake in many ways regardless of the criminal outcome.
I will always wonder, WITH all of the already accidental firearms discharges that had previously occurred, if Baldwin didn't do this on purpose to see if he could get away with it.
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Yes. I'm no fan of Baldwin but the entire purpose of the armorer is to assure safety. There is no expectation that the actor knows anything about a gun or ammunition. I'd find him not guilty of this charge.

However, if I remember correctly, Alec was also one of the producers who hired the armorer. She was not qualified for the position and that led directly to the tragic death. I can see convicting Alec for some sort of negligence charge for hiring her to begin with.
I agree with your reasoning. Full responsibility rests with the armorer, not the actors.

I don’t know what kind of charge could be attached to the hiring of an incompetent armorer, though. Maybe there are some lawyers on the board who can insert their opinions.
You are not on the jury, because you made your decision before seeing the evidence. It was a joke.
I overstated my position. I could be convinced, I'm just not seeing it from what I know now. Is that a bit better? As for the jury, I doubt they ever get a conviction on Alec and I don't think it matters. The price he is paying in every other regard is tremendous. He is already being punished and deservedly so.
Baldwin and the film's production company have already settled with the victim's family, for an undisclosed (hopefully very large) sum.

Well I hope he gets nailed. Hutchins's death was the result of the production's third accidental on-set firearms discharge within a week, which is simply ridiculous.
Wow didn't know that.