Alec Baldwin kills someone on movie set

Lol I didn't know ANY ofthat because IDGAF. How does it affect your daily life? Why do you let someone you've never met nor will meet get you worked up bubba? It makes no sense. Who cares about any of this?

And don't say "well obviously you care rogue you're posting in the thread!!!!" Because no I'm posting to let you all know how stupid it is and it's completely irrelevant to your life so , why waste your time? I tell people on FB and IG all the time that nonstop meme posts about "historical flutes" (whatever that was I'm sure it involves "racism" of some sort), these are just another distraction to occupy your brain with meaningless shit.

They just want you mad about something. I prefer more healthy fun entertainment and would like to get others to hop on that train to and not make all social media oppressively negative BS. Shit man can we talk about puppies or sports? I don't care if any of the Baldwins beat their kids, what does that do to improve my life and how does it affect me? You posting on here isn't doing nada about it cuzzy. :😄:
It took me 30 seconds to type that out. Why do you assume I'm worked up? I just think the guy should face the same criminal charges anyone in the same circumstances would face. He'll get to defend himself in court. I'm not calling for pitch forks like some people... I just think when you have a history of violence and shoot a person in the face you kinda need to go to court and see what's what.
Baldwin is about to get paid from this which is the grossest possible outcome. But the DA tried to make a name for themselves on this case and they screwed the pooch instead.
Baldwin is about to get paid from this which is the grossest possible outcome. But the DA tried to make a name for themselves on this case and they screwed the pooch instead.
As long as you don't read the law I guess.
  • Standard Definition: “Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice.” This definition tells us that it is a crime to illegally end a person’s life, but it is considered manslaughter when committed without the intent to cause harm or violate someone’s legal rights. It sets the standard definition of the crime before explaining variations.

Subsection B: “Involuntary manslaughter consists of manslaughter committed in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to felony, or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection.” In subsection B, the definition is a little longer but basically accounts for acts of negligence. Involuntary manslaughter is a fourth-degree felony under New Mexico law.
As long as you don't read the law I guess.
  • Standard Definition: “Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice.” This definition tells us that it is a crime to illegally end a person’s life, but it is considered manslaughter when committed without the intent to cause harm or violate someone’s legal rights. It sets the standard definition of the crime before explaining variations.

Subsection B: “Involuntary manslaughter consists of manslaughter committed in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to felony, or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection.” In subsection B, the definition is a little longer but basically accounts for acts of negligence. Involuntary manslaughter is a fourth-degree felony under New Mexico law.

Sure. I get it. But he’ll throw a high dollar lawyer at it and claim malicious prosecution and we’ll see where the chips fall.
Sure. I get it. But he’ll throw a high dollar lawyer at it and claim malicious prosecution and we’ll see where the chips fall.
You think a guy who shot a woman in the face is going to sue over being charged with manslaughter given what the definition of manslaughter in New Mexico says? WOW!
You think a guy who shot a woman in the face is going to sue over being charged with manslaughter given what the definition of manslaughter in New Mexico says? WOW!

“ Prosecutors in New Mexico charged Alec Baldwin last week with a gun allegation that was not on the books at the time of the “Rust” shooting.

Baldwin is facing a charge of involuntary manslaughter as well as a “firearm enhancement” in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The enhancement carries an additional five-year penalty for discharge of a firearm in the course of a felony.

But that enhancement did not become law until May 2022, seven months after Hutchins was killed. That raises a question about whether a judge would allow prosecutors to pursue that additional five-year term.”

I’m saying it’s possible. You seem very invested in this one though so you are probably right.
I said these charges against dickhead Baldwin would never stick when they were filed. They were flimsy at best from the start. When you look at the money it would take just to prosecute the flimsy unwinnable case against Baldwin and then factor in the staggering lawsuit liability that will follow then these charges were doomed from the start. Probably grandstanding by somebody looking to get elected to something.

Now the person in charge of firearms on the set, that's a winnable case.

How TF can you hold an actor accountable for being handed a loaded gun? They aren't firearms experts. What if it was a car that malfunctioned are the actors required to be expert mechanics, too? Or if a child actor was given the loaded gun and fired it? Are they guilty too?

Clearly the only case is against the firearms expert on set if there is one to be made. Baldwin should never have been charged. His dumbass "I didn't pull the trigger" crap didn't help him as nobody would believe that and probably is what got him charged in the first place.
“ Prosecutors in New Mexico charged Alec Baldwin last week with a gun allegation that was not on the books at the time of the “Rust” shooting.

Baldwin is facing a charge of involuntary manslaughter as well as a “firearm enhancement” in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The enhancement carries an additional five-year penalty for discharge of a firearm in the course of a felony.

But that enhancement did not become law until May 2022, seven months after Hutchins was killed. That raises a question about whether a judge would allow prosecutors to pursue that additional five-year term.”

I’m saying it’s possible. You seem very invested in this one though so you are probably right.
Not invested I just think that all people should be equal under the law and almost anyone would be charged in this case with these facts no matter your last name. I just find it funny that a certain political leaning wants to let this slide because they assume it's political instead of just taking 2 minutes to read the law. It took me less time to look up the manslaughter law in NM than it took you to post that message.
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Not invested I just think that all people should be equal under the law and almost anyone would be charged in this case with these facts no matter your last name. I just find it funny that a certain political leaning wants to let this slide because they assume it's political instead of just taking 2 minutes to read the law. It took me less time to look up the manslaughter law in NM than it took you to post that message.

Political leaning? I think he gets off because he’s rich and the prosecutor tried to make a name for themself not because of my “political leaning” which you know Jack shit about.
Political leaning? I think he gets off because he’s rich and the prosecutor tried to make a name for themself not because of my “political leaning” which you know Jack shit about.
I know you assumed that people that thought he would face charges assumed that it must be because of our political leaning... which you knew jack shit about or the law or the facts on set or his past acts of violence.
I know you assumed that people that thought he would face charges assumed that it must be because of our political leaning... which you knew jack shit about or the law or the facts on set or his past acts of violence.

I only see one person assuming shit here and that’s you. Not everybody is out to persecute you politically. This a cry for help? You seem to be hyper sensitive and slightly delusional.
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Also why don’t you ask Brandon Miller if the rule of law applies equally to everyone.
I’ll stand by that all day every day. Not sure what your point is. Good luck with whatever is bugging you.
Just pointing out that you "assumed" anyone that thought he was looking at legal trouble was being political. Noghing is bugging me. I'm just educating you.
Just pointing out that you "assumed" anyone that thought he was looking at legal trouble was being political. Noghing is bugging me. I'm just educating you.

They were. I was referring to comments I’d seen on Twitter and other socials. Hopefully that is enough of an explanation for you. You seem very invested and a bit angry despite your denial. Not sure why but good luck.
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They were. I was referring to comments I’d seen on Twitter and other socials. Hopefully that is enough of an explanation for you. You seem very invested and a bit angry despite your denial. Not sure why but good luck.
I said these charges against dickhead Baldwin would never stick when they were filed. They were flimsy at best from the start. When you look at the money it would take just to prosecute the flimsy unwinnable case against Baldwin and then factor in the staggering lawsuit liability that will follow then these charges were doomed from the start. Probably grandstanding by somebody looking to get elected to something.

Now the person in charge of firearms on the set, that's a winnable case.

How TF can you hold an actor accountable for being handed a loaded gun? They aren't firearms experts. What if it was a car that malfunctioned are the actors required to be expert mechanics, too? Or if a child actor was given the loaded gun and fired it? Are they guilty too?

Clearly the only case is against the firearms expert on set if there is one to be made. Baldwin should never have been charged. His dumbass "I didn't pull the trigger" crap didn't help him as nobody would believe that and probably is what got him charged in the first place.
If Baldwin didn't know enough about guns to know better, he violated his own actor's union safety protocols in several ways. To the point of not knowing though, by his union's standards, if he did not know, he should have asked for more training before handling the gun.
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If Baldwin didn't know enough about guns to know better, he violated his own actor's union safety protocols in several ways. To the point of not knowing though, by his union's standards, if he did not know, he should have asked for more training before handling the gun.
It sounds like the Alabama basketball team could have shown them how to use one.
If Baldwin didn't know enough about guns to know better, he violated his own actor's union safety protocols in several ways. To the point of not knowing though, by his union's standards, if he did not know, he should have asked for more training before handling the gun.

Baldwin is an idiot, just like the people defending his stupidity and carelessness. Sad thing is he gets away with killing her, is excused for doing so, but if he sprayed his body dark and did an impersonation of Fred Sanford on SNL he'd be burned to the ground in minutes. The priorities of the left...
If Baldwin didn't know enough about guns to know better, he violated his own actor's union safety protocols in several ways. To the point of not knowing though, by his union's standards, if he did not know, he should have asked for more training before handling the gun.

Just imagine if he'd shot someone that wasn't white. The racists would be all over putting him in prison for life
Just imagine if he'd shot someone that wasn't white. The racists would be all over putting him in prison for life
I guess? But that didn't happen, so why are you creating fantasy scenarios in your mind just to get upset? Bad enough a woman was killed because of carelessness. Now you're just bringing up racism to cry about it. Seems like both sides of the dumbass aisle are obsessed with that shit.
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I guess? But that didn't happen, so why are you creating fantasy scenarios in your mind just to get upset? Bad enough a woman was killed because of carelessness. Now you're just bringing up racism to cry about it. Seems like both sides of the dumbass aisle are obsessed with that shit.
Truly is a strange take from this guy. They also make it political which is equally disgusting. Brandon Lee was killed similarly and these tragedies do happen. I am a big believer in "lines of responsibility" where you have to clearly define who is responsible for what then hold them accountable if you want a team to function correctly. The actors have to trust the weapons folks to provide them safe equipment to use. So to me and the world I operated in you want this to be clearly defined as the responsibility of the person who armed him.

One thing is not clear to me though. Was this shooting while they were filming a scene or was Baldwin handling the gun carelessly as that could prompt charges if he was just randomly aiming a gun at somebody and pulling the trigger when they were not even filming. That would be careless enough to warrant charges.
Truly is a strange take from this guy. They also make it political which is equally disgusting. Brandon Lee was killed similarly and these tragedies do happen. I am a big believer in "lines of responsibility" where you have to clearly define who is responsible for what then hold them accountable if you want a team to function correctly. The actors have to trust the weapons folks to provide them safe equipment to use. So to me and the world I operated in you want this to be clearly defined as the responsibility of the person who armed him.

One thing is not clear to me though. Was this shooting while they were filming a scene or was Baldwin handling the gun carelessly as that could prompt charges if he was just randomly aiming a gun at somebody and pulling the trigger when they were not even filming. That would be careless enough to warrant charges.
There are 2 main actor's unions. Both list rules for handling firearms. Not even going into the obvious rules he broke such as treat all firearms as loaded and deadly, they both say if you are unqualified, ask for more training. In fact, one says to demand more training.
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There are 2 main actor's unions. Both list rules for handling firearms. Not even going into the obvious rules he broke such as treat all firearms as loaded and deadly, they both say if you are unqualified, ask for more training. In fact, one says to demand more training.
So why have an armorer? Just let the expert child actors complete their 5 minute training then give them an AK47 to disassemble.

Let's take 9 hours to film one holdup scene so Alec can disassemble the gun, clean it, put it back together, take pliers and open up the blanks and make sure they are correct, then put everything back together again and do all that for the 11 takes they need to film the scene.
So why have an armorer? Just let the expert child actors complete their 5 minute training then give them an AK47 to disassemble.

Let's take 9 hours to film one holdup scene so Alec can disassemble the gun, clean it, put it back together, take pliers and open up the blanks and make sure they are correct, then put everything back together again and do all that for the 11 takes they need to film the scene.
All he needed to do was look at the revolver to see if it had a round in it. Takes 2 seconds? Treat it if as it was loaded (not point it at someone). Not pull the trigger. If he can't do these basic things, his union says he should ask for more training. BTW, who hired the deficient armorer? Who didn't fire her when there were other safety violations on set? The producer? Who was the producer?
All he needed to do was look at the revolver to see if it had a round in it. Takes 2 seconds? Treat it if as it was loaded (not point it at someone). Not pull the trigger. If he can't do these basic things, his union says he should ask for more training. BTW, who hired the deficient armorer? Who didn't fire her when there were other safety violations on set? The producer? Who was the producer?
Why are you so desperate to excuse the one person on the set whose job it was directly to prevent what happened? You can "but... but... but" all day but the fact is it was one persons job and that person failed.

With your line of thinking why can't I charge the parents of the armorer since if they didn't birth her then none of this ever happens. How about charging the school that she got her training from? How about who did her hair that day?

I'm sure eventually you can find somebody else to blame instead of exactly who was by their job title supposed to ensure that weapon was safe before it ever even made it onto the set.
Why are you so desperate to excuse the one person on the set whose job it was directly to prevent what happened? You can "but... but... but" all day but the fact is it was one persons job and that person failed.

With your line of thinking why can't I charge the parents of the armorer since if they didn't birth her then none of this ever happens. How about charging the school that she got her training from? How about who did her hair that day?

I'm sure eventually you can find somebody else to blame instead of exactly who was by their job title supposed to ensure that weapon was safe before it ever even made it onto the set.
The armorer is also responsible. Never said she wasn't. The way it should have been handled is the person who handed Baldwin the revolver should have opened the cylinder with Baldwin watching, to show the chambers were clear. Both failed there. That would take like 2 seconds. The final responsibility lies with the person who did not treat the gun as a deadly weapon, pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger.
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The armorer is also responsible. Never said she wasn't. The way it should have been handled is the person who handed Baldwin the revolver should have opened the cylinder with Baldwin watching, to show the chambers were clear. Both failed there. That would take like 2 seconds. The final responsibility lies with the person who did not treat the gun as a deadly weapon, pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger.
Fair enough. So just link where Baldwin admitted or there is eyewitness testimony that he "pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger"...
Fair enough. So just link where Baldwin admitted or there is eyewitness testimony that he "pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger"...
That's a good response. There were witnesses. I don't know how they will testify in court, but from everything I have read, the weapon was in his hand. A revolver does not "magically go off". As you may have guessed, I am a former military policeman. I've seen 2 "negligent discharges" (I won't say accidental) and both times, despite witnesses, the first words from the person's mouth were, "I didn't do that!" I think it was more the shock of doing it than a denial.
It's up to the prosecutor to prove him wrong. The forensic report doesn't bode well for him that the gun accidentally went off.
The charges were dropped, correct?

I don't doubt for a second Baldwin is lying, but with probably a hundred million dollar lawsuit in the balance how are you going to prove he is lying?

Armorer gave him a faulty loaded weapon that should never have been on the set and it discharged in his hand and struck the poor lady unfortunate enough to be in the path.

That's reasonable doubt unless you have conclusive proof otherwise. They apparently don't think they do.