Alec Baldwin kills someone on movie set

So true. Earthquake, Climate Change. Bridge collapse? Climate Change. Tree falling down in a forest? Climate Change.
Before it was global warming, then that was too easy to prove wrong, so they changed ut to climate change to make applicable to everything.
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Wow, just read Baldwins latest interview and that dude is as narcissistic as they come. Claiming he can forgive the prop person because of his religion and claiming absolutely no blame or remorse for his actions.

So he personally shoots and kills a woman, and then finds it in his heart to forgive someone else who didn’t shoot and kill a woman. It’s incredible…
Wow, just read Baldwins latest interview and that dude is as narcissistic as they come. Claiming he can forgive the prop person because of his religion and claiming absolutely no blame or remorse for his actions.

So he personally shoots and kills a woman, and then finds it in his heart to forgive someone else who didn’t shoot and kill a woman. It’s incredible…
Can he forgive the producer who hired the prop person and created the environment that led to the gun being loaded with a real bullet that he then pointed at the director and pulled the trigger without first checking the chamber?
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Attorney: Mr. Baldwin, just so everyone is clear. Who was holding the gun when it discharged killing Ms. Hutchins?
Alec: I guess I was but I didn't pull the trigger.
Attorney: Mr. Baldwin if you were driving a car that struck and by accident killed someone even though you applied the brakes. Is it the cars fault?
Alec: Yes.

No way this will go to trial. He'll plead out somehow and pay a hefty $$$ settlement, home incarceration for an extended period of time, etc.
Attorney: Mr. Baldwin, just so everyone is clear. Who was holding the gun when it discharged killing Ms. Hutchins?
Alec: I guess I was but I didn't pull the trigger.
Attorney: Mr. Baldwin if you were driving a car that struck and by accident killed someone even though you applied the brakes. Is it the cars fault?
Alec: Yes.

No way this will go to trial. He'll plead out somehow and pay a hefty $$$ settlement, home incarceration for an extended period of time, etc.
I think I read his punishment will be a stint on Broadway. Or, is that our punishment?

Killing a director may get you temporarily banned from Hollywood, but not Broadway. My understanding is the play will be an anti-second amendment production with ABSOLUTELY NO fire arms.
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Baldwin is probably going to try to hype this move as some kind of tribute to gun control so he can pull in liberals to cover his payoff expenses. I saw that he already made an appearance with that little David Hogg nutbag.

Backasswards logic, but it's the feel that liberals love.
Yeah he can settle with the estate to avoid the family suing him for lost wages due to his negligence but he can't just pay them and get off from criminal charges.
I don’t know the wrongful death laws in the state where she was killed, but I suspect Baldwin was facing wrongful death, loss of spousal consortium and possibly survivorship claims (not sure if they had children). Her parents could also have claims if the state allows for loss of consortium of an adult child. The damages would likely be pain and suffering, lost economic advantage (what she likely would have made in a lifetime and she was relatively young), funeral costs, and the relational loss of the husband.

Big settlement, I would think.
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Why does anyone care? Oh yeah, political affiliations of parties involved. Can you all go on a movie set and get shot please? Just weeding out that unimportant people that cause division for stupid reason.
Why does anyone care? Oh yeah, political affiliations of parties involved. Can you all go on a movie set and get shot please? Just weeding out that unimportant people that cause division for stupid reason.
You think a famous person who has attacked people on the street before, who then kills someone, is only interesting because of politics? That seems like projection. Robert Blake was all over the news and I don't know if ever saw a political leaning from him. But he wasn't near as famous as Baldwin. Baldwin beat his wife, Kim Basinger and just berated his child on camera. He married a woman that pretended to be hispanic and he went along with it.... IT's kinda the exact kinda thing that people are drawn to.

The fact you think its politics says wayyyyy more about you than anything anyone in this thread is saying.
The fact you think its politics says wayyyyy more about you than anything anyone in this thread is saying.
Baldwin is probably going to try to hype this move as some kind of tribute to gun control so he can pull in liberals to cover his payoff expenses. I saw that he already made an appearance with that little David Hogg nutbag.

Backasswards logic, but it's the feel that liberals love
I love when we pick and choose who to lecture because it's fun! (You literally skipped over one of Ida's many liberal rants to lecture rogue's post)

Anyway, not sure anyone had the husband getting offered and accepting a credit on the movie where is wife was killed by the actor who killed her on their Hollywood "Did I Do That?" bingo card. Crazy stuff.
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You think a famous person who has attacked people on the street before, who then kills someone, is only interesting because of politics? That seems like projection. Robert Blake was all over the news and I don't know if ever saw a political leaning from him. But he wasn't near as famous as Baldwin. Baldwin beat his wife, Kim Basinger and just berated his child on camera. He married a woman that pretended to be hispanic and he went along with it.... IT's kinda the exact kinda thing that people are drawn to.

The fact you think its politics says wayyyyy more about you than anything anyone in this thread is saying.
Lol I didn't know ANY ofthat because IDGAF. How does it affect your daily life? Why do you let someone you've never met nor will meet get you worked up bubba? It makes no sense. Who cares about any of this?

And don't say "well obviously you care rogue you're posting in the thread!!!!" Because no I'm posting to let you all know how stupid it is and it's completely irrelevant to your life so , why waste your time? I tell people on FB and IG all the time that nonstop meme posts about "historical flutes" (whatever that was I'm sure it involves "racism" of some sort), these are just another distraction to occupy your brain with meaningless shit.

They just want you mad about something. I prefer more healthy fun entertainment and would like to get others to hop on that train to and not make all social media oppressively negative BS. Shit man can we talk about puppies or sports? I don't care if any of the Baldwins beat their kids, what does that do to improve my life and how does it affect me? You posting on here isn't doing nada about it cuzzy. :😄:
Lol I didn't know ANY ofthat because IDGAF. How does it affect your daily life? Why do you let someone you've never met nor will meet get you worked up bubba? It makes no sense. Who cares about any of this?

And don't say "well obviously you care rogue you're posting in the thread!!!!" Because no I'm posting to let you all know how stupid it is and it's completely irrelevant to your life so , why waste your time? I tell people on FB and IG all the time that nonstop meme posts about "historical flutes" (whatever that was I'm sure it involves "racism" of some sort), these are just another distraction to occupy your brain with meaningless shit.

They just want you mad about something. I prefer more healthy fun entertainment and would like to get others to hop on that train to and not make all social media oppressively negative BS. Shit man can we talk about puppies or sports? I don't care if any of the Baldwins beat their kids, what does that do to improve my life and how does it affect me? You posting on here isn't doing nada about it cuzzy. :😄:
The relevance comes from fair and equal treatment. Some people tend to think they're above the law.
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Why does anyone care? Oh yeah, political affiliations of parties involved. Can you all go on a movie set and get shot please? Just weeding out that unimportant people that cause division for stupid reason.
On the other hand, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the MLB or a home run record. Why does anyone care about a dude hitting a ball over a fence in the most boring spectator sport created? Let’s debate about steroid use in baseball!!! Uh…yeah.
You think a famous person who has attacked people on the street before, who then kills someone, is only interesting because of politics? That seems like projection. Robert Blake was all over the news and I don't know if ever saw a political leaning from him. But he wasn't near as famous as Baldwin. Baldwin beat his wife, Kim Basinger and just berated his child on camera. He married a woman that pretended to be hispanic and he went along with it.... IT's kinda the exact kinda thing that people are drawn to.

The fact you think its politics says wayyyyy more about you than anything anyone in this thread is saying.
What about OJ’s politics!!!
Attorney: Mr. Baldwin, just so everyone is clear. Who was holding the gun when it discharged killing Ms. Hutchins?
Alec: I guess I was but I didn't pull the trigger.
Attorney: Mr. Baldwin if you were driving a car that struck and by accident killed someone even though you applied the brakes. Is it the cars fault?
Alec: Yes.

No way this will go to trial. He'll plead out somehow and pay a hefty $$$ settlement, home incarceration for an extended period of time, etc.

Unfortunately, this is probably true
Lol I didn't know ANY ofthat because IDGAF. How does it affect your daily life? Why do you let someone you've never met nor will meet get you worked up bubba? It makes no sense. Who cares about any of this?

And don't say "well obviously you care rogue you're posting in the thread!!!!" Because no I'm posting to let you all know how stupid it is and it's completely irrelevant to your life so , why waste your time? I tell people on FB and IG all the time that nonstop meme posts about "historical flutes" (whatever that was I'm sure it involves "racism" of some sort), these are just another distraction to occupy your brain with meaningless shit.

They just want you mad about something. I prefer more healthy fun entertainment and would like to get others to hop on that train to and not make all social media oppressively negative BS. Shit man can we talk about puppies or sports? I don't care if any of the Baldwins beat their kids, what does that do to improve my life and how does it affect me? You posting on here isn't doing nada about it cuzzy. :😄:

Says the guy posting anonymously on a message board in response to someone else posting anonymously... I see what you did there and that IS HILARIOUS!!
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Yeah he can settle with the estate to avoid the family suing him for lost wages due to his negligence but he can't just pay them and get off from criminal charges.

We'll see. It's worked for a lot of famous people.