Finish it, Bama. I want to see sore-loser Harbaugh and the blow-by coward "handshake".
That penalty made Bama go away from the run. I bet he misses this.
And a really short kickoff.All rests on the D now. Let's see that prevent.
If Alabama holds on...Kicker get MVP?
Really pisses me off watching this game knowing we have a pussy for a head coach that will never let his balls drop to get us remotely close to a playoff game. LSU brought 6 today on 4th down against Wisconsin to win the game with a sack.Why didn’t Michigan go to a prevent there on 3rd down? Maybe Mark can tell us since he’s posting here in this thread😂😂
Bama can’t pass protect this game to throw downfield. So they made adjustments to just run Milroe, run the ball, or throw quick short passes and it’s worked.
In Michigan territory.Harbaugh playing to win going for it on 4th down.
He had begun to advance, so he gets forward progress I guessNo safety allowed on a punt?
He was tackled outside the end zone and was pushed back so no safety.No safety allowed on a punt?