Aidan Laros vs Wilson Berry


Jan 8, 2010
Laros has 52 career punts for a 47.5 average and a long of 71 vs Berry with 74 career punts and a 40.4 average and a long of 56. Field position is going to be key in our winnable games this year and it is obvious who has the stronger leg and can potentially flip the field when needed so what is the deal with Berry still punting? Like the rest of Stoopids decisions, this makes zero sense at all.

When stoopid opted to punt last night with 3:00 remaining anyone who paid attention knew GA would be starting on their own 15 and of course Berry right on cue delivered his 37 yard beauty to accommodate.
Keeping opposition at their 15 after P is a good outcome. No idea what you think is typical.
Not punting from midfield it isn’t. Starting at the 15 is vastly different play calling than starting closer to the 5 yard line. That punt aside there is zero excuse for Berry to be punting over Laros. It’s like having a 65% free throw shooter take technical foul shots over an 80% shooter.
Well the reason we are punting a guy who is very below average at 37 yards a punt vs. Laros who averages is 10 yards the same reason Stoops punted 4th and 8 with 3 minutes left in the game (that we ultimately never got the ball back with time to win)......Stoops is a terrified coach who would rather not lose a game vs. win the game.

Stoops has said....Laros is inconsistent...he may hit a line drive that will be harder to we punt a guy who has a toothpick leg that is easy to cover (as he never hits it past 30ish yards).
Interesting to know that Jackson Smith transferred to WKU and isn't even starting there, at either Punter or Place Kicker.
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The only reason this is an
Stoops has said....Laros is inconsistent...he may hit a line drive that will be harder to we punt a guy who has a toothpick leg that is easy to cover (as he never hits it past 30ish yards).
That actually sounds like a good reason to me.
With our defense, I can sacrifice 5 yards to make sure we don't give up free points.
The only reason this is an

That actually sounds like a good reason to me.
With our defense, I can sacrifice 5 yards to make sure we don't give up free points.
Fair point....but Wilson kicks so could you not cover this punts? Every game we do a 3 and out...and the other team as well....we give up literally 15-20 yards field position.

Laros can boom them deep and high...he's just not as consistent apparently. I'd argue take the risk....something Stoops can never do.