A-Rod gone for 2014


Dec 1, 2007
Columbia, SC
Watching MLB TV and I see Alex Rodriguez has been suspended for all 162 games of the 2014 season plus any post season. I am a Yankee fan since I was in single digit years (and I'm 60 now) but I applaud this! A-Rod is a cheater and all cheaters should pay the price. And even PEDs could not turn A-Rod from a choker into clutch. Only so much chemicals can do.

I hope this is not the end and there is a continued effort in all sports, both professional and amateur, to eliminate cheaters from the sports world.
Screw him.

Yanks need to void his contract and reinvest in their farm system.
Thus endeth A-Rod

Arbitrator upholds MLB suspension, reduces the period from 211 games to all of 2014, which most likely will end his career, think he will be 39 when the ban ends.

Predictably A-Rod is threatening to sue in Federal Court, but legal scholars in the paper today indicated he has very slim hope of success. I would think the MLB arbitration agreement contains the standard language waiving your right to litigation. In civil settings, it is very difficult to overturn an arbitrator's decision, absent highly unusual circumstances, like fraud on the part of the arbitrator, or refusal to apply the pertinent law.
Re: Thus endeth A-Rod

He will be determined to make NYY deal with him after this suspension though. If you'll think back to when he was saying he felt they were trying to force him out when they wouldn't call him up last season, it's obvious he has no pride or ego other than the rest of that money they owe.

It sucks that it's in the news right now, this is the guy MLB is hinging its end of the era on. Plus it will be fun to see this drag out into the yanks paying him into his 40's.

Hopefully it helps end these ridiculous contracts too!
I just wish they would have hammered someone that is actually still good at baseball. Ryan Braun got off way, way too easy. He deserved what A-Rod got an then some imo.

Hell, the Yankees WANTED this for A-Rod. He's washed up anyway and this is going to save them money.
Re: Thus endeth A-Rod

Originally posted by krazykats:
He will be determined to make NYY deal with him after this suspension though. If you'll think back to when he was saying he felt they were trying to force him out when they wouldn't call him up last season, it's obvious he has no pride or ego other than the rest of that money they owe.

It sucks that it's in the news right now, this is the guy MLB is hinging its end of the era on. Plus it will be fun to see this drag out into the yanks paying him into his 40's.

Hopefully it helps end these ridiculous contracts too!
The Yankees brought this on themselves,they should suffer.A-Roid opted out of his contract of 20-25 million thinking other teams would offer more, then the Yankees resigned him for more than he was making.............LOL
Re: Thus endeth A-Rod

The Yankees inflate everybody's payroll every year. I hope Alex makes them pay every penny. Funny how it doesn't matter when he is producing and helping them win titles. I hope he comes back and goes on another roided record breaking run.