We're regressing. In baseball, rookies hit a wall after so many games. Maybe our star freshmen are going through something similar. Did we peak during the first half of the Big Z debut game?
im putting in an old movie and turning on radio. Will be better for my mental health.

My thoughts exactly... This team win or lose is not prepared. That is on the coach! Just pitiful....

That’s Sheppard weakness when they guard him hard and he gets scared and backs up. STOP Backing up Reed and attack when they extend on you. That’s how you make them pay. Crossover lower your shoulder and attack
That’s Sheppard weakness when they guard him hard and he gets scared and backs up. STOP Backing up Reed and attack when they extend on you. That’s how you make them pay. Crossover lower your shoulder and attack
Screw this team, lazy ass effort, lazy ass coaching. All 5 sorry ass players are just sitting their watching the damn ball, fricking pathetic
Mitchell is scared too death or too lazy ti go after loose balls.