The saga of. Big Z continues. Good that UK worked so hard to get eligible to ride the pine.

Cal sucks and always has. His talent just covered it up for awhile.
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Can’t even win with. Kentucky legacy; they don’t make oils to fix this level of impotency.

Do the right thing Mitch. It’s going to cost money but it’s better than losing the soul of this program.
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About done following the program till Cal is done. I know we won't win every game... But you expect to see improvement, and change when things don't work....See the same mistakes game to game, guards backing off three point shooters, insane lineups, no zone, ect.... Same thing every year... I guess Memphis fans warned us... You will love him, then hate him.... Well, I am at the hate point.
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Cal has orchestrated season turnarounds before, but this feels different. We really are playing like we're in mud. We're probably slower than Gonzaga.

No idea how the hell our stellar offense just dries up overnight. Soft, slow, and uninspired. Disappointing to be a Cat fan right now.

Gonna go take a few shots and watch 2015 tape. F- this noise.
I thought Bradshaw was a shooter?????

We need EVERY FREAKIN POINT and he goes up and BRICKS BOT Free Throws!!!!!

Good little run of defense and missed shots by UT. Can UK extend that or will they come out and make a dumb play or take a dumb shot or will they move the ball and get a good look. This is it Cal. You gotta get this to with 3-4 with 3-4 left to play.
Doing just enough to keep my hopes up.

Can this bunch do the unthinkable and come back to win???!!!!!

A little life in the Cats. Is it too little too late though?
Maybe, just maybe, we can get a few calls going our way down the stretch and some hot shooting combined with a cold streak from UT. Crazier things have happened.