Take Edwards out!!!!!! Jesus Christ how does he get crossed like that! Awful defense by every single player
Why would Edwards totally sell out to the left hand on that drive? That’s coaching people. And our kids don’t get any of it.
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We made a comeback while going small with Thiero at the 4.

Offensive boards and three point shooting is breaking our balls
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I'll be surprised if we keep this within 20. Our players are so soft. Cal is washed. He's gotta go after the last 5 years of crap we've witnessed
Okay let’s go ahead and list the things Cal will say after this loss. I’ll start….

We’ve got to get better at defense
There’s still time
I’m not giving up on this group
We haven’t had a full roster

……….. what else?
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Reeves gets into his own head in big games. Do the Cats not have a team psychologist? Probably should have one especially with angry man as head coach.
Our offense is so damn predictable teams just jump the passing lanes like crazy. This sucks. Cals teams never show improvement.